《Our Little Moon》Chapter 10 - violeta - the witch


", she's the one who called and said that she's coming back."

"What do you mean coming back?" Hady asked with hint of anger on his voice.

"Coming back here, in our house. To live with us again." Ari said in deep voice and I know deep in my heart that it's not good news.



"Eros can you please bring Luna to her room?" I ordered my youngest brother in stern voice. I don't want to let go Luna because I want to be with her, but when Ares mentioned that woman, I couldn't stop myself to feel anxious and angry, and I don't want her to see me on that state.

I'm a calm and level headed person but when the situation involves the safetyness of my siblings, I would be the dangerous and brutal of all.

Why am I saying this stuff?

Who is Violeta?

Well, she's just the woman who birthed us.

Only a mother in paper but never was.

Since I learned how to talk and walk, I don't remember, as in ever, that she showed affection towards me. The one that truly expressed love and care was my father, Ares and my Nanny.

When I was 5 and she just got the twins, she hit me with a milk bottle because I remember I was crying that time. I was a child for christ's sake, it's normal for me to have tantrums. She got so pissed and hurt me, to the point that the hit left me some stitches on my head.

I never told that to my father and said that it was an accident because Violeta will hurt me again if I did, so I just keep my mouth shut and never come near to her again.

My feelings for her as a mother never grow. That even she got Eros, she never changed the way she treated us. She never cared that even I got fever when I was 8, for that I never saw her as a mother.

And the f*ck that she's coming back here?

I cannot let it happen, especially now that my little sister is here.

I afraid that woman will hurt her. If she treated us badly, what more for my sister who is not hers? For that she has no right to come back here.

"You cannot let her Ares." I told him with my darkened eyes and deep voice. I know he's the boss, he's in control, but when it comes to my siblings and my sister, I will and will stand for what I believe is good for us.


"I told her that Dionysus, trust me, but the woman said that she will take her son, Eros if I didn't let her come here. She said that she needs only few days and after that she will go." Ares explain but I have the feeling that there's something more about it. She's a vicious woman and I cannot stop myself to be apprehensive right now.

It is okay if I will stay here always, I can have my eyes 24/7 with my siblings, but because I have college and exams, it would be hard for me, especially to monitor that maleficent woman.

"I don't like this idea. How dare she gave us a threat about Eros! She was never a mother to any of us Ares!" I shout in harsh way and punch the wall. My fist was bleeding but I don't care.

"Why does she needs to live with us, Ares? I mean Dion is right, she's just a threat for Luna." Apollo said, in a lower voice so that Luna couldn't hear us.

"We can take care of ourselves from her, but not our sister. But we will face problem if we won't allow her to come here as she wished. Even she's not living with us, Eros is still under her guardianship. And we know how crazy she is and will do anything to fuck up our lives!" Hades stated through gritted teeth. His eyes were dark as shadow and I know that he's on edge as well. I never saw him again to react like this, and that was since our Luna started to live with us and I know that she affects his soul so much.

"Listen to me. Do you think I will let her control our lives? I will let her come here but she will sign first a paper that states that she no longer the guardian of Eros but me. Second, do you think I will allow that witch to get near with our Sorellina? Artemis will have her body guards and one of us, all the time, even I place her on my pocket, I won't hesitate to do that." Ares explained, that somehow ease my rage that keep rising up since I heard this news.

"But what if she didn't sign the contract?

What if she got the chance to hurt her?"

Apollo said and Ares's eyes look at him with devilishly smirk.


"And that would be the day, she wished that she never had given birth to me." He said in deep tone, that if I am someone else, I would pee on my pants because of his aura.

"Just promise me Ares that she will never lay a hand on her because I swear, I will enjoy ripping her soul." Hades replied before he rushed out from the living room. He will go for sure to our gym to release some steam and I hope he won't hurt himself so much. For me, I don't care if got hurt just like now, but for them I couldn't bare it, as I care for them so much.

Looking back, she didn't even spare the twins with her wrath. It happened when the two woke up in the middle of the night and their cries woke her up. Did you know what she did? She spank them even they were just two years old. That f*cking woman. That's why I am so enraged right now. She's really not a good news but I believe and trust Ares.

Getting out from house and take smoke help me a little to cool down my f*cking head. Usually I would go at gym and punch the punching bag non-stop, until my fist was red of blood, but now that Selene is here, living with us, I couldn't take that she will see my bloody hands.

I know I was a B*tch at first to her but it was because of our enemies. She's so innocent and the first time I saw her eyes and breathtaking beauty, God I am so wrap around her little finger already but I cannot let her live with us because of our dangerous work. But when Ares told us that she will never be in danger, that he will do anything for her to make her safe, then that help me to absolutely accept her here and I fucking love it.

She's my love, my Moon and my peace. I never feel this kind of affection even with my brothers because I built my wall so high that no one can break it, but when she came, that wall shattered into pieces that I have no plan to build it again.

She's the reason that I stay and spent my day with my brothers because I cannot let them have her for the rest of the day. I'm so jealous specially with my twin brother, Apollo because she named her stuff toy after him, telling that he's the sweetest, and what the hell!

So what about me? I asked her.

Well she said, I'm the coldest but she loves me anyway that even I become so meany, she will never stop loving me because I am her brother. She said. The 5 year old kid said that to me. And I f*cking love her to the moon and back, because of that.

No one ever told me that even my so-called mother, or the woman that gave birth to me. And for that I will not let that woman hurt her, the way she hurts me and my twin. And I just wish that Ares's plan work because if not, Oh help me God because I will do exactly what I said before.

After my twin left us, I was planning to follow him because I don't want him to hurt himself, same as before, but Ares told me to let him be alone and said that he won't hurt himself because of Artemis.


Since she came here, he started to change.

No! Everyone was trying to change and it is all because of Luna.

She's our little angel.

Our innocent sister that has pure heart and soul.

She always saying that she loves us for whatever we are, and I adored her so much for that.

She's the reason why I want to wake up so early so that I'm the first one that her eyes will see. I want her sweet smile and I will never trade it for anything in this world. And when she cried, I feels like my heart cut into tiny pieces.

And that is the reason why that witch has no right to be here. The audacity of that woman to disturb our peaceful lives and for what?

She's like a hurricane, that will destroy everything that she passes by.

She's a catastrophic and I will keep my eyes on her when she come here.

I am not afraid to her anymore. That if she ever hurt my little sister, I swear that my bullet will pass through her skull.o

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