《Our Little Moon》Chapter 9 - first day with my tutor


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"Right, so Artemis, my question is, where were you before your mother's death?" He asked softly as my eyes started to brim with tears.


I can do it.

You can do it Luna!

I closed my eyes for a while to relax my body and mind, because the only thing that I don't want to happen is to have an asthma attack.

Ari stared at me patiently and lovingly and I know that even he's not saying anything, he's having some mental debate if he's going to continue talking to me. I cleared mg throat first before I speak.

"After we had our dinner, me and Mommy decided to watch some movies. While watching, someone knocked on our door. Mommy looked at me and I know what I had to do, Hide. So I went to our room and hide under our bed. After sometime, I heard Mommy's voice, so I thought it's time to come out from my hiding spot, so I did." I paused for a while and stare at him. His eyes bore into me, analyzing me, but I need to continue so I speak again.

"But before I could get close to her, she was saying something but I can't understand clearly because she's having difficulty in breathing, like when I was having an asthma attack. I run to her but she fell on the floor before I even get on her. I was so afraid and don't want to leave her. I cried so much but I know that she's gone and then I remember that I had to call you and you know the rest." once I'm done, my tears rolled to my cheeks while I am sobbing. Immediately, I felt Ari's arms wrapped around my body and soothe me by saying sweet words, that he's so proud of me by telling him everything. But it's not all.

"So sorry Baby, I shouldn't have asked you about it, but as your brother I need to know so that I could protect you. I love you so much that I will try everything to make you better and safe." And after he's done saying those words, I look at him and stunned when I saw tears falling to his face too. My hands as if has it own mind, wiped his tears away and kissed his cheeks. I love him so much that seeing him crying like this makes my heart crumble into pieces. I'm so touched because I never knew that he will love me.


"I love you too Ari."

He gave me a sweet smile that I think only me can bring it out from him. Soon, he starts poking my side which makes me giggles and call him my tickle monster.

"I'm a Tickle Monster? Oh Really?" And he starts chasing me around his office, but too bad for him, he's unable to catch me.

"Goddess Artemis! How come a tiny child like you can run so fast like that?" He commented and gave him my biggest grin.

"Come here now my Bambina, because I have to tell you something. About some rules in this house but don't worry it's not too much because you're still a baby." He said and I pout my lips because I'm not a baby.

I'm a big girl.

"Oh, does my Bambina get hurt because I called her a baby?" He teased as I nodded my head before he told me that even I reach the age of 30, I would still be his baby sister, forever.

I walk towards him as he placed me on his lap and kiss my forehead.

"So, for the rules: First, always answer us verbally because we love to hear your angelic voice. Second, please don't go on third floor because a baby like you is not allowed there, only big boys like us. Third, always respect your brothers even sometimes they may become meany, alright? Fourth, don't ever go out from this house by yourself, unless one of your brothers is with you. And last but not the least, don't especially to me because I really don't like it, understood?" He said and even his voice is so soft, I know that he's serious with all those rules.

"Yes, Ari." I replied with smile, and I understood those rules because I know it for my sake.

"Very well. So, I think your tutor already arrive in the study, so why don't we go there now?" He said and I huffed because I forget about that.

That today is my first day with my tutor.

And I'm not sure what to feel and expect.

"Okay Ari."

"Good morning Mrs. Hidalgo, this is my baby sister Artemis Selene, Artemis say hi to Mrs. Hidalgo, your tutor." Ari says, introducing me to my tutor. She looks kind and same age of my Mommy and I hope that we will be good together.


"Hi, Mrs. Hidalgo. How are you?" She smile at me and said that she's fine and after asking me back, Ari left us alone as we start our lesson.

I found out that her family is from Spain and she can speak spanish, italian and french.

"Luna, can you please answer this test." She said and I noticed the frown on her face, and I was wondering why, but still do what she told me to do.

The test was so easy and I finished it quickly so that we can move on to another lesson.

But after few minutes, she looked at me intently before asking me if I ever went to a school. I told her that I didn't and taught only by my Mom.

After some time, she said that we're done with our lesson for the day. But I think it's still early.

Soon, Diony came to get me.

"Thank you Mrs. Hidalgo and see you again tomorrow." He told her before lifting me up and placed me on his shoulder.

I let out a nervous squeak because it's so high but I trust him with all my heart.

Once we arrived at the living room, Rosy, Hady and Poly were already there sitting on the couch and seriously staring at their phones. But their eyes glint with happiness when they saw us coming.

"Hi." I greet and wave my hand. They all give me a smile before Hady tried to take me from Diony.

"Nah! Go away Hades." Diony told him.

"Give me Selene!" Hady said back, not giving up for me, until Ari walk to us with smile on his face.

"Enough guys. Why don't you ask first how's her first day with Mrs. Hidalgo." Ari cut - them off.

"Oh yeah, so how was it Princess?"

"Yes, how was it Luna?"

"Did you had fun Selene?"

Rosy, Poly and Hady asked in unison.

"It was alright and I had fun. But... but I already know what she taught me." I pout and scrunched up my nose.

"Ares what does it mean?" Poly asked and turned his gaze at Ares.

"It means that she's advance. She got perfect score on the test Mrs. Hidalgo gave her and she answered it in less time." Ari told them with proud smile on his face.

"That's why Mrs. Hidalgo left early because she said that she didn't expect her to be that advance, that's why tomorrow she will come back with new lesson for her." Ares added. My face started to feel hot when all of them cooed me.

"Well, she got that brain from me!" Diony exclaimed while Ari raise his eyebrow and I giggled.

"Shut up! She got it from me, right Princess?" Rosy intervened and I just nod my head because I don't want him to feel sad. In a matter of seconds, Hady and Poly joined the bickering that made Ari to massage his temple as if he got a painful headache, until a phone ring stops them abruptly.

It's Ari's phone so he walks a little far to answer it.

We went back to what we're doing until Ari came back with angry face and I'm so worried for him.

But it's not only me, my brothers as well.

"What is it Ares?" Diony asked and you could feel the concern on his voice. Between the five of them, Diony is the most caring and loving brother. He always make sure that everyone is okay.

"Violeta, she's the one who called and said that she's coming back."

"What do you mean coming back?" Hady asked with hint of anger on his voice.

"Coming back here, in our house. To live with us again." Ari said in deep voice and I know deep in my heart that it's not good news.

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