《Our Little Moon》Chapter 8 - i need to ask you something



The outside was still dark when I decided to get up. It's been a week since my room was being renovated and since then I was sleeping in my brothers's room which was really nice because I felt so safe and comfortable.

And now, my room was done since yesterday and here I'm, alone and miss any of my brothers's hug. They asked me if I want to sleep to anyone of them, but I shook my head and said that I have to try to be a big girl and sleep on my own which they respected even they said that I shouldn't have to be alone.

Which was correct, because right now I felt so alone, that's why I woke up early and feel not good.

They are like a medicine to my aching wounds. They keep healing me until the pain became less painful.

Looking back, I was wondering where I would be or how am I going to move on if Ares didn't take me in. I don't know if some family can accept me the way my brothers accepted me. I cannot tell that it was only because I'm a blood family, because according to the diary that I'm reading, she was accepted and loved by her adopted parents. So it is not only by blood.

Anyway, since I started living with them and had little misunderstanding in the beginning with Hady and Eros, eveything else seems good. The longingness that I felt for my Mommy have lessened because of them and I can't trade them for anyone else.

I love them so much that it hurts.

That I don't know if I can live if one of them gets hurt.

Because of me.

"Bambina, can you come with me in my office after breakfast?" Ari said in a serious tone and face.

And right now, I feel little scared because I remember, I did something not nice today.



"OH MY GOD!" Apollo shouted while throwing his pillow on me. It didn't hit me hard so I am good.

"What the hell Luna! You will give me a heart attack!" He said dramatically that made me laugh before jumping on him. He caught me with gentleness and I love it. Soon, after he recovered he told me to do same with the others which I like, since it's been my plan all along.


When I open Hady's room, he's sleeping with his stomach and without hesitation, I tickle his ear using the feather that me and Poly have taken from the dream catcher that hung on our living room. I know it's bad but they wouldn't know, right?


Just for few seconds and Hady was on his feet and looking so angry to whoever tickled his ear.

"What the fudge Selene?" He asked in low tone but enough for me to be scared, his eyes darkened but when I pout my lips and show him my puppy eyes, his eyes soften immediately and smothered me with lot of kisses.

"Don't ever do that again Love, okay?" I said sorry first to him before I told him yes, although I am not sure of it.

Soon, I went to Eros' room and found that he's already awake so I pout my lips again.

"Come here Princess." He asked and I do come closer to him. I gave him a kiss and said 'Good Morning Bubba'

"Good morning my Princess. So why you're up so early?" He said and I know that already, that's why I am waking them up, but just not the normal way.

And I cannot tell him my plan.

"I didn't have a nice sleep because I miss your hug bubba." I said truthfully, no doubt about that.

"Oh! I am sorry princess for that, if you like you can sleep here now." He offered but I have a mission that I need to finish first. So I declined politely and get away from him as fast as I could because he tried to cage me.

My next stop is Diony and when I enter his room, he's still asleep and I smile because I cannot wait.

He's also snoring and I giggled. My bad because I chose to tickle him on his nose.

And that is what I did. And just few seconds, he sneezes and it was so funny to look at. I bite my lips to not laugh because he will feel sad but when some of his saliva was splash on my face, I cannot stop myself to react.

"Bubba, I feel like I took a shower!" I told him and before he could say anything, I run outside and wiped my face.


Geez, morning saliva was not good idea I think. But it's my fault so I have to deal with it.

So now, last but not the least, my oldest and scariest Bubba.

But sweet and I love him so much.

And my mission is so easy this time than I imagined because normally, Ari didn't sleep with blanket, so his feet are showing where I'm standing.

I smile when he groaned as I start stroking the feather on his big foot, and because I am naughty, I do it on both and suddenly, I heard him laughing.

He's laughing.

Like me.

Lika a kid.

And it inspired me to stroke them like I'm doing a painting.

Soon, he's laughing so hard then sit straight while hiding his feet from me.

"What the he—-, Artemis?" He asked while still in daze. His one eye is still close.

"Artemis, did you just tickle me?" He asked again and this time I nodded my head. And before he can speak again I run outside of his room because the sun is rising up and I need to get dress and do my business.

Breakfast is near and I am not sure what awaits me.

But one thing that I am so sure is.

Mission accomplished.

And I smile.


"Hmm, I think someone is in trouble." Apollo stated. I look at him and pout my lips.

He's my accomplice, he helped me with my mission, so why he's telling me like this?

"Am I in trouble, Ari?" I asked with my puppy eyes that earned low groan from them.

"Quegli occhi sono illegali." Hady murmured, before continuing with his food.

(Those eyes are illegal.)

"Sapeva di avere potere su di noi quando usa quegli occhi assassini." Diony muttered under his breath before looking at me and then smile.

(She knew she has power over us when she's using that killer eyes.)

Maybe for them, but I'm not sure this time with Ari, because he didn't answer me and just ask me to eat all my food.

I sighed silently and hoping that my maximum punishment will be NO watching movies, but I like to watch! Especially with Hady and Poly.

So maybe no candies for a day? But I love my gummy bears and worms too! so I hope he wouldn't give me that punishment.

But my thoughts was cut-off because of Ari.

"Bambina, You're not in trouble. You're kid and it's normal to be naughty sometimes. Though next time don't tickled me again." He said in serious face but smile afterwards.

And my eyes widened because he's not mad and I'm not in trouble.

"YES!" I shriek and fist bump in the air, before I realized that it's not good especially while we're eating.

So I muttered sorry.

"Baby, don't worry, it's alright." Diony cooed when he noticed my sudden action.

"Thank you Diony. And I'm so sorry about today, early in the morning, but I think where even because you showered me with lots of your saliva." I said and then giggles.

Eros almost choke on his food and drink his water.

While Hady, Apollo and Ari couldn't help themselves but laugh so hard. That their laughing are so contagious that I cannot control myself from laughing too.

And what else can I ask for?

As Ari said, I need to come with him at his office. And if I'm not in trouble? Why am I here?

And he's looking at me, like he cannot decide if he will talk to me or not.

"Bubba, what's the problem?" I asked sweetly, and he smile at me immediately.

"Actually, I need to ask you something, but I don't want to pressure you. Because I don't want seeing you in pain." I hummed while listening.

What does he needs to ask from me.

"Before I start, I want to ask you. Do you trust me Bambina?"

"Yes." I said abruptly. No question about it.

"Okay, so this things that I will ask you may cause you stress, so you tell me if you want me to stop, alright?" And I said yes again.

"Right, so Artemis, my question is, where were you before your mother's death?" He asked softly as my eyes started to brim with tears.

Author's Note🌛

I Hope you like this chapter 🥰 and I know some of you has questions but whatever it is, it will be answered soon.

Don't forget to vote and share...

Love you all....♥️

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