《Our Little Moon》Chapter 16 - I will go back now


"Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path." - Paulo Coelho

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"Mommy, you're here!"

"Yes baby." she replied while kissing my forehead. We're both lying in the grass with lots of flowers and beautiful butterflies.

"Mommy I missed you so much."

"Me too baby." She said before bopping my nose.

"But you have to go back."

"Go back? To whom mommy? Do you not want to see me? Be with me?" I asked her with a pout.

"Yes, I want you to stay with me, but not now. Can you hear it? They keep calling you."

"But I want you too!"

"Baby listen to me, alright? I never left you and I will always stay with you. My love for you will forever yours. And I missed you so much - but they miss you more —- if you will stay here, they are going to be sad. Why? Because you are their when they are surrounded by , you are their , when they feel so and you are their since you came into their . Always remember that I'm just here." pointing her candle-like finger to my chest.

"I will always be with you and I love you so much, my Luna, my Baby." She said with tears on her cheeks but with beautiful smile on her face - the smile that only me can give.

"I will always love you Mommy until eternity. I will go back now, and I am so happy that I see you again." She kissed my forehead and hug me tightly

"Open your eyes my Luna." She finally said.

And I open my eyes.

But close it again because of the hurtful light, but I tried it again until my eyes saw Ares with tears on his cheeks. He looks so sad but it was replaced by happiness when I smile at him.

"Ari" I said in hoarse tone because of my throat's dryness. Ari immediately gave me a glass of water before he kiss my forehead and asked if I'm okay. I tried to nod but my head hurts when I move it.

And then I remember now what happened.





"Hady." I mumbled and looked for him. I need to know if he's okay.

"Oh baby, I'm so happy that you're awake now. I am so sorry for not protecting you. Please forgive me." He said while kissing my hands and I saw dark color under his eyes. He looks so lost that's why I tried my best to speak.


"Why you're sorry? Are you okay now? Did Violeta, the meany woman hurt you that much?" I told him with so much worries in my eyes.

"What are you saying princess?" I turned my head to Rosy who is holding my hand now. And I frowned when I saw him having dark color under his eyes like Hady.

Oh! All of them actually.

"Bambina can you tell us what happened, I mean how you came up here?" Ari asked softly.

"When I woke up, the first thing that I saw is a woman with a mask. She was holding a needles and Hady was not moving. I yelled at her for hurting Hady and then she called me bitch's kid. She's very scary and I know I need to buy some time so that one of you could save me from her...." and I told them everything. While I am talking, their eyes never blink and noticed how they hold their breathing.

If I am disrespectful, I will laugh so loud at them because their mouth were ajar.

And when I'm done, their eyes were still fixed on me.

"Uhm.. hello! I am here." I wave my hand until everyone started to babble words that I can't understand, So I cleared my throat to make them stop from talking at the same time.

"I am sorry Bambina. We're just so overwhelmed. We didn't know that your mother was my lost Aunt." Ari explained with soft eyes.

"I know, I just found it out after I finished reading the diary. I was planning to give it to you since I'm done reading it. But I never had the chance."

"Is that why you're very protective of it?" He asked as I answered Yes verbally, and said that my Mommy told me to give it to him.

"You mean, you've done reading the diary?But how? It's very thick, if I'm going to read it, I would need a month to finish it." Poly said with hint of astonishment like it's very impossible for me to do it. And I giggle because he looks so funny.

"I think she has photographic memory, right Little one?" Diony asked with proud smile on his lips.


"What the f*ck is that?" Poly asked dumbfoundedly but Hady smack his head for saying no no words and for being so slow.


"It's the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail. It short she's having a good memory. It's a great ability just so you know Apollo." Diony explained to him while Rosy and Hady chuckled at him for what reason, I have no idea.

"So everything in that diary - you can tell us the details precisely?" Poly asked again.

"Yes, every detail. Like how Violeta who was 19, abused my Mommy when she was just 14 years old after she found out that Carlos Rossi was not her true father. Carlos married her mother, Liliana even she was pregnant already." All of them gasps but told me to continue.

"And her hatred to my Mommy intensified when Carlos made his last will and according to it, my Mommy will inherit 50% of all his property. When their parents were on business trip, Violeta will invited her friends and they will all make fun of her, and trapped her inside her closet until their parents came back, and she's just only 15. She was also got kicked, punched and slapped when mommy informed one of their maids about her abused. And the worst of all was when Violeta threatened her that she will kill Carlos if my Mommy will not leave them. And because Mommy love her parents, she left them and do exactly what Violeta told her. And that is to disappear, like she never existed. But Carlos never give up, he searched for her. And when he found her, my Mommy told her the reason why she do that, for that Carlos stop the searching and respect her decision."

And when I'm done, all my brothers came forward to hug me, one by one and told me how brave, strong and good person my Mommy was. That they respect her so much for being a great daughter, mother and as a person unlike their birthed mother, Violeta.

Soon, we agreed to talk only for happy things because they are all worried about me as I just woke up.

Diony called the doctor to check up on me while Hady and Poly order some food for all of us.

Rosy never left my side and the good thing about him was he brought Mr. Choco and I love him so much for that.

While we are eating Pizza and having a nice chatting, Ari's phone started to ring that made me look at him.

"Wait, I have to take it." He said before he speaks hello to the caller.

"Hi Mr. De Luca, well this is Nikolas Brown, the Family lawyer of your late grandfather Carlos Rossi, and I called you if you don't mind, if I can visit you in regards with Ms. Artemis Selene Rossi De Luca as the only child of the late Diana Lilibeth Rossi." Ari put it in loudspeaker so that we can hear it. My eyes look around and saw my other brother's eyes grew bigger like a saucer.

"Is it regarding the last will of my grandfather?"

"Yes Sir."

"Okay, you can come at the address that I will give you and thank you for the call."

"No problem Sir." After they bid goodbye to each other, all their eyes fell on me like I'm the most interesting thing in the world.

"Why you are all looking at me like that?" I asked while biting my pizza. Ari looked at me with smirk before he speaks.

"Nothing Bambina, for me you're just the most fascinating to look at." And he gave me wink that absolutely turned my cheeks into red. They teased me a lot after that and I don't have idea when my red cheeks will turn back to its normal color. But seeing them like this; smiling, teasing and laughing? I couldn't ask for more.

If my Mommy told me that I am their happiness, well for me, they are not only my brothers;

They are my bestfriends.

And if I am given a chance to choose a brothers, I will still choose them because they are my everything that no one can replace.

Author's Note:

I hope you like this chapter....

For clarification, I mentioned on this chapter the meaning of photographic memory — and if I defined it inaccurately, don't be mean because I wrote the meaning of it based on the movie that I love "the girl with the dragon tattoo" — where the MC Lisbeth salander has great photographic memory.


Hope it will clear some confusion.

And of there is still, please comment and we will correct it....

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