《Our Little Moon》Chapter 4 - why can't you love me?



The room was little dark when my eyes fluttered open. I don't know what happened but I'm sweating a lot and so thirsty. Then I remember that I'm in different house, I mean in my brothers' house. So I have mental debate if I will go down to take water or stay here till everyone is awake. But I think it's still early and I can't take it anymore.

I slowly jump off my bed and walk straight to the door and twist the knob. The hallway has lights on and I'm glad because it will help me to go down direct to the kitchen, but I didn't know where the kitchen is.

But I don't mind because I can find the way. It's easy peasy lemon squeezy, I sing song mentally.

Then I realize that getting down from the staircases takes a long journey, unless you're one of my brothers with long legs.

Anyway, even I got short legs, I have great talent too.

I'm fast runner and steady that's why I barely get boo boo when I was playing on the park near our old house.

So when I'm almost and only three steps remain to be at the bottom of the stairs, I just chose to jump and happy that I did it without sound.

My eyes look around to see if someone was here and sees me or else I'll be in great trouble.

But I'm glad that none was here and I'm free to roam to get what I needed.

I murmured 'thank you' when finally I found the kitchen, how did I find it? Well after opening 5 doors; the living room, the empty guest room I think, the gym, the indoor swimming pool and the gameroom. And if only I don't have priorities right now, I might give all those rooms some appreciation.

Anyway, getting back to my mission, I frowned my forehead when I saw that the glasses are out of my reach. Looking around, I smile and push the chair so that I could get up on the sink and grab the glass. After few minutes of sacrifice, my mission was accomplished and the water that I longed for was finally at my hand.

Once my thirst satisfied, my ears perked up because sounds of footsteps are on the way here, in the kitchen and I cannot allow them to see me.


So my tiny self immediately put back the chair where it was before and hide myself under the table.

Hugging my knees and waiting for the owner of those footsteps, my heart cannot stop from beating so fast and I pray that my ashma won't betray me again.

"Quel bambino non dovrebbe essere qui! Potrebbe abbatterci. Sarà il nostro anello più debole per l'amor del cazzo, perché Ares non è riuscito a vederlo?"

(That child shouldn't be here! She could bring us down. She will be our weakest link for fuck's sake, why Ares couldn't see that?)

And I know who exactly said those words.


And I don't know what I did to him to hate me too much? Is it because he thinks that I stolen Daddy from him?

Tears starts to flow down and I covered my mouth to not make any sounds or else he will hate me more for eavesdropping.

"E il modo in cui ha parlato di lei mi fa rammirare, come se fosse stato stregato da quel ragazzo. Voglio dire, sta sorridendo, sta ridendo e presto sarà morbido con i nostri nemici."

(And the way he spoke about her makes me cringed, like he's been bewitched by that kid. I mean he's smiling, he's laughing and soon he's gonna be softy to our enemies.)

That voice might be Eros, because Diony and Apollo's voices already embedded to my little brain.

So, even my youngest brother don't like me?

And he said I bewitched Ares.

What does it mean?

Aren't they happy that Ares is smiling and laughing?

But my thoughts have been cut off when the chair was being pull out by someone, making me flinch and stand up causing me to bump on the table.

"Ouch!" And it's too late to correct my mistake because my two brothers crouched down to check who's the person that hiding under the table.

I bite my lower lips to not cry because they look so scary while staring at me.

"What the hell you're doing down there?" Hades snapped while Eros has same face reaction but gently help me out from my hiding.

"You shouldn't roaming around here?" Hades added in even tone but I still feel sad after hearing those words about me.

"Lo so, è casa tua, ma non dovresti dire brutte parole su di me. Mi dispiace se ho chiesto ad Ares di portarmi, ho pensato che essere tua sorella mi renderà felice dopo che mia madre mi ha lasciato. Ma credo di sbagliarmi. Perché mi odi troppo? Sai che papà mi ha detto che siete tutti bravi e mi ameranno. Allora perché non puoi amarmi? È difficile amare una ragazza come me?"



And after I said those words, my feet run so fast that I didn't notice a wall on my way.

But it's not a wall, it's Ares but with angry face.

"I'm sorry Ari, I didn't mean to walk around, I just want to drink water. And if I'm a weakest link to you like Hades said, you can drop me to the orphanage." I sobs after I spoke those words, that even it's hurt too much, I think I have to say that to Ares. If I'm such a burden, he can let me go.

"Artemis, listen to me, okay? .," he enunciates each word that caused me to look at him with fat tears. He wipes it softly before he speaks again.

"You're my sister. You're De Luca. It doesn't matter if your mommy is not my mother because I don't see the problem. I love you and I will protect you my Artemis, okay? So don't cry because seeing you crying like this makes my heart shattered into pieces." He said before kissing my forehead. I flinched when he unintentionally touched my bumb.

"I love you too Ari." I said as I hugged him tightly.

"Where did you get this, little one?" It was Dionysus who asked me this time. I didn't know that he's here too.

"Under the table. I was hiding there and then I accidentally stood up. But it's not hurting that much." I lie because it's throbbing in pain.

"Don't lie to me little one, because it's big and looks painful for me." After that he lifted me up and carry me.

"Ares I will bring her to my clinic and put cream on her bump, because I know you have some important things to do." Diony said while shooting daggers to Hades and Eros.

Will they be in trouble because of me?

No! They will hate me more if Ares yell at them.

"Diony, it's not their fault. I was clumsy and eavesdropped on them. Please tell Ari not to punish them?" I plead, and I hope that he will listen to me.

"God Luna, your eyes, you cannot use those eyes. And I don't know what exactly happened before we arrived. We're angry because you've been hurt in the process which is not acceptable."

"It's accident, they don't know I was there Diony, so please ask Ares not to punish them."

"Once I'm done treating that nasty bump of yours, okay? because right now it's impossible to talk to Ares when he's mad." He said and put me down on a white bed and started to check my head. It's hurting everytime he touches it but I ignore the pain by biting my lip.

"Don't hurt your lips little one, I know how it feels but give it some time and you will feel good, I promise." He said before kissing my forehead.

"Thank you Diony. I love you."

"I love you too Little One, and I'm sorry for Hades and Eros. They are really difficult sometimes but I can assure you that they will come to you and beg for your mercy. Because nobody could resist your cuteness little one." He said and I couldn't contain my giggles because he's so sweet and caring. He makes my heart feel better even it was shattered earlier.

"I hope so, because I really want to know all of you. And you don't have to change for me, because I will love you all for what ever you are. I just want all of you to love me back because I don't have my mommy to love me back." As tears started to flow down again.

"Listen my little one, all of us will love you, infinitely. I'm so sorry for your lost, I really do but always remember that I'm here now to love you. Even you just came today, you have captured my heart already and I have no intention to take it back from you. You can keep it inside here." He said before pointing his finger to the top of my chest where my heart located. Another tears fell down, but this time it's not because of sorrow, but happiness.

"Thank you and I love you Diony."

"I love you too Selene, my Luna."

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