《Our Little Moon》Chapter 5 - it's not her mistake



Where the f*cking hell is she?

And at that f*cking moment, my legs rush downstairs thinking that maybe she's somewhere out there.

And by the time that I finally reach the bottom of the staircase, the already-infuriated self of mine couldn't believe of what I'm hearing right freaking now.

"Lo so, è casa tua, ma non dovresti dire brutte parole su di me. Mi dispiace se ho chiesto ad Ares di portarmi, ho pensato che essere tua sorella mi renderà felice dopo che mia madre mi ha lasciato. Ma credo di sbagliarmi. Perché mi odi troppo? Sai che papà mi ha detto che siete tutti bravi e mi ameranno. Allora perché non puoi amarmi? È difficile amare una ragazza come me?"


What the!

As my eyes widened....

My one and only 5 year-old sister, the one that is so small, was not extremely clever but also fluent in italian. And I never thought that she can speak of it, it's never really came to my mind.

Hence, I don't even know if I'm going to be more pissed knowing that I found this out this way. Where she was being hurt by her own brothers.

And those two will face a f*cking consequences for breaking my sister's heart.

But my thoughts was suddenly cut off, when she run straight to me as if she didn't notice me at all. And when I looked down at her, my heart bleeds.

"I'm sorry Ari, I didn't mean to walk around, I just want to drink water. And if I'm a weakest link to you like Hades said, you can drop me to the orphanage." She said while crying like there's no tomorrow. And I've never seen someone cried like this before and I can't accept the fact that it's my little sister.

"Artemis, listen to me, okay? .," I say the word slowly and clearly, to let her know that I would never let her go. Her tears continues to flow that I need to wipe it smoothly before I speak again.

"You're my sister. You're De Luca. It doesn't matter if your mommy is not my mother because I don't see the problem. I love you and I will protect you my Artemis, okay? So don't cry because seeing you crying like this makes my heart shattered into pieces." I said tenderly before I kiss her forehead.


"I love you too Ari." She said it back and I'm so happy when she hugged me so tight that my heart wants to get out of my chest.

"Where did you get this, little one?" I heard Dionysus ask and I frowned because I have no idea what he's talking about. But my eyes fixed to my sister's head when his fingers touched it softly, and I know on this moment what he meant.

"Under the table. I was hiding there and then I accidentally stood up. But it's not hurting that much." She replied but I know that she's lying because it's swelling.

"Don't lie to me little one, because it's big and looks painful for me." Dionysus says before lifting her up.

"Ares I will bring her to my clinic and put cream on her bump, because I know you have some important things to do." He said in stern voice before he threw daggers to both Hades and Eros. I nod my head. Soon the two of them slowly walk away until they slowly dissipated to my eyes.

And now, let these two f*cking morons have their moment.


I growled and walk away. Expecting them to follow me because I'm so f*cking furious right now.

Once their inside I grab both Hades and Eros's collars and shoved them against the wall. I could feel Eros's trembling because my eyes fixed on him in deadly stares.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I asked through gritted teeth. If they are not my brother, they are probably dead by now or in one of my cell. But lucky for them because they are my blood.

"I'm sorry, okay? I have no idea that she's there. I didn't mean what I said, I'm just angry because father never told us. I feel so betrayed." Hades said in sullen tone. I look at him straight to the eye. I understand his reason, but not enough that Artemis got hurt in the process. What if she suffered more? After I let go Hades, it's Eros turn.

"AND YOU? WHAT DID THE LITTLE GIRL EVER DO TO YOU?" I growled while my hands trying not to strangle him. I saw him flinch but I don't care, we just discussed and talked about this before and he knows that Luna was innocent and yet he talked bitch against her. Even I didn't catch all the words that he said, hearing him say that I will go softly against our enemies because of her, makes my blood boils.


"I'm sorry Ares, I'm jealous, okay! I just can't accept that father spent time with her while we're parent-less. After they got divorce, father never came home to bond with us and it hurts as much as I miss him too." He said while his eyes let go some tears that crushed my heart. I miss father too but it's not reason to throw his hatred towards a little girl. But I realized also that Eros is still a child. And I have to understand him.

Sighing, I hug him while trying to calm him down while my other arm grabbed Hades to give him a hug too. After few minutes, I made them look at me in the eyes before I speak.

"Listen, I know I can't replace our father. I know it's hard for you to live without him, because it's hard for me. But we're family, we will all get through this, together, yeah? Especially now that we have little De Luca." And when I mentioned it, their eyes flash under the light.

"Ares, I really didn't mean for her to get hurt." Hades muttered.

"Yeah, me too Ares. Who would have thought that there's a girl hiding under the table in the middle of the night?" Eros try to explain while I arch my brow.

"Even she's wandering around, you still shouldn't say that to her. You hurt her feelings. She just lost her mother and her brothers couldn't accept her? It's not her mistake to be born and it would be our great sin if we're going to blame her for that." I said before placing my open palm in front of them.

"Give me your phone. NO PHONE for a week . I will allow you to use it only on school days but after school I will expect it on my desk. And Hades, you will clean your own room, as well as you Eros. No maids for a week, understood?" I said before taking their phones and look at me in disbelief.

If they thought that I will let this slide without punishment, well they thought wrong.

"Ares this is so unfair. I can't live without my phone." Eros whined but I ignore it because first and foremost, he should know that every action, has equal and opposite reaction.

"Then you should think first before you speak." I told but it's for the both of them. And when they saw my stoic face, they both lower their gaze and nodded their heads.

"You are free to go. And tomorrow both of you will bring Artemis to the mall to get her clothes and all her necessities, okay? I can't trust her with anyone, only my brothers." I said and I saw how their eyes glint with happiness.

"Yes sir."

Both of them answer in unison and in playful way, before they rush out from my office and close my door in ease.

Staring to nowhere my mind couldn't go back to work because I'm itching to know how's my little sister right now.

My legs walk straight to her room and there she was, sleeping on her bed while Apollo and Dionysus are lying beside her. I'm not sure if they are asleep or just their eyes are being close, but by the looks of it, I guess they are.

I walk stealthily because I don't want to make any noise and when I came close to see her face, smile appear immediately on my face because she looks so breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful like an angel. And I felt so jealous to this two idiots by sleeping beside her. But maybe some other night, it will be my turn to be with my moon.

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