《Our Little Moon》Chapter 3 - why father???



After the little drama that my brother Hades had put on show, I couldn't help but feel heartbroken when I saw her having difficulty in breathing. Like someone had pierced my heart with thousand knives.

I have no idea that she's sick and I'm so worried about her more than anything else right now.

Thank God that Dionysus knows what to do because she's totally scared the sh*t out of me and I have to see what I can do to help her in the future.

After the introduction between her and my brothers, I've decided to take her to her room and give her a bath. Well it's not my first time to do this because when the twins and Eros were of her age, I used to give them bath too when they asked me instead of their nanny.

I mean our parents got divorce when I was only 15, Dion was 13, the twins were 9 and Eros was 6 and even before they got separated our dear mother never do what all the mothers should do to their children.

She's toffee-nosed who think she's the same as royalty and I think she never really love us at all.

Anyway back to the present, after I prepared the bath for her, she popped up at the door and so I asked her to come close. After she removed her clothes and I lifted her tiny body, I placed her gently at the center of the bathtub filled with bubbles that smelt so nice. She squealed when the water touched her and it sounds like music to my ears. She didn't even complain when I offered to wash her hair which was opposite to my brothers as they hated it when someone doing that for them.

After we're done, I grabbed some fresh and fluffy towel and wrapped her like a burito which earned giggles from her.

"What so funny?" I asked and she said that she looks like burito which made me chuckle as well.

Right now, I still can't believe that I have a little sister that when she kissed me, my heart start to feel something; love, that I'm so afraid to show and give because it only caused you pain in return. Maybe she thought that I got angry when she did that, but it's not, it's quite opposite to be exact, it's just that showing affection is never my cup of tea.


So, after I tucked her in and kissed her forehead, I couldn't take my leave until I see that she's sleeping soundly. I wanted to make sure that she's alright.

Time passed and her soft snore harmonized the room that brought smile on my lips. I think I could stay here forever, but unfortunately I have brothers that needed explaination about her, and so help me God because even me was also in state of shock.

I move my legs so quietly as I don't want to wake her up. And as soon as I get out of her room, three of my brothers are looking at me like I've grown two heads. Like what's their problem?

"Andiamo nel mio ufficio e parliamo, perché se Artemis viene disturbata dal suo sonno tranquillo, ti spingerò un po' di bastone sul culo." I seriously said and motioned for them to follow me. Dionysus raised his brow but didn't say anything, Apollo on the other hand has devilish smirk on his freaking face while Eros has the look of 'I don't care'. He's not like this before but he changed after our father died.

(Let's go in my office and talk, because if Artemis get disturbed on her peaceful sleep, I will shove some stick on your asses)

"So how did this happen?" Dionysus started, I cleared my throat first before I narrate what happened. And when I'm done, I could tell that there's a lot of questions bombarded to their head, and so am I.

Like why our father hid this to us, their sons, especially to me?

Then I remember Artemis mentioned that father promised her about to show our pictures, but that didn't happen because he was killed. Someone killed him two years ago and until now we don't know who did it. And it's killing me inside because I can't do anything to avenge his death.

"Tomorrow someone will come here to get samples from me and her for DNA testing. It's needed for legal purposes. Anyway, did you know what she told me? She said that there's no need for that, because we have same eyes and I looked like her Daddy, but she said that if that's really necessary, she will do it and I'm so shocked you know." I laugh after I spoke those words and when I looked at them, their jaws were all on the floor and I stop immediately from laughing.


"Oh my goodness! Did you just laugh Ari?" Apollo playfully remarks that made me throw my pen to him. He dodged it ofcourse but didn't stop from teasing me.

"Enough Apollo, I just couldn't believe that a young kid like her can say those words. She's very smart and Maybe much smarter than you." and I smirk at him and once he realized what I said, his lips pouted.

Apollo can't blame me though because I always wish to have a baby sister but it never came true, until today and it's really ecstatic.

"But why did Dad never tell us?" Eros asked and for the first time he shows emotion. Like he's very disappointed and sad at the same time. Between the five of us, he's the closest to our father and his death affect him the most. I tried to help him, but he said that he's okay so I leave him alone, for as long as he won't harm himself.

"I have no idea, Eros. I'm sorry if this troubled you but I want you to know that Artemis has nothing to do with this."

"How can you say that? What if the reason that our parents' marriage went sour was because of her mother? That all those years he's been cheating with our mother?" He says in angry tone, and I can't imagine that those words will came out from his mouth. And I can't accept it because our mother is a top notch B*TCH.

"Mind your tone Eros! First WE all know that our mother had never been a good wife and a mother. You're just a child when I saw mother with another man on her bedroom, naked. And it's not once Eros and father didn't know about it. He just caught her red handed when he came back from his business work, unannounced." And once I finished that sentence, his face morphed in disgust. He never know any of this stuff because he was just a kid and we don't want to taint his mind, but now I think it's time to let him know, for the sake of Artemis.

"And Artemis is 5, it means that her mother met our father who was already divorce by our dear mother. So father definitely didn't do wrong, he just hide it from us. That maybe he just need some time because why would Artemis knew about our name? About us?" I added just to inform him that the kid is innocent.

On the othet hand, Apollo's face became serious before he looks at me straight in the eye.

"Maybe Luna knew something?" He said in statement and not a question. Me on the other hand, have this thought before but ofcourse everything needs time. She just came here and currently mourning to her mother. What kind of a brother am I if I will attack my little, sad sister with lots of question?

"Maybe yes, maybe no. But we will not ask her because she just lost her mother. We will wait once she's ready. Understood?" I said with hint of authority, because one thing that I don't like is to make her feel uncomfortable especially that she's suffering her ashma.

"Yes." Apollo replied impassively.

After sometime, we all agreed to end this discussion because I have some work to do. One of that is to collect information about Artemis's mother. I need to collect every single information about her. Because I admit, I feel like there's something about her that could help me find the killer of my father.

I've been concentrated on what's I'm working on when I heard some voice that immediately snapped me out and the first thing that appear on my head is Artemis.

And as fast as I can, I closed what I'm doing, open my door and slammed it shut, and run straight to her room. And to my disappointment, she isn't there.

Where the f*cking hell is she?

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