《Our Little Moon》Chapter 2 - meeting with the four



As he promised, Ares bought me some food which I liked; chicken nuggets, apple juice and fries. He said that he's not fond of fast food but I was hungry so he went to the Mcdo Drive-thru to buy that could ease my hunger.

As he drove of to his place, I'm concentrating to my food that I didn't notice his eyes on me.

"Do you want some?" I ask him, and suddenly his face lift up so I took some fries and put it inside his mouth. It's 4 pieces but he just chewed all those fries as if it's nothing.

"Hmmm, taste so delicious." He muttered and licked his lips. I'm curious if it's the first time that he ate Mcdo fries.

"Yes it is, my mommy and I always go to Mcdo once she received her salary. Have you not come and eat at Mcdo?" I ask politely and stuffed my mouth with fries.

"Hmm, No?" He replied while looking back at the road.

'Oh! Poor Ari!' I said to myself. How come he never went to that place? I think all those food are not expensive, he can afford to buy those and he looks so rich like my Mommy's boss on our old city.

"Do you want more?" I ask with smile but he shook his head, and I've noticed that he stops the car in front of a very big and beautiful house. It's like a castle from books about princesses and princes. And because of my fascination I didn't notice that he was already out of his car and started to unbuckle my seatbealt.

And I feel so shy about it.

After he collected my bags, he holds my hand as we walk together towards his house.

"So, before we enter the house, I'd like to inform you that we are five. I mean you have another four brothers that you need to meet."

"Yes I know Ari." I replied politely which is true. My Daddy and mommy told me about it that's why I knew their names.

"How?" He ask and I think I have to explain it now.

"Daddy and Mommy told me before that I have 5 brothers; You, Dionysus, Hades, Apollo and Eros. But I don't know your faces, though Daddy promised me that he would bring some picture of you, but he never came back." I says and I saw how his face changed that I couldn't figure it out.

"Uhm, Is that so? When was the last time you saw Daddy?" He asked and I scrunched up my nose thinking about when was the last time he visits us.

"When I was 3." I simply said and look at him. His eyes stared back at me for few seconds before nodded in the end.

Soon, he opens the big door and my eyes grew bigger when I saw how beautiful his house is. I mean, if the outside is beautiful, it was ten times more at the inside.

It's breathtaking.

Wow, am I really gonna stay in this place?

But whaf if my other brothers don't like me?

I looked up at Ares and I knew he saw the sudden change in my face.

"Don't worry Bambina, it's your home now. And they will surely like you." He said and I nodded my head again.


Within few minutes, I gripped on his hand that holds mine when heavy footsteps came down from the nice staircases towards where Ari and I stood.

Soon, my eyes glanced at the 4 tall-as-a-tree men, that giving me a straight look and awe and I can't tell if they are happy seeing me, until Ares speaks.

"Good that all of you are here." He said coldly. Is that really how his voice tone is? But why in the car he's talking different, like he's talking to me nicely.

"Chi è lei fratello?" Asked by my brother who has dark hair and blue eyes and I am so curious who he was.

(Who is she brother?)

Ares stiffened for a while and I don't know why. He stared at me first before his eyes fell on them again.

"Questo bambino di fronte a te è la tua sorellina. La figlia di papà. Sua madre è appena morta e ora sarà sotto la mia tutela". Ares told them. And when he mentioned my Mommy, my eyes brimmed again with tears

(This little child in front of you is your little sister. Dad's daughter. Her mother just died and now she will be under my guardianship.)

My brother who was spoken before looked at me with concern on his eyes. And because of that I stop myself to shed tears as I don't want him to feel pity at me. My mommy told me to be brave and that is what I have to do.

"Sei fuori di testa Ares? L'inferno che porterai quel figlio di puttana a casa nostra?" Spoke angrily by my other brother who has same eye color as mine. And my heart started to beat in abnormal speed because he seems like he doesn't want me here, and I'm curious what does 'whore' mean?

(Are you out of your mind Ares? The hell you need to bring that child of a whore to our house?)

"Basta! Come osi parlarmi così! È nostra sorella e non la chiamerai così!" Ares snapped at him and I really not expecting this shouting, especially today.

(Enough! How dare you to speak to me like that! She's our sister and you will not call her that!)

So does it mean that the word he used to call me is no no word? But right now, I think I'm gonna be sick as my hands went to my chest as I'm having an ashma attack.

It's so hard to breathe, that I couldn't understand clearly what my brother is saying.

"Relax Little One, follow me, inhale, exhale."

"She's having ashma attack Ares. Check her bag, maybe her inhaler was there."

Ares open my bag and look for my inhaler. He found it and gave it to me and I quickly place the mouthpiece in my mouth and breathe in. All their eyes even my meany brother look at me in distraught.

After few minutes, I'm starting to feel better. But my hands are still shaking because I'm surrounded by tall men. It's like they could crush me just using their pinky.

"Little one don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. You're safe here." My blue-eyed brother said. I stared at him and nod my head.

"Okay, what's your name?" I ask because I want to thank him for helping me.


"I'm Dionysus Little One." He answered with sweet smile on his face.

So he's Dionysus, my second oldest brother.

"Thank you Diony. And I'm Artemis Selene, but you can call me Luna. And I'm 5." I said while offering my hand to him. Because that is what my Daddy taught me as far as I am remembered. His eyes beamed with happiness as he accepted my handshake. I could hear some soft chuckle but I don't know from who.

"Well I guess, the rest of you should introduce yourself by order."

When Ares speak those words, all of them stand up again and look at me.

"I'm Dionysus as I said before, and I'm 23 years old and your second oldest brother." I nodded my head to him and smile. Soon another brother of mine speaks.

"I'm Hades. 19 and oldest twin. Ares can I go now? I have some important matter to deal with, than this." He said, not looking at me. I sighed and look away because I'm wondering what did I do that he's so upset with me?

Ares had to massage his temple before he told him to get out.

Ares was mad obviously and I hope that he will be okay soon.

"Ignore my twin Piccola luna, he's really pain in the butt sometimes. Anyway I'm Apollo, 19 and the younger twin. It's nice to meet you." My brother with light brown hair and same color eyes like mine greeted. His eyes grab my hand and kiss it softly that caused my cheeks to blush.

"Aw you're so cute piccola luna, I think I gonna be your favorite brother." He says before Ares interrupts.

"Enough Apollo."

"Oh! Someone is jealous." Apollo tease that made Ares to shoot him glare.

Soon, someone cleared his throat and I know that he's Eros, my youngest brother. He has blond hair and blue eyes like Diony and some freckles too.

"Eros, 16 and the youngest." He simply said but didn't offer his hand. I looked up at Ares and he saw how Eros interacted with me. He shook his head and told me that I need to get on bed because it's too late.

"Tomorrow, we will have breakfast together and then we will take you for shopping." Ares said before lifting me up and placed me on his hip. Apollo grabbed my bags and follow us upstairs. My eyes widened because the lights are so nice.

"This will be your room Bambina, but I will ask someone to arrange it according to your age alright? We didn't expect you, so this room will probably not a child friendly." Ares explained, but the room was alright. I mean it has big bed, bathroom and tv and a closet.

So what's the matter?

"This is the bathroom. Do you need some help?" Ares ask, I shook my head because I don't need help, I'm a big girl.

"Nope Ari, I'm a big girl." I say and I saw how his lips twitched.

"Did she just call you by a nickname?" Apollo suddenly speaks. I giggled because his eyes are so big, like he can't believe that I called him Ari.

"Yes Poly, I called him Ari." I replied and this time Ares chuckles loudly.

"Oh my! Did you just call me Poly? And what the heck, did Ares just laugh? Oh my God I think it's a miracle." Apollo states like a kid. He's really funny and I like him.

"Apollo I think it's time for you to leave. Bambina here will take some bath and then will go straight to bed. Right Bambina?" Ares ask and I nodded my head. I couldn't argue with him as what he said is true. I'm so tired but I need to take a bath before I go to sleep.

Apollo stomped his feet like a child but not before saying goodbye at me.

Soon, it's just me and Ares again.

"I will prepare the bath for you, alright?"

When he entered the bathroom, my hands open my bag and pulled out my unicorn pajamas and then walk towards the bathroom. I saw him putting some bubbles on the bathtub and I smile because I love bubbles especially with ducky but I didn't bring them.

"The water and bubbles are ready. Come here." I followed him and he asks me to remove my clothes. Once I'm done, he gently lift me up and put me on the bathtub. The water is so nice and I started to play with the bubbles.

"I will shampooing your hair Bambina, okay?"

"Oki Ari." I heard him chuckle and then started to massage my hair that has shampoo. It's smell vanilla and rose and I love it.

"Okay close your eyes because I'm gonna rinse your hair now." He mumbled and grabbed the hose. I did what he says and after few minutes he announced that we're done. He grabbed a fluffy towel on one of the cabinet and wrapped me gently like a burito.

"What's so funny?"

"I looked like a burito Ari." I say as he chuckle and carry me to the bedroom again. Be helped me to get dress and comb ed my long hair. He's so gentle and I love it, even I thought that he will leave me as soon as he brought me here, but instead he did everything like my mommy used to do.

"Thank you Ari." I say before kissing his cheek. He looks so surprise and I don't know if that was alright with him. I mean maybe he doesn't like it.

"I'm sorry." I said while fidgeting my fingers.

"No, it's alright, I'm just stunned Bambina." He simplye replied.

When I'm done and ready to sleep, he placed me down the bed and tucked me in.

I want him to read me some princess story but I know he's tired as well, so maybe some other time.

"Sleep well my Little Moon." He mumbled before kissing my forehead. I hummed and then close my eyes because of tiredness but I could sense that he's still looking at me.

Maybe he's waiting for me to sleep first, before he goes out? But I couldn't know the answer because after few seconds my eyes couldn't open as I couldn't fight the darkness that swallowed me whole.

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