《||Broken hope|| Bakugou x reader (rewrite)》Chapter 8


Not long after being in the air my feet finally touched the ground, everyone was asking if we were ok but I didn't answer them instead I feel to the floor and cried, they were confused and I could see momo looked scared "(y/n) are you ok, you don't look to good" momo was trying to make me feel better but the only thing I could think of was that this was all my fault. "You don't get it.....why would you still wanna be my friends if I'm the reason all this happened" i said in a shaky voice "this isn't your fault (y/n), it's not like you could have predicted this" I can't hold it back I have to tell them "except I could have because........." they looked at me confused. I've never felt so bad in my life. Why? All of a sudden I felt pity for them "I was the one that gave the league the information" they looked scared I could tell I wasn't wanted so I got up and ran. I could see them running after me but it was no use. I turned the corner and to them it looked like I wasn't even there. I watched as they walked away from the roof of the building "hey girl looks like you finally came clean huh" it was toga "leave me alone I only did it because I had no choice" when we started walking away I looked at a nearby TV screen and on it was my aunt and uncle being arrested "oh no"

I didn't go to school that day Kara did though. How could I go to school if they already know? I spent the day cleaning the house and sitting outside. When Kara got home she had some people with her. It was the class "what are they doing here" I said looking at her. When she saw me she didn't say anything, she just walked away. I could care less but when the class followed her, Bakugou and the people from that night were just staring at me "what" they still didn't say anything, I walked outside with a bottle that was all too familiar to me. I opened it and started drinking like a 19 year old at a college party. After a while I was laying down on the floor I could tell I drank to much, there were quite a few bottles all around the yard, that's when I heard the door to the backyard open I didn't have to look to know it was Kara and the class I could hear people gasping from the sight of me "come on (y/n) I just cleaned the yard yesterday" "so, you can just clean it again, I'm gonna go get more drinks" "just because mom isn't here to stop you doesn't me you can get drunk in the backyard" I just got up and started walking closer to her and the class "you don't get to boss me around. Understand" and then I walked away


I was getting tired of everyone being so naive so I decided to just rat her out "does anyone know who the traitor is yet or is it just me" when I said that everyone except for Kara looked at me in surprise. That's when Denki spoke up "you know who the traitor is?" but before I could say anything Bakugou and the group that rescued him lifted their hands, before they said anything I spoke up "so we can all agree that it's Kara" they looked at me surprised "what do you mean it's Kara, (y/n) just told us yesterday that she was the traitor" that was news to me "wait so there was two traitors" everyone was panicking because there were to traitors and we were in there house. That's when Kara yelled "stop arguing!" Everyone stopped and looked at her "yes me and (y/n) were helping the league but we had no choice, it was either help the league or end up dead, we didn't want to go to UA. don't get me wrong all of you guys are really nice but I couldn't just let myself die, I'm sorry" everyone started asking her questions like how much information they gave the league and what kind of information, she answered every question they asked. (y/n) never came back to the house.


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