《||Broken hope|| Bakugou x reader (rewrite)》Chapter 9


Kara and the rest of the class were now in their second year and there was still no sign of (y/n) that day she left the house was the day she went missing. No one knew where she was not even her own sister. Everyone was worried and scared what if she never comes back, bakugou was the most worried though he kept looking for (y/n) even after everyone gave up. During one of their training lessons there was another villain attack just like the USJ Kara was stuck in a fight with a villain she had never met before " I don't think it's possible for the league to gain one more member so easily so why did you become a villain" the villain didn't answer Kara couldn't tell if the villain was a guy or a girl until she hit them making the mask they were wearing fall off. (y/n) was the villain under the mask she didn't say anything and kept fighting it was like she couldn't talk "(y/n) please,you can still be a hero just come with me" hearing this made (y/n) mad she didn't- no she couldn't become a hero even if it was her dream, she couldn't disobey direct orders from the league "(y/n)? Why won't you say anything please just answer me!" after some time had passed the league called everyone back to the base but before (y/n) actually left she hid and looked for her old class when she found them she saw them talking they looked scared when Kara told them she saw her, they asked her questions like "is she ok" "did she say anything to you" she told them that (y/n) never answered any of her questions and that it felt like she couldn't talk at all. (y/n) was listening to them talk about her from a nearby tree, she was confused as to why they were sad that she didn't continue going to UA like the rest of them. (y/n) soon left and went back to the base. "What took you so long" toga asked, no response "I want the old (y/n) back your so boring now" (y/n) ignored her and left the room

Class 1-A were now third years and they still had no luck in getting (y/n) back Mina and Kara could tell Bakugou wasn't ok he barely got any sleep anymore he was always up until 1or2 in the morning looking for (y/n) he never gave up ,he made it his goal to find (y/n) of course girls in there second or first year at UA would often leave him love letters or confess to him but he always said no, whenever it was (y/n)'s birthday the whole class got a day off of school to look for her but when they couldn't Momo would buy a cake and everyone would sing happy birthday even if she wasn't there or at least they thought she wasn't there if they were to look outside they would see her because she was always there on her birthday or any holiday really, she would drop off christmas presents and birthday presents whenever she could and disappear before they could see her. (y/n) would often sneak into the class training to watch. What she didn't know was that the class replaced her a few weeks after she went missing with a girl named Sayuri Hoshi she was a small girl with black hair and what looked like red eyes she kept getting fairly close to Bakugou which made (y/n) mad she didn't know why but it did.


Bakugou kept ignoring the girl and Mina was trying to get her away from bakugou.

It had been a few years since the class of 1-A graduated from UA they were now officially pro heroes (y/n) somehow found out that they celebrate special occasions with each other just like they did in the dorms they even still celebrated her birthday this year they were celebrating Momo and Todoroki's engagement they all looked so happy (y/n) was watching from afar just like old times she couldn't help but cry she felt bad for leaving them. After so long she realized she loved Bakugou but what could she do now she was a villain and he was a hero. She was enjoying the celebration of the engagement when Kara spotted her and walked out to the balcony everyone was confused until they all walked closer to the balcony and listened in "look who decided to show up after all these years'' she sounded happy,(y/n) was about to run off but before she could Kara spoke up " wait, you know we all really missed you. Why don't you come inside we can catch up, talk about where you've been" the class looked at her like she was crazy talking to a tree when (y/n) stepped out of it and onto the railing of the balcony they were shocked to see her "so where have you been we haven't seen you since you walked out" she didn't respond for a while until "you guys know that if you looked outside the window every holiday and birthday I was there, right?" hearing this was kinda confusing for them when Mina realized bakugou wasn't with the rest of them so she decided to call him "hey where are you?" she asked "I'm sorry it's just" he couldn't finish his sentence, he was getting choked up "why don't you come back we have a surprise for you" then she ended the call and walked outside "hey (y/n) long time no see" "hey, oh and sorry for kinda betraying you guys I only did it to service but I didn;t realize how bad it could hurt you guys'' time had passed and everyone was talking like nothing happened bakugou had just got back but before he could see what was happening he decided to head to the bathroom, mina saw him enter the bathroom and took it as a sign to finish the plan she started in her first year and decided to ask "hey (y/n) quick question did you or did you not have a crush on Bakugou when you were at UA" out of pure surprise (y/n) turned a bright red "ok fine you got me, I didn't know what it was at the time but yeah" hearing this ment mina's plain could actually work. Mina went inside to go and get Bakugou, on her way inside she ran into Sayuri who looked to be mad "what's wrong sayuri you scared bakugou's gonna pick her over you?" Mina teased "please she's a villain, hero's don't get along with villains'' Sayuri argued "you know she used to be in our class before you came, she had the prettiest hero name ever to" Mina was trying to get her mad for the 'surprise' "oh really? May I remind you my hero name is Sakura'' Sayuri said trying to prove a point "yeah well her hero name was Persephone, you know like the greeck goddess" after mina said that she continued walking over to where she saw bakugou, Sayuri was pissed 'there's no way he would choose someone like her over me who does she think she is choosing a name like that, does she just think she's as good looking as the goddess herself' (for those of you who don't know I'm just trying to make this like it was the Persephone from Lore Olympus) Bakugou walked out of the restroom and saw Mina walking over to him "hey man you ready for your surprise" before he could answer Mina made a group chat with everyone except Bakugou and Sayuri and texted her plan to them. Mina walked behind Bakugou and covered his eyes "what are you doing?" "Just trust me" they started walking to the balcony (y/n) looked over to where Mina was and saw Bakugou. (ok this is about to get really um I guess you could say sweet). "Ok Bakugou are you ready for your surprise" "I'm still confused" the whole class except for Sayuri knew he liked (y/n) I mean come on over the years he made it obvious. Everyone was waiting for what his reaction would be "ok hurry up mina" kara said,Mina was just very excited. The minute Mina's hands left Bakugou's eyes he say (y/n) he definitely wasn't expecting it (oh god I can't write sweet shit for the life or me, but her we go) out of pure excitement,fear,confusion he ran up to (y/n) and hugged her to make sure he wasn't dreaming once he confirmed she was real (oh god here we go,deeper into the rabbit hole) he didn't think he just acted its like that saying actions speak more than words no one was expecting what he did,not even (y/n). Bakugou lifted her up and kissed her of course she kissed him back, the rest of the class started cheering for them, "so (y/n) are you gonna go back to being a villain" Sayuri said with an attitude, (y/n) looked at her and then back at Bakugou "No I don't think i will" the class was happy you weren't going back you decided to stay, you may not be a hero like you planned but that doesn't matter.

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