《||Broken hope|| Bakugou x reader (rewrite)》Chapter 7


Something tells me (y/n) planned the attack, she did give the league information on everyone. "Hey kara are you ok, i mean with your sister getting kidnapped an all" everyone was looking at me, we had decided to visit deku in the hospital "yeah i'm fine (y/n) was always the type of person to fight back" "then why didn't she fight back" oh no this is bad i have to come up with something or they'll find out she's on the villains side "she was probably...scared" the room went silent until kirishima spoke "then I guess we're just going to have to save them....right guys?" people started saying they wouldn't go, I wanted to but then i could risk getting found out. Kirishima,Todoroki,Iida,Deku and momo ended up saying they would go and save them, that's when my phone started ringing it was....... (Y/N)?! "I gotta take this" and with that I walked out of the room.

I decided to follow Kara just in case but in secret so she wouldn't think i was the traitor until i heard her conversation "hey (y/n)" 'huh? (y/n) was kidnapped wasn't she?' " I hope you're happy now four of our classmates are going to try and save bakugou. WHAT DO YOU MEAN TELL THEM NOT TO! you still don't want us to be found out do you? That's what i thought, I have to go i'll talk to you later, ok bye" then she hung up. I forgot she didn't know I was there " so you're the traitor?" she turned in fear "mina......I'm sorry, I really didn't want to" and then she left.

After I called Kara I went back into the room where Bakugou was "you still didn't answer me" he said, I still couldn't look him in the eyes "fine since you wanna know so bad I guess I can tell you" she looked up at me and waited. " me and kara got roped into this because of our aunt and uncle" "what about your parents?" I looked at him with tears starting to come out of my eyes, I walked over to the Bar part of the base and grabbed a bottle, once I opened the bottle I started drinking it, Bakugou looked at me in shock "HEY, WHAT THE HELL AREN'T YOU TOO YOUNG TO DRINK" "OH SHUT UP ALREADY" I didn't notice it but I was crying " this is all her fault ok, I don't live with my parents because they split when i was little" he was still shocked at the fact i grabbed the bottle "It's funny right, how I had to stay with my mom who was a drug addict, she forced me and kara to drink and take all kinds of drugs" I was still crying but I sounded crazy. Someone ended up walking in the room "hey (y/n) our special guest is here" it was toga "special guest?" "this doesn't concern you boom boom boy" she grabbed my wrist and we walked out, leaving bakugou confused.


The group that went to save bakugou couldn't believe what they were seeing "is that all for one!?" Iida was thinking of going back but they couldn't just leave bakugou and (y/n). AllMight had shown up and soon everyone was watching the battle between AllMight and All For One, there were people screaming and cheering for AllMight while the students were focused on saving their friends. Noone realized it but the students were now soaring through the air calling out for both Bakugou and (y/n), before they were out of reach (y/n) spoke up " just go... tell everyone you found out who the traitor is. I don't care anymore" (y/n) was about to walk away when Bakugou grabbed her by the wrist "i'm not leaving you behind,traitor or not your still my classmate"before (y/n) had a chance to say anything Bakugou picked her up bridal style and told her "hold on tight" they were both now in the air when Bakugou grabbed Kirishima's hand they smiled at each other while (y/n) was holding onto Bakugou's neck with her eyes closed tight so that she couldn't see what was happening.

"Mommy one day I'm gonna go on a plane and explore the whole world" (y/n)'s mom looked at her and smiled "I bet you will" everything was fine until that day.



















"It's ok sweetie just look at me everythings ok" people were screaming and kids were crying, the plain, was going down nobody knew what to do, everyone was just luck that the plane landed in the water, ever since then (y/n) told herself she would never go in the air again unless she knew it was safe.

(y/n) was shaking. She was scared, she didn't know what to do anymore, what was right and what was wrong. She missed her mom telling her everything was going to be ok.

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