《||Broken hope|| Bakugou x reader (rewrite)》Chapter 6


Why did Mina ask about a hero name? Maybe texting toga really was a bad idea. What are they going to do? Maybe Kara was..............right. I really don't wanna do this. I promised my mom I would become a hero but look at me now I'm practically a villain. The training camp was going alright and was actually pretty fun. There was this maze thing that the camp put together ........but then i saw them the league with some other guy i didn't know i was just lucky to have kara on my team "hey i'll be right back try and look for bakugou and todoroki ok" "ok" i started going off the trail and up a hill "who's this?" "jesus don't just come out of nowhere (Y/N)" i was looking at the man that was covered with a black blanket looking thing "this is another little villan friend we brought to help us kidnap that Bakugou kid 'there going to kidnap bakugou!?" "you saw how easily he won the sports festival he could become a great villain don't you think" well there not wrong i can see him as a villain but i don't want them to hurt him.

I was back at the training camp and i think the class could tell something was off about me when i got back "hey (Y/N) are you ok?" Kara was really worried i could hear it in her voice "can I talk to you in private" we both got up and went outside "what's up" "the league is here already and there planning on kidnapping bakugou" i could see the fear in her eyes when i said that "but this is what you wanted right? To have the villains win ''''Kara you were right, i don't wanna do this anymore" she looked happy but then she put her head down "you're worried about him aren't you" huh? "What do you mean" "(Y/N) it's obvious you like him which is why you don't want him hurt,you don't care about the rest of us you only care about BAKUGOU" there was silence then a scream "their here" Kara started running "i'm gonna tell them to keep bakugou safe" she ran off and left me there by myself.


People were now fighting back. That's when I realized that midoriya kid was nowhere to be found. did they lie to me,did they actually kidnap midoriya instead. I started running to a place I knew no one would find me and I called shigaraki "hello?" "shigaraki did you kidnap MIDORIYA instead of bakugou?" "midoriya? Oh that green haired boy,no we didn't if you can't find him he could have just run off" then he ended the call. I ran back to the camp to see the forest on fire. People fighting and one of the wild wild pussycats with blood spilling out of her head,she was still alive but i feel bad. People kept saying stuff like 'AllMight will save us' but he can't. These people need to learn to fight for themselves if they really wanna become heroes. Mandalay made the announcement to get bakugou back to the building so i decided to do my part of the plan i kept running until i bumped into bakugou "follow me i know somewhere you can stay for a while" and like that he followed me how naive can he be.

We sat down in a little cave area so I pulled out my phone and texted toga to make it look like they were going to kidnap both of us. I was starting to think they got caught until "we gotta run i can hear them" shit can he really hear the league "ok" we started running,we were almost back everyone could see us but that's when i saw kirigiri,toga and shigaraki.they ended up catching us just like they planed i could see Kara and Midoriya run to try and save us but then we were gone.

We were now at the base "well looks like we got an early gift" they started laughing they knew that they had to act as if they were supposed to 'kidnap' both of us i wonder what kara's up to


It's been a few days since the whole kidnapping thing happened. I wonder if (Y/N)'s gonna give herself away in front of bakugou. Everyone was being so nice to me because apparently my sister was 'kidnaped' . I know this was her plan but why,even after she told me she didn't want any part in it.

I've been tied up for a few days now i think it's time i came clean,bakugou was awake already and arguing with the league because they want him to be a villain "Toga" I didn't mean to get everyone's attention when i said that "you can untie me now" was all anyone heard. Toga made her way to me and untied me "thank you" when i looked back i could see that bakugou was confused "we'll leave you to explain what's going on with your friend (Y/N)" then they all left leaving me and bakugou alone "so let me guess your the traitor aren't you" hearing him say that made me feel really bad for all the information i gave the league "ANSWER ME" I couldn't bring myself to look at him in the face, without even realizing it I fell to the floor and tears were coming down my face "yes..............I'm the traitor but , i didn't have a choice" I said in a shaky voice,it was silent for awhile, i never liked the silence it made me feel empty like if no one cared "what do you mean you didn't have a choice" should i really tell him? What if he tells the whole class I was the traitor?


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