《||Broken hope|| Bakugou x reader (rewrite)》Chapter 5



The sports festival was completely uneventful. I didn't even try but i can tell the League was keeping a close eye on who would win 1st place. The school wanted to keep things under wraps so they didn't tell us about the training camp that was going to happen until the day of the training camp,god i hate this school. As the bus was leaving the school i got a text from Toga

Hey where are you

The school is having a training camp in the middle of nowhere

I'll send my location when we get there

I see thinking ahead I'll let shigaraki know

"Your texting Toga aren't you" "well someone has to do it" "this isn't going to get us out of the mess we're in" "it's better than being six feet under" "have you ever thought about actually becoming a hero?" I turned to see Kara looking straight forward with a sad expression, that's when I remembered

"When I grow up I'm gonna become a hero just like AllMight and I'm gonna save you and Kara" "really? Well those villains won't be able to hurt me and your sister if we have our own little hero, (Y/N) promise me this when you grow up and become a hero, You're hero name will be Persephone,ok" "ok mommy"

"(Y/N)!!! Are you ok" everyone was staring at me "what do you mean?" "You're crying," Mina said, i what? When I wiped my eyes I could feel the tears,get it together (Y/N) you can't let memories get in the way of the plan,I can't help but wonder why mom wanted me to be called Persephone.(we're just gonna act like they didn't pick there hero name's yet,idk if they did or didn't at this point so yeah)


We finally arrived at the......Woods? They left us and said to find our way to the training camp,while the class was fighting some weird mud creature I sent Toga my location. I don't know why but i feel really bad for doing this. Is it guilt? "Come on (Y/N) i know you don't want to do this" Kara knows we can't stop helping them so why does she want to stop,does she not care about her own life anymore.


We finally made it to the training camp,the sun was already going down "hey Bakugou!!!" It was raccoon eyes "i have a question" she keeps talking like i'm gonna listen "what is it" "what do you think of (Y/N)?" what do I think about (Y/N)? "Well I guess she's pretty strong why?" she looked at me confused "oh no that's not what i meant I mean do you think she's cute" WHERE DID THAT COME FROM "come on hurry up and answer" "fine I guess she's kinda cute" she started smiling for some reason "WHAT ARE YOU SMILING ABOUT" "does bakugou have a crush" "I NEVER SAID THAT!!" " i was joking geez don't take it so seriously"

Bakugou got really defensive. Maybe he does have a crush on her but he doesn't know it. I started walking over to (Y/N) cause i'm actually really curious about what her hero name will be "hey (Y/N),I have a question" "oh it's.......You" "sorry for bothering you but i wanted to know what your hero name will be" "oh I was going to use the name my mom wanted me to have, Persephone" wow i wonder why her mom chose that?


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