《||Broken hope|| Bakugou x reader (rewrite)》Chapter 4


I've just about had it with this class,everyone looks so happy,if only they knew what was coming but there is no time to feel bad about it. I have a plan to follow,let's just hope that no one gets in the way.

Now I really feel bad everyone's so excited while I just have to sit here and watch. The plan should start right about now, before i could even say anything there was kirigiri letting in a bunch of villains of course Dabi and Toga weren't there because they had to watch the base,some people just thought it was apart of the training until 13 told everyone that it wasn't so let's just let that sink in "wait if the league of villains knew we were here does that mean" dammit that deku kid is really pissing me off all he had to do was stay quiet for a few more minutes "THERE'S A TRAITOR IN OUR CLASS" and with that everyone was now worried because 'i could be friends with the traitor' well news flash your only friends with one of them, i decided to have my own fun "how do we know you not the traitor midoriya,i mean you do keep a journal with all of our quirks and weaknesses" "deku would never do that i know it" dammit Kara stop ruining my fun, when she said that i just glared at her to signal that we need to talk later. Before anyone could run out kirigiri was now in front of the door "well it's nice to meet all of class 1-A together" before anyone could do anything there was a 'smoke' all around us i took this as an opportunity and whispered "i need to talk to Kara ALONE, can you do that kirigiri" and with that we were now outside the USJ "what is wrong with you we could have passed the suspicion on to midoriya and not us" i said,she stayed quiet "ANSWER ME GOD DAMMIT" I was now yelling at her, she started to cry "i- i just don't wanna do this anymore, I DON'T WANT TO" wow she really does cry a lot "if you don't want to do this anymore come clean, tell them you're the traitor of the class but don't sell me out" and with that we were teleported somewhere inside the USJ,we started running to the door when we saw AllMight fighting a nomu. If the nomu can take down AllMight then it can take down Midoriya for sure.


While that creature was fighting AllMight I was looking around to make sure everyone was ok when I saw the Tsubaki sisters Kara looked like she had been crying while (Y/N) looked like she was enjoying seeing AllMight get hurt 'What the hell is wrong with that girl'

Of course things never go the way that I want them to, Bakugou,Todoroki,Kirishima and Midoriya jumped in to try and save AllMight. Just as fast as the fight started it ended, If only they knew the truth behind why we were helping them but if they did find out i don't know what would happen.

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