《||Broken hope|| Bakugou x reader (rewrite)》Chapter 3


Afew hours went by and sooner than later the league was knocking on our door. I started walking to go and answer the door when Mei stopped me "Kara why don't you answer the door" she said. Kara was never good at helping so she almost always just opened the door and handed out food. "Welcome to our home" Kara said and in walked Shigaraki and his little group of villains, there were two new people that i had never seen before "It's nice to see y'all again now let's get to the information" both Mei and Sho looked at me as I stared at Shigaraki "well are you gonna talk or am i gonna have to make you" Sho said, "I'm not saying anything until I know who they are" I said pointing at the new people. Shigaraki looked kinda mad but he let it go "well what are y'all waiting for introduce yourselves" he said "hi I'm himiko toga and may i just say i love yall's dresses" (the one at the top) "thank you, and you what's your name" I said looking at the one who looked like he was poor "you can call me dabi" he said "I'm sorry but what is your REAL NAME" i said he just looked at me then shigaraki dubbed in "just give up on trying to find out he won't tell me either" he said. Well damn this is going to be interesting. I started to explain to them who had what quirk when I remembered something "oh and there's this kid that goes by the name of Izuku Midoriya he claims to have super strength but his quirk is a lot like Allmight's" that's when shigaraki started to smirk but then the Toga spoke "so he could possibly have the same quirk as Allmight that's cool" she said "actually even if it is 'cool' this means that there's going to be a little bit of a problem with the plan. Lucky for you guys I could see that he doesn't know how to use his quirk properly just yet" I said in hope's that maybe I could just go back to my room. They ended up eating at our house like they were normal people and not villains but as soon as they left I ran to my room and changed out of the dress,god i hate dresses. The rest of the night was mostly just me talking about the people in our class while Kara just sat there quietly. By the time we were heading to bed it was already 11pm it's not that bad for me i've once stayed up until the sun came back out so it wasn't so bad "why would you do that" i heard a voice say from behind me when i turned around I saw kara "what do you mean. I'm trying to not get us killed" she looked me in the eye's and I could see that she was about to cry "come on kara don't you think it's a bit too late to cry, we went through so much shit and your just NOW crying, grow up" and with that I went to my room and fell asleep. I wonder what would happen if the class ever found out that we were helping the league.


The next day was kinda awkward between me and Kara, she wouldn't even talk to me but she talked to Mina and her friends. We had a little break during class. I was going to take this time to ask Kara why she wasn't talking to me but before I could say anything she was already walking up to Mina and her friend group, I'm not gonna lie it kinda hurt to see my own sister smiling and laughing again. It feels like it was just yesterday when me and Kara were given to our aunt and uncle. Seeing Kara laugh kinda made me miss mom. I was so into thought that I didn't see someone walking up to me "hey,you're not gonna go and hang out with your sister and mina?" when i looked to see who it was i saw Jiro "oh hey,yeah no I'm not really into social interaction" the minute i said that she looked at me as if i were the saddest thing she's ever seen "quick question have ever had any friends before,sorry if that sounds rude" I thought about her question when i remembered someone " I had one friend before her name was Naoko Oka but i haven't seen or heard from her since i was in grade school" she looked at me and then put her hand up to her chin "Naoko Oka? Where have i heard that name before" after that she walked away. I remember playing hide and seek with Naoko everyday when I was a little kid. When i looked up i saw Mina and Kara staring at me and then Kara...... Laughed? But why?

"Your totally right mina" I said after i turned around from were (Y/N) was "what if we helped her out with her love life" Mina said "nope see won't even try asking people out,she has to much trust issues so if we wan't to help her in the love department we have to do it are selfies" me and Mina started looking around the class until it hit me "Mina what if we tried to get (Y/N) and him together" i said pointing at none other than Bakugou Katsuki himself "I believe we have a lot of work to do my dear friend" mina said in a playful tone.

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