《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 13


Caleb's P.O.V

"How is this kingdom suppose to get better if our manors are wrecked?!" Lord Ervin yelled out from across the table, Ervin is a completly selfish man. He only cares about what happens to him and his home. He wants us to use the money we appointed to rebuilding the kingdom to fix up his manor which was almost completly destroyed by the fighting. I turned my eyes towards my brother to make sure he wasn't about to jump across the table to decapitate Lord Ervin, even though I would very much like to punch the rich prick in the face.

The fighting between the Lord's that supported us and the ones that only care about taking as much money as they could from us, got louder I stood up making the whole room go quiet.

"This money is going to go help the less fortunate rebuild their homes and businesses, not for you to take for yourself when all of you have efficient funds to do it for yourself. If you have a problem with that then you can go home and get off my land. I've had enough of your childish behavior, I've dealt with it long enough. Our job is to protect our people, help when help is needed, not to fight like little 4 year olds!" I banged my fist down on the table feeling completely fed up with everyone. It was quiet for a few seconds before Lord Ervin stood up letting his chair fly out behind him.

"I will not stand for this disrespect! We deserve more help then the stupid commoners! They don't contribute to the economy as much as we do!" A couple of other lords stood up beside Ervin nodding their heads in agreement.

"The only reason you 'contribute more than the commoners' is becuase you price them out of business then take it over! Your no real business man, your just a spoiled kid who took over daddies business." I could tell my condensing voice pissed the hell out of Ervin just by the way his eyes twitched and his fangs started to poke out over his bottom lip. I waved my guards over effectively ending anything that might have started in the next few minutes.


"Ok since that is over let's get back to business. I feel that we should send the bulk of the money to the people on the outskirts of the kingdom that where hit first during the war. They are most damaged." I said calmly sitting back down in my chair. The rest of the meeting was calm, we got most of our problems resolved in the best way possible.

Once all the other Lords and Ladies left I leaned back in my chair finally feeling the massive headache that was building all night.

"I'm very proud of you. You did better than I ever could, I'm surprised you didn't go and punch Ervin." Jackson joked handing me an aspirin tablet and a glass of water. I took the pill with a great full but tired smile.

"Trust me I know. I could almost see the hate rolling off you in waves."

"Hey what can I say? I hate pompous assholes like that." He shrugged sitting on the table next to me. I leaned as far back in my chair as I could closing my eyes waiting for the heavily medicine to kick in taking away this monster headache.

Once my headache went away we headed upstairs. We walked into the bedroom to see Jace, Simba, and Zack curled up in the bed in their animal forms cuddling. Jackson chuckled before stripping down to his boxers, climbing in behind Jace. Said wolf lifting his head up to look sleepily at Jackson before laying his head back down going back to sleep. I followed Jackson's lead climbing into bed allowing sleep to take me.


Hey guys I need some ideas, I don't have any to continue this story. If not I'm just going to end this story in a few more chapters so I can focus on another story I've started.

Thank you for read and hopefully you like it so far.

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