《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 14


Jace's P.O.V

It's been a few more months since we started to rebuild the kingdom. Even though this is wrong of me to say, but the kingdom needed this war to happened. It has allowed business owners to use the money we gave them to expand their stores and hire more people, which gets people out of poverty and into a better life. The orphanage that I wanted to build came out better than I could of ever dream of. I had it built close to the castle so me and the twins could go and help take care of the dozens of kids that were orphaned. I'm not even allowed to go by myself though, the twins say that if I go by myself then I'll adopt every child there. It's true but Shh don't tell then that, I don't need their egos any bigger!

Since the war and the rebuilding Caleb and Jackson have gotten rid of the laws of not allowing any other supernaturals onto the island. As you would expect many people were afraid that spies might sneak in causing the war to start again. But after a few weeks of Caleb explaining that we have set defenses up to make sure the people coming in had to have back round checks taken and had to have certain documents to be allowed in. But once we let a select group in everyone started to warm up, there were even some mates found. So overall it was a great idea.

Other than that, life has been getting back to normal. Simba has started at the local elementary school and Zack is going to a daycare center set up for the castle staffs kids. I felt that he wasn't getting enough socialization by only being around our family.


Oh! Do you remember Lord Ervin? Yeah well he ended up being killed for treason. As it turns out he was planning to sneak people in to try and assassinate Caleb. All because he didn't get any money from us. The things people will do these days, such a shame.

I wouldn't have ever guessed my life would end up like this. Being cheated on by my adopted brother who I thought was my mate, had to take care of a 5 year old by working in a bar where I met two vampires who changed my life. I definitely didn't think I would end up being a king to vampires. But I wouldn't change anything for the world, I love my dysfunctional family and everything thing they would do for each other. I love my life and everyone that's in it.


Yeah I know these 2 books were basically crap. Starting at one plot then completely changing. I'm not the greatest writer but I hope to improve by writing other books and by hearing your feedback. I do hope the few of you did like this little series but I can't continue it anymore. I would like to focus on other stories that I started to write.

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