《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 12


Well today is the day! I am finally allowed to shift back into my wolf form!! For the most part I'm back to normal but my legs will give out sometimes if I walk or run for long periods of time. I'm just extatic that I can finally play with Zack in our wolf forms. It's a necessity for a wolf cub to play or just be around an adult wolf just so they can learn the basics of what to do and what not to do. Even though cubs are more in tune with their instincts, it's better for them to have a role model so they can learn faster so they can have a better chance of survival, if they were still living in the wild with very little civilization other than the pack. But of course that's not how it is anymore but the process is still a great way to teach a wolf cub.

"Now if you feel dizzy or out of breath change back and let us know. Don't want you to get hurt again." Jackson said.

"Yes I know." I sighed exasperated. Since I got hurt Jackson has become over protective. Sometimes it cute but at times like these it gets really annoying.

"Leave him alone Jackson he knows what to do if he starts to get sick." Caleb said shoving his brother in the side. Jackson sighed giving his head a little shake before heading outside where Zack and Simba were playing.

"Give him some slack, seeing you lying on that hospital bed and then hearing you were paralyzed scared the shit out of us."

"I know, but sometimes it gets a little much. Like he doesn't think I know what to do." Caleb came over wrapping his arms around my waist. I nodded my head, kissing his cheek, before walking outside. When I stepped out side I couldn't help but laugh at the sight I saw. Jackson was 'screaming' laying down on the grass while Simba and Zack fought him down. I stripped out of my clothes, shifting and joining my cubs. To say at least Zack was shocked when he saw my wolf form. Before the accident Zack rarely saw my wolf, so him being in his wolf form and myself he had a mini heart attack before taking everything in stride. He stuck his butt up in the air wagging his tail and barked.


For the last 2 hours the 5 of use rough housed outside. There were a couple of times where I had to move to the side and lay down becuase I was getting to out of breath. When that happened the twins jumped in distracting the kids so I had time to calm down. As it started to get dark a couple of guards walked over.

"Sires we have some problems with the Lord's. They are demanding to see the two of you to discuss the funds for reconstruction of the kingdom." The taller of the two guards said. Caleb nodded his head and Jackson growled frustrated.

"Tell them we'll be there in a few minutes." Caleb said turning into his posh king persona. The guards bowed before heading back the way they came.

"Stupid rich bastards. Probably want to use our money to fix up their properties before the rest of the kingdom." Jackson mumbled under his breath gently pushing Simba off hid lap before standing up.

"What did I tell you about saying curse words around the kids. You know Simba likes to mimic you." I said shifting back, putting my clothes back on.

"Sorry but those idiots just rub me the wrong way." Jackson growled out. I nodded my head running my hand over his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"I know but it won't help anybody if you keep them waiting. I'll see you two upstiars." I kissed both their cheeks before grabbing the kids walking back into the house.

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