《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 11


The last couple of weeks were hard. I desperately wanted to shift and play with my kids. Zack started to shift about 6 days ago. He is the cutest wolf pup in the world!! He is also one curious pup. Whenever he shifts he tries to get in everything, especially when he's outside. That little rascal tries to climb the trees and he runs through the bushes. And then there's Simba, he has grown up so fast. Even though he's 10 years old he acts like he's 18. Ever since I came home he has tried to do anything and everything he can. He told Caleb and Jackson that he wanted to start training to fight so he could protect me. Let's just say I cried a river of tears that day because I knew that Simba thought that if he could protect me than I wouldn't have left. I know that's not what happened but I just couldn't help myself.

"Daddy look!" Simba cried as he tussled with Jackson. I smiled cheering him on. When Simba 'won' I cheered even louder. I knew that Jackson let him win but the smile on his face was priceless.

"Did you see daddy? I'm so strong!" Simba cheered running over to me."

"Yes I did baby. Your so strong, much stronger than pop." I said lifting him onto my lap handing his water bottle. We were outside and it was a good 90 degrees out and I don't want Simba to get heat stroke. I glanced over to where I thought Zack was but saw he wasn't there. I felt my heart quicken as I looked around our huge yard. As I was about to call out his name I heard little barks coming from above me. I looked up to see Zack sitting on a branch above me, and it looks like he couldn't get down.


"Damn it. Jackson can you get Zack down. He's stuck in the tree." I sighed out. This isn't the first time he's been stuck up in that tree, and it certainly won't be the last. I heard Jackson chuckle as he reached up and yanked Zack off the branch placing him on the ground.

"Simba would you go play with your brother? He's gotten in enough trouble already." I said placing Simba on the ground as he nodded his head shifting to play with Zack.

"Relax Jace he's just a pup. Their always curious when their young." Caleb said as he walked out of the house with a few files in his hand.

"Yes but he's going to hurt himself one day. And what are you doing out here?"

"Then he'll learn not to do it again and I'm out here cause it's a nice day and I want to spend sometime with my family." He said kissing my cheek before sitting down at the table next to me.

"Hmm, so what's on the menu today?" I asked leaning over to read the papers in front of him.

"Well its the final blue prints for the orphanage and the reconstruction of the hospitals." Since many children lost their parents in the war, or sadly got abandoned, we or really me decided to build a really huge orphanage to house them all. As we designed the building I made sure to hire great workers to take care of all the kids needs so they didn't feel different from the other kids who have parents. I didn't want our orphanage to be like the human ones, where the kids were either abused or completely ignored. (I know that's not true but it goes for the story so sorry if I offended you)


"That's good. We have to make sure it's done right and fast so the kids have some place to go." Caleb nodded glancing over the plans before writing his signature at the bottom for both of the papers. I licked my lips when our stakes came off the and placed in front of us. Man I love a nice juicy stake, well I am a werewolf after all.


Hey guys I need some ideas. I'm getting a serious case of writers block so please help me out!!

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