《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 10


"So it seems like if you keep on with the physical therapy and keep challenging yourself you'll be able to walk. It might be with a crutch for awhile but you'll be walking. Just remember don't over exert yourself because you'll actually be hurting yourself than helping yourself." The werewolf doctor said giving me a caring smile. I sighed in releaf leaning back in my wheelchair. I would be able to walk again!

"Oh thank god." I smiled brightly at the doctor who smiled back. She patted my leg before grabbing her bag and leaving.

"I should fire that doctor for giving us false information. Jackson growled polling his phone out of his pocket.

"Don't Jackson. He doesn't need to lose his job just because he was trained for vampires and not werewolves. Just make him go back and learn about werewolves. It would really help to have someone know about both species since there has been a lot of mix matings."

"Fine. But I am letting him know that you are the reason for him not being fired." Jackson said and I had to roll my exes at him. He's so overprotective,buts that's why I love him.

"Good now let's go get something to eat. I'm hungry." I said monovering myself so I could wheel myself out the door.

"Well what would you like to eat?" Caleb said walking next to me. I hate it when they tried to push my wheelchair around. I feel useless and I feel like they should still be mad at me for leaving. But them being them they forgave me right away.

"I've been craving burgers and fries lately." I mumbled licking my lips at the thought of a nice juicy burger. Caleb and Jackson chuckled as we got on elevator and headed to the first floor. When we got to the kitchen Chad and Jackson were already there sitting at the table.


"Hey guys." I said as I wheeled myself in the empty space next to them.

"Hey Jace. So what did the doctor say?" Chad asked as he took a bite of his spaghetti and meatballs.

"Well she said that if I keep up with the physical therapy that, with time, I'll be able to walk."

"Well that's good cause its been awhile since we went out running in our wolf forms. So when your better the first thing we're doing is going running." Chad said with a confident nod.

"It's a date then." I said chuckling at him. He smiled brightly before turning back to his food while mine is placed in front of me. I groaned at the smell and grabbed the burger taking a huge bite out of it. God I think I'm in love with this burger and all its juicyness. I heard 4 sets of chuckles so I looked up to see everyone looking at me.

"What?" I mumbled taking another bite of burger.

"You must really like that burger." Johnny chuckled.

"Oh shut up Johnny I really wanted a burger. Is there a problem with that?" I growled. Johnny shook his head turning away to talk to Chad. I rolled my eyes ignoring the still chuckling twins and devouring the rest of my burger and fries.

"OK now let's get you upstairs so you can take a shower and take a nap." Caleb said forcing me away from the table so I couldn't have another burger.

"B-But I'm still hungry." I wined trying to use any puppy dog eyes on him.

"To bad. You need to take a nap. I know you didn't sleep to weII last night." I huffed crossing my arms across my chest. Jackson rolled his eyes at me but didn't let Caleb turn around and get me another burger. When we entered our bedroom I saw that Simba and Zack were cuddled up in the middle of the bed.


"Aww, look at them. Take a picture would ya?" I said trying to be as quiet as I could as I wheeled myself next to the bed. After Caleb snapped a couple of pictures I manovered myself onto the bed snuggling around my baby boys.

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