《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 7


"Why did you do it?" Jackson asked, he was sitting in a chair right next to me.

"I had to."

"No you didnt. You didn't have to go risk your life to prove something!" Caleb almost yelled.

"It wasn't to prove something! I had to do it. It was the only way I knew to help people!"

"Oh yeah?! How did you help us? Me and Jackson were going nuts trying to find you! Do you think you could help people if the enemies captured you and used us as collateral?" Caleb seethed. I opened my mouth to say something back but nothing came out. Caleb shook his head and stormed out. I starred at the door desperately tried to keep the tears at bay but they ran down my face.

"Oh baby don't cry. He's just upset that we couldn't find you and then we find out that you were shot, it shook us up." Jackson said as he stood up and wiped the tears off my face.

"I-im sorry. All I was thinking about was all the people dying out there while I was sitting in the castle doing nothing. I didn't seem right." I cried. Jackson slipped onto the bed wrapping his arms around me cooing nonsense into my ear. As I kept crying Zack started up again. I tried to shush him but it was very hard with my own tears running down my face.

After awhile I calmed down and Zack feel asleep. I handed him to Jackson, so he could put him in the crib which was conveniently in the corner of the room. I rubbed my stinging eyes and shuffled down in the bed closing my eyes. I felt Jackson slip in behind me and I slowly fell asleep.



The next morning I didn't feel Jackson behind me but I could feel his presence in the room.

"I know your awake. I have breakfast." I sighed and went to sit up but I couldn't feel my legs and there was a throbbing in the lower back.


"Yes baby?"

"I-i can't feel my legs.........."

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