《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 6


I don't know how long I was passed out but all I knew was that I was floating in 'space'. I floated around in complete darkness, all I could see was myself.

"You have a great destiny, young one." A voice said.

"What? Who are you? Where am I?" I called out turning and twisting trying to find where the voice was coming from.

"You and your family are meant to bring together all the super naturals and even allow some to come out of hiding." The voice said and a beautiful women appeared in front of me.

"What do you mean? Where am I?" I asked, again.

"Well your in your mind space right now. In the real world their doing surgery, the bullet was real close to your spine and their trying to get rid of the swelling so you won't get paralyzed."

"Well what do you mean about my family and me are meant to bring the supernaturals together?"

"Well your wolf Maximus? Well he had great powers inside of him. The only problem is that those powers can only be used in times of need, example right now."

"So that's why my wolf has blue flames? But Chris's wolf also has flames on him so shouldn't he have some part in this?"

"Well at first he did but then something happened with his wolf and the prophecy changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for some reason Raymond decided to take a new mate, which is why you now have Caleb and Jackson. But anyways your about to wake up and when you do just remember that when you wake up you'll have obstacles to go throught. But don't give up and in the end everything will make sense." She said as she stared to fade. As she faded a pounding headache started in the back of my skull and my lower back started to hurt. I squeezed my eyes shut as the headache almost got unbearable.


"Come on Jace you need to wake up. Zack and Simba miss you.........me and Caleb miss you." I vagely heard Jackson say over the screams of a baby. As I came further back to earth I realized the cries were coming from Zack. I groaned and tilted my head to the side where I heard the cries the loudest. I slowly pried my eyes open, when they were finally open they zeroed in on a crying Zack being bounced in Caleb's arms.

"Why is Zack crying?" I asked with a horse raspy voice. Right as they heard my voice Caleb and Jackson's heads snapped towards me and Zack calmed down but he was still whimpering and tears where running down his face.

"Oh Jace we were so worried. Everyone thought you went into a coma. We thought you'd never wake up." Jackson said as he brought a cup full of water to my lips and let me take sips of the water.

"That doesn't answer my question." I said trying to completely avoid my injures and how I got them.

"He felt our emotions. Subconsciously he knew something was wrong so crying was his only way to express it." Caleb said as he walked over and placed Zack in my arms. I gripped Zack in my arms and ran my finger down his face. As he felt my touch he let out one more whimper before the tears stopped and he opened his eyes to stare at me.

"Hey there big guy. You were worried about your daddy weren't you?" I cooed and Zack let put a little 'hmm' as he gave me sad eyes.

"Well don't worry daddy will be fine." I said leaning down kissing his forehead.

"About that we have to talk." Caleb said as he sat at the bottom on the bed. I sighed and nodded my head not looking at him.

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