《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 5


It's been a couple of weeks since I got to the training camp and we're about about ready to go to the front line, or very close to it.

"Ok soldiers. Today you are going to join the others in the war. Now I'm not here to make yall feel better but facts are facts and more than likely some of you won't make it home. The rest will probably be injured to some degree." The general said and a great feeling of dread overcame me. I felt like something really bad was going to happen. As the general kept talking I felt myself start to figit when I saw the army trucks pull up.

"Ok men the time has come. Grab your weapons and get in the truck." He said clapping a couple of guys on their back before walking off. I sighed grabbing both my guns before following a couple of guys onto the truck. I sat down and slumped against the side closing my eyes. When we started to move I desperately tried to daydream about the kids, Caleb and jackson, but all I could focus on was the sounds of the war going on outside the truck. It seemed like ages till we stopped and another soldier covered in mud ushered us off the truck and behind a wall made of concrete.

"Ok men take a position and fire at the enemy and try not to get shot." Was all he said before taking off. We crouched there staring at each other before slowly moving further into the pit. We all started to take positions and loaded our guns getting ready to shoot. I sighed sending a quick prayer to the moon goddess before taking a sight on one of the men on the other side and shooting.



It's been another 4 days of me being on the front and I absolutely hate it. I hate knowing that I was killing people, weather or not their trying to kill us, and the rations were so bad. My stomach felt like it was going to eat itself and my throat was so dry that it felt like the Saharra (sorry if I spelt that wrong) desert. So far we have lost 2 men and 5 have be injured. But we were far from this war being over. I jerked when I hear someone else scream out in pain but luckily, well not from them, the crying didn't stop so that meant he was only injured.

"Markson get over here we need you." the general called out my fake name and I got up making my way towards him. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain blossum in my lower back. I cried out in pain falling to the muddy ground.

"Markson, markson. Don't worry son we'll get you help." Was all I heard as everything went black and I saw Caleb and Jackson's faces flash into my mind.

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