《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 4


When we arrived at the camp it was like we stepped into another country. The ground was almost completely muddy. There were tents scattered all around. Some of the tents had lights on inside and the others were completely dark. There were a few fires burning. There were also men walking around with bandages wrapped around parts of their bodys.

"Ok men this is private Leroy he will show you your tents. Dinner will be served in 15 minuets. Tomorrow we'll start your training at 0500." The general said clapping a thin guy on the shoulder before walking away. The guy, who is more than likely private Leroy, nodded his head at us before walking off. The small group we were in, only about 9 people, walked through the camp. Leroy pointed out random tents and called names of the men that arrived with me. My name was the last one called and I walked into the tent. There was just a cot with a thin mattress, a small table with a lantern and a small chest. I sighed sitting down on the cot feeling it's lumpyness. I stripped out of my clothes and slipped under the surprisingly warm blanket.

Please forgive me Caleb and Jackson I had to do this. I couldn't let so many people die and just sit back and do nothing I thought before slipping into a dreamless sleep.

Caleb's P.O.V

When I woke I saw that Jace wasn't in the bed. At first I thought he got up to go to the bathroom or to get something to eat but when I saw an open box of hair dye. I grabbed the box and walked back into the bedroom. I walked downstairs looking for Jace but when I didn't see him I stopped one of the guards.


"Have you seen Jace? He wasn't in bed this morning."

"Sorry no I haven't seen him at all." He said and I nodded letting him get back to work. I jogged back upstairs and went to wake up Jackson.

"Jackson wake up. I don't know where Jace is." I said.

"Did you check the pool? Or the game room?" He grumbled rolling over to face me.

".....no. But I asked a guard that's been on duty since 1 and he hasn't seen Jace." I said getting a little mad that Jackson did care that Jace was missing.

"Well go look in the gaming room and the pool while I go take a shower." Jackson said as he got up from the bed and slowly made his way to the bathroom. Just as I turned to leave Jackson called for me.

"Caleb come and look at this." Jackson yelled and I could hear the panic in his voice. I raced over and saw that Jackson was holding a box of hair dye.

"You don't think he left do you?"

"O-of course not. He wouldn't do something like that.....right?" I asked feeling myself figit.

"No no let's just go look for him. He's got to be here somewhere." He said and we both raced out of the room.

An hour later we met up at the front door. We made sure to check ever nook and cranny but he wasn't here.

"I can't believe he left. Why would he leave?" Jackson said pacing.

"It's my fault. I told him that I was going to send him to live with Chad and Johnny." I cried.

"No no Caleb it wasn't your fault. He probably would of done it anyways. You know how he is." Jackson cooed as he came over and wrapped his arms around me. I nodded snuggling into his arms hoping that Jace just went to town and would come back soon.

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