《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 3


*2 Months later*

I ran around the infirmary trying to help the doctors and nurses take care of the wounded. Since Jackson came home the Rouge seemed to be tired of defense and started with the offense. As of a couple of days ago they pushed our troops to two towns outside of the castle grounds and the town it towers over. Many lives have been lost and twice as much have been injured. If supernaturals didn't heal fast we would of been destroyed by now. But since most of the injuries weren't really life threatening most of the fighters went right back out within a week of coming to the castle.

Just as I finished wrapping up a were cats leg that had a bad gash that needed 20 stitches Caleb called for me. I thanked the werecat for fighting before running to Caleb's office. When I walked in I saw the sad look on Caleb's face.

"What's wrong? Did the Rouges try to bomb us again?" I asked walking over to him.

"Luckily not but........their getting closer and.......I really don't want to do this....but I'm sending you to and the kids to the main land. I can't risk you guys getting hurt or killed. I already called Johnny and Chad and they have a house you all can stay at." Caleb said not looking at me. Oh and by the way Johnny and Chad have been dating for awhile now. I have a feeling their mates but they haven't said anything so I don't know, but they went away to France for a vacation a few weeks before the war started. They wanted to come back and fight but I didn't let them. I told them they had to stay off the island just in case me or the kids needed to leave, but in reality I didn't want them to be here and get hurt or see half the stuff I saw.


"WHAT? NO! I'm not leaving this is my home. I'm staying here and I will fight when they get here. I'm not leaving all these people who lost someone who fought for us to help save us. I'll send the kids but I'm not going no matter what you or Jackson say." I growled glaring at him for trying to send me away. This is my family and my land, I'm going to fight to keep it.

"Come on Jace, please. I can't have you here. I don't want you to get hurt. If something happens to me and Jackson you'll be the one to take over....."

"No Caleb I'm not leaving and that's final. Now if you'll excuse me I need to pack the kids stuff then I'm going back to the infirmary." I said turning around not bothering to look at him again.

It only took me half and hour to get the kids packed and on a plain to the main land. I told Chad to call me once they got the kids. I couldn't help but let tears leak out of my eyes as I watched the plain take off. Who knows if I'll ever see my kids again.


It's midnight right now and I'm in the bathroom dying my hair. I was going to leave the castle and go out into the field to fight for my people. I know that if Caleb and Jackson knew what I was doing they would probably tie me to the bed so I couldn't leave, but I knew I had to do this so that's why I'm doing this in the middle of the night.

Once my hair was dry and now a white blond I dressed in a pair of old clothes that had holes and tares in them. I gazed and Caleb and Jackson's sleeping forms before whispering sorry under my breath walking out of the room. I quietly made my way through the castle and down into town. I fished my fake papers out of my jacket pocket and handed them to one of the officers. He glanced at me before nodding, pointing to the van that was ready to leave to transfer people to campsites where they are training to fight. I stared at the castle as I it smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared from my vision.


"So why are you going to fight?" A vampire said next to me.

"I'm going to fight to save my family."


Sorry for the short chapter but let me know what you think

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