《Their my life (sequel to he's my mate)》Chapter 8


"I'm sorry but it looks like the swelling from the bullet hole squeezed your spinal cord and we don't know if you'll be able to walk again." The doctor said with a monotone, not even caring that I was crying my eyes out.

"But what about when I turn into a wolf? Will I be able to walk in that form?"

"We advise you not to. We don't know how the wound will be and since when you shift your spine changes, it might do more damage and affect more of your body. Now we'll schedule you for physical therapy for a couple of weeks from now till you heal completely. Your free to leave when you want." The doctor said leaving the room not even bothering to cast us a sympathetic look. I burst out in even more tears thinking that I would never be able to shift into my wolf form again.

"It's ok baby we'll get through this. Just think positive." Caleb said. He came in the night before apologizing for being a douche bag and yelling at me for trying to help people.i of course forgave him, but I told him he has a LOT of making up to do.

"How can I think positive?! I can't walk!!!" I screamed running my hands violently through my hair.

"Hey hey, calm down. It's going to be ok. We'll get through this together. All three of us, plus the kids. Just relax ok? Well get you a wheel chair and go home." Jackson said running his hand up and down my arm. Something about his voice that almost instantly calmed me down. I nodded dropping my hands down onto my lap. Caleb kissed my cheek before walking out. He was only gone for a few minutes but when he returned he had a wheel chair decked out with stickers all over the handle bars, there were lights on the wheels so when they spun the lights flashed. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw it.


"I figured you'd want a wheelchair with a little pizazz so I went to the kids center and had them decorate it with stickers and Jackson was the one to get the lights." Caleb said helping me into the chair.

"Even though it's childish, I still love it. Thank you, both of you." I said reaching out grabbing both their hands. They smiled looking like they were feeling proud with themselves. Caleb pushed my wheelchair while Jackson stood next to me holding my hand. I hsd to squint my eyes once we got out. It was a lot brighter outside than it was inside, and hot lot hotter. I had to shrug my light jacket off because I was already sweating.

"Dont worry babe we parked the car close so you'll be out of this heat soon." I nodded my head feeling like a baby when Jackson had to lift me into the car.

"I hate this so much!" I growled as I had to grab my pant leg to fix my legs.

"I know baby but don't worry you'll go to physical therapy and you'll get better. Even though it will take awhile but you'll be walking soon." Caleb said running his hand down my face. I could feel the pity coming both of them so I just pushed them away, slamming the door close. I hated when people pitted me, even when I was younger I hated when everyone pitted me for being small even though I was suppose to be the next Alpha.

Caleb and Jackson slipped into the frort, the car was dead silent, not even the radio was playing.

"So... UM... what do you want for dinner tonight?" Jackson said turning around to look at me.

"Don't care as long as it's not hospital food."


"OK I think we can handle that." Jackson said with a slight chuckle but stopped when I didn't laugh back.I just stared back at him blankly before looking back out the window. When we got home Chad and Johnny came running out of the house.

"Oh my god! Why did you go out and do that? You could have gotten killed.....not that this is good but its better than being dead."Chad said as he ran over and gave me a big hug.

"I'm fine. "I mumbled hugging him back.

"Not being able to walk is not being ''fine" but I'm not going to harp on that I'm just happy that your OK."Chad said helping me into my wheelchair. When we got inside I got flung back a little by Simba's lion form.

"Hey baby boy did you miss me? Cause I know I know I missed you." I said hugging his furry form against my chest.I just hope that I will be able to walk again someday. I would really hate to not be able to play with Simba and Zack as they get older. I kissed Simba's head trying to force back my tears.

"OK well let's get you settled then we'll get you some food, Chad can you and Johnny go and make Jace something to eat?" Caleb said as he started to push me through the house.

"Of course anything specific?"

"He just said no hospital food." Jackson said with a chuckle.

"Actually, I would really like a grilled cheese sandwich."

"OK 2 grilled cheese sandwiches coming up!" Johnny said before grabbing Chad's arm and dragging him to the kitchen. Both Caleb and Jackson laughed before grabbing the handles of my chair and pushing me towards the living room.

"Do you want to sit on the couch or stay in your chair?" Caleb asked wheeling me next to the couch.

"Couch please, this chair is starting to get uncomfortable." Caleb nodded, slipping his arms under me and lifting onto the couch. Jackson grabbed a blanket laying it across my lap before plopping down next to me. I leaned my head against Jackson's shoulder as he turned the TV on. He changed the channel to a sports game and almost instantly started to cheer. I was so happy when Johnny handed me my grilled cheese sandwiches while telling Jackson to watch something else because he didn't like sports at all. I silently agreeded with him and thanked the moon goddess that he listened and changed it to Tosh.O. I couldn't help but laugh when Tosh showed a video of a girl sliding across the floor wearing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt like Tom Cruise did in whatever the movie was called. I could feel the happiness radiating off of Jackson as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me tigher against him. I felt my wolf purr as he felt his mates presence wrap around us. I slowly feel asleep, even though I didn't do anything today I was bone tired.

"Go to sleep babe."I heard someone mumble before two pairs of lips on my forehead.

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