《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》Chapter twenty four


Chapter twenty four

Rose’s POV -six and a half months.-

I walked into school and saw a girl around Scott’s age following him around and talking to him. I scowled and walked over to my locker as he jogged over to me. “Hey so your brothers taking you home tonight I have a teacher student meeting after school and I know you won’t want to wait for that to finish.” He said a small smile on his face. “Okay.” I said a frown on my face. “Smile. Jenna is taking you shopping.” He said ruffling my hair. I shot him a look as he walked away. the girl following him. I kicked the locker shut as Shane watched a little scared. “what up with you?” he asked putting a hand on my shoulder. “Nothing just hormones out of whack.” I lied. He sighed and followed he me to class since Sara was staying home with morning sickness and jess saying goodbye to mike as he gets ready to visit another pack for a few weeks. sad I know. Sighing I sat down in class and Elizabeth walked in tears running down her face. I gave Shane a look he was a confused as me. I motioned her over. “Hey you may be a self centered bitch. But you never cry.” I told her. “What’s up?” “I just found out I’m in an arranged marriage.” She said as tear in her eyes. “hey are you being nice to me all I’ve ever done is bully you since the second grade?” she asked me. “Because I have a heart.” I told her and gave her a hug. “It’s okay. Who is he?” I asked her. “Jessie Jacobs.” She said and I looked at the loner of the school he nodded his head winking at me. I gagged a little. Don’t get me wrong he’s hot. Just he, dates four girls at a time. and he makes any girl with any sense gag. I looked at Elizabeth. “I feel so bad for you.” I told her taking her hand she smiled as the class stared at us. I glared “Back off freaks!” I screamed at them making everyone even the teacher flinch. “how?” Elizabeth asked me. “In case you didn’t know a pregnant teenage girl is anyone’s worse nightmare. Not to mention I’m the most intimidating kid at school. With you right below me.” she smiled. “Got that right.” We laughed. “Why did you bully me?” I asked her. “you got all the attention. I guess jealousy. And I’m sorry about what I did to your head.” She said I smiled. “Truce?” I asked her. shaking hands we turned to the front of the class.


At lunch I was still mad at Scott for being with whoever it was he’s been with all day so I didn’t go to have lunch with him like I was supposed to. *hey you okay?* he asked me. *yes.* I snapped eating my lunch the guys watching me slightly scared. Shane had went to have lunch with Erik. So I had Stefan and Alex watching me. *Your mad. Did Elizabeth do something?* he asked worried. *NO we called a truce! Now leave me alone I’m eating!* I growled at him as I slammed my sandwich on the ground and left the school.

At home it was seven when Scott got home. He threw his brief case at the wall not realizing I was in the room. “What the hell is wrong with her!” he growled then turned to see my shocked face. “Your mad at me!” I yelled and tossed my history book at him he ducked making it hit the door. “WAIT! I WASN’T TALKING ABOUT YOU!” he yelled placing a hand over my mouth as I ranted on about how stupid he was and whatnot. “I was talking about my new student teacher! We’re around the same age and she’s studying for the same degree as me. so the board decided to put us together. I told her I was married ad she still flirted with me all day. I swear she’s worse than some of the students.” He told me kissing my forehead. “I’m in love with my mate and my very pregnant very beautiful wife.” He smiled at me as I blushed. “thanks.” I whispered as we sat on the bed. Him holding me. smiling I kissed his cheek and fell asleep.

Scott’s POV

I watched her sleep when Sara ran into our room. motioning me out. I followed her to my office. “someone left this at rose’s locker. Shane found it getting her homework.” She told me I grabbed it.


Rose your eyes are rays of sunshine

Skin soft as silk I know who your baby’s father is

I’ll get you when your ready

Watch out I know Scott Peterson is your husband

Mr. freak (or as you call me Mr. creeper)

I crumpled up the paper shaking. “Get out before you get hurt.” I warned Sara. Nodding she ran out as rose walked in. “What’s wrong?” she asked rubbing her eyes. “Nothing.” I snapped sitting in my chair. rose smirked. “Oh really? You look mad. And I didn’t cause it. I need to fix that.” I froze. “What are you going to do?” I asked her as she walked over to me. “oh nothing.” She giggled and started stabbing me with the dull side of a pen. I attempted to protect my body. I seriously think she has problems. She laughed as I wrapped my arms around her smiling. “see all better.” She laughed kissing my cheek. I shook my head my anger completely gone. “You’re a miracle worker.” I laughed helping her off my lap and out of the room. “hungry?” I asked. “Do you not know who I am?” rose said shaking her head. Rolling my eyes I lead her to our kitchen.

Rose’s POV

Around midnight I woke up clutching my stomach in pain. I shook Scott awake. “Some things wrong with the babies.” I gasped in pain as he jumped into action calling Andy just as…

WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!! you tell me.

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 <3 Keyden 

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