《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》Chapter twenty three


Chapter twenty three

Rose’s POV -six months along in case anyone wants to know-

(An incase I didn’t mention this before each room has a several bedrooms a living room couple bathrooms and a small kitchen.)

Scott and I were watching a movie when the doorbell I smiled and opened the door. “Hi are you Rose?” a woman asked me a man and toddler by her side. Scott reached around me making me jump. “I’m Scott alpha of our pack I’m glad you joined. If there’s anything you need let us know.” Scott told them and I smacked his arm. “And this is my mate rose.” He said kissing my temple. I saw the little boy hid behind the woman’s legs. “he’s a bit shy. I’m Alex.” She told me a small smile on her face. “Devin. And this is Evan.” The man said picking the little boy up. he cuddled into his dad and cried when they handed him to me. “He’s not normally like this. Here’s his bag. he’s got extra cloths in there and PJ’s and some more pull up. put him in diaper before he goes to bed.” Alex told us and kissed Evan on the head before leaving. “Hey. I’m Rose. Can you say rose?” I asked him. “No.” he said running his car up and down my arm. “Well do you like cars?” I asked him. “Car.” He said holding his car up. I giggled and set him down on the couch next to me. “Scott can you put in cars?” I asked him he blushed. “WE don’t own that movie.” He said I laughed. “You were in a coma I moved all our things in here. I saw the movie put it in.” he snickered and I tossed the pillow I laying on at him. Evan picked his up and did the same laughing. He was blonde like his mom and blue eyed like his dad. Scott grumbled and put the DVD in putting.


“You know babies copy their parents.” Scott told me half way through the movie Evan was sitting a few feet from the TV. It was funny soon as the movie started Evan was hypnotized. “Yhea so?” I asked him. “Well you will turn our children into evil temper mental beasts if you don’t learn to control your temper.” He said I glared at him. “You just don’t want your own kids beating up on you.” I told him. he scowled and crossed his arms. I grabbed the one and leaned onto it.

Around nine Evan’s parents came to pick him up. “I left him with Scott to get a shower.” I told them and led them to the living room I stopped them and looked at Scott passed out an arm around a sleeping Evan as the cars credits rolled. Again. we had to watch it twice. I put my hand over my mouth giggling. He and Scott got along great. I had no doubt in my mind he was going to be a great dad. “Aww. Their so cute together.” Alex said picking him up Scott woke up and smiled at Anna. “He wore him out pretty good.” Devin laughed as Scott fell back asleep. “The second time we watched cars Evan made Scott race him around the house. and every time McQueen was on the screen the second time he would go queen.” I laughed as Evan and his parents left. I leaned into Scott ear and smirked. He was deep sleeper. “Scott it’s time.” I said making him jump up and pick me up. I started laughing as he put me down. “It’s time for bed.” I said still giggling. He snorted. “I knew that.” I laughed and walked into our room. “Yhea sure.” He rolled his eyes and got ready for bed.



“Happy birthday!” I said shaking Scott awake. “No.” he groaned pulling a pillow over his head. I fake cried and he pulled me into his arms. I smiled up at him. “Here’s your present.” I told him giving him a kiss and handed him a box that had a hoodie he wanted. Smiling he hugged me. “Thanks Rose.” He said getting up and changing into work cloths. I crossed my arms. He’d forgot. He took the day off to ‘help’ his pregnant wife. “What?” he asked. “My appointment.” I told him he ohhed, pulled jeans on instead of kakis, and pulled a loose tee on under his hoodie. “We going to find out what they are?” he asked me. “No!” I growled crossing my arms he held up his hands and followed me downstairs since we were out of milk. “I’m sorry.” he said as I got a bowl of cereal ready. His hand went to either side of me making me freeze. “I’m sorry.” he said kissing up my neck. I elbowed him. *that’s how we got these.* I said pointing to my belly. He laughed and kissed me on the cheek. “what do you want them to be?”I asked him as I turned to face him.

“Healthy.” Scott shrugged. I hit his shoulder. “Ow.” “Wimp. No really what do you want a boy or a girl?” I asked him. “does it matter?” he asked me. I nodded as he sighed. “I want a little girl who looks just like their mother. But is much nicer. But I would also love it if they were little boys who have their mother’s eyes her hair and protect their mom and future little brothers or sisters.” He said kissing me. I shrugged my shoulders and leaned into him. “That answer your question?” he asked me. nodding I ate my breakfast.

At the doc’s office Scott was a little nervous. This was his first time with me. I sighed and leaned against the back of the chair. “Hey guys sorry I’m late I was ordering new equipment. As you now mine isn’t very high-tech.” he laughed I smiled nodding. “how you been rose?” he asked turning on the ultrasound machine. “good.” I told him looking up at Scott as he looked at the screen. “they look healthy. Are you sure you don’t want to know?” Andy asked me. “We do not want to know.” I told him as Scott smiled looking at the picture. “Scott help me up.” I ordered him as Andy handed us a picture.

Sorry for the long wait! and the shortness. i'm tired and will try to update soon!

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