《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》Chapter twenty five


Chapter twenty five

Rose’s POV

Around midnight I woke up clutching my stomach in pain. I shook Scott awake. “Some things wrong with the babies.” I gasped in pain as he jumped into action calling Andy just as I felt a warm liquid in-between my legs. I froze and looked at Scott as he rushed around the room getting us an overnight bag. “Scott.” I whispered. His head shot in my direction. “I think my water just broke.” I gasped as another wave of pain hit me. he helped me up and down to his car.

We made it to the doc’s house and Scott’s arm was bleeding where I was griping it. when Andy got me into the delivery room part of his house he said it was too late for drugs.

Scott’s Pov

I kissed rose’s forehead as our first baby was born. A boy. Ryan. Not long after was Ryder and then Rayne. Smiling at rose and our babies as Andy took them to get cleaned up and checked out. five minutes later rose gasped. “What’s wrong?” I asked her. “I don’t know.” She gasped as I called Andy. He ran in and looked confused. “your 8 centimeters.” He said and looked at us. “WHAT!” Rose screamed at him. “You are about to give birth to another child.” He told her she grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled my face to hers. “Get Me pregnant again and I will kill you!” she yelled then grabbed my still bleeding arm. I had no doubt she wouldn’t hesitate. Twenty minutes later I heard a baby cry. Smiling as rose kissed my cheek. “It’s a girl. Do you have a name for her?” Andy asked me. “We have three.” Rose whispered holding our little girl. Smiling I kissed rose’s forehead.


“What should we name her?” I asked rose taking the baby in my arms. Then I heard a snore. I looked down confused to see rose sound asleep. Laughing I walked out. and any took her handing me Ryan. “I’ll clean her off.” he said and left me in the hallway. And looked in the room Andy walked in. I saw the other two boys asleep and wrapped in blankets. I placed Ryder in his as Andy placed my girl in the empty one. “Can you lay them out next to each other on a bed so I can get a good picture.” I asked picking up two of the boys. “Sure.” He laughed helping me. after I got my picture I held two of my babies and Andy pushed the other two in the room rose was in.

Rose’s Pov

When I woke up I was sore and in one of Andy’s hospital rooms. I looked and saw Scott smiling down at two little babies he had in his arms. “It wasn’t a nightmare?” I asked him he jumped and smiled nodding. “So what should we name our little girl?” he asked me. Handing me the babies he had in his arms. I thought about it. “Stephanie?” I asked him that was my favorite. “on one condition.” He said seriously. “Her middle name is rose.” He smiled at my shocked face. “She looks just like you did when you where first born.” He said and I gave him a confused look. “You never forget the first time you see your mate when you meet them.” he said shyly. I shook my head and held my babies.

Jess’s POV

I sat down holding my stomach. I had just puked my guts out. mike had left a few hours ago. and Scott called me to let me know Rose had the babies. Sara and I were going to see them. and I was surprised to hear that there were four. I couldn’t wait to have my own. But I know I’m not ready. Sighing I got up and ready to see the babies.


Rose’s POV

I saw jess and Sara walk in. “Hey guys.” I smiled as Scott left for work. “I’ll be back. I’ll tell the school you had your babies.” He said and kissed my forehead. “Bye!” I told him as he ran out. “how did you get him to leave?” they asked me. “I told him he wasn’t getting any for a long time if he didn’t get to work.” I laughed. “He’s not getting any for awhile anyway.” Sara joked. “Nope.” We were laughing and joking till he got back later.

SHORT I KNOW! Sorry just trying to think on how to word what happens next! It’s something big! the next three weeks i'm going to be on vacation so i'll try to upload as much as possible during that time sorry!

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