《Set Apart》Chapter 21~


~3 weeks later~

"1, 2, 3, GO!" We both turned our bottles of root beer upside down and started chugging. I could already tell I was gonna win this considering after 3 seconds of chugging, I was half way done and he wasn't even close behind me.

I finished the bottle and slammed it on the table. "HA! I told you I was the best at this!" I did a little victory dance while he put down his bottle that was still 1/3 full.

"No fair I want a rematch." Derek pointed at me.

"Awwww, is someone a poor sport?" I pouted my lips and him and he giggled.

"I can't be mad at you when you do that face, stop it." He joked.

I got up from my side of the booth and sat next to him. "Don't worry babe i'll let you win next time." I wrapped my arms around his torso as he wrapped his arm around me. Just then Chubby rang the bell on the counter and said our number. "Order 34!"

"This is super comfortable but i'm gonna go get our order from Chubby." He groans when I get up. "I'll be right back." I grabbed the two plates from the counter and nodded my head at Chubby. He nodded back and I sat down right next to Derek again.

"Ah yes, food." He said and I laughed.

As we were halfway done eating, Derek spoke up. "So I was thinking..."


"Since we have been dating for 3 weeks and we don't really get to see each other that much because we go to different schools, what if..." He paused but I was smiling because I already knew what he was gonna say. "I transferred to John Adams High?"


I dropped my french fry and hugged him. "That would be great! But I thought you didn't like public school because of all the drama and petty kids." I let go of him and made eye contact.

"True, but maybe this time around if I had someone to guide me through it, public school wouldn't be so bad." He laced his fingers with mine.

"I'll tell you everything you need to know."

Earlier Cris asked if Shawn and I could meet at my house for something. I don't know what this is, but I have a feeling it's about that stupid Darren or whatever his name is.

I'm sitting in the living room and I see Shawn come through the door. "Hey is she here yet?"

"No not yet." He shuts and door and walks

over to me. "What do you think this is about?"

"I don't know. But whatever it is we have to support her on this Cor. Even if it's about Devin."

"Devin doesn't sound right."

"Don't know don't care."

I laughed and Cris came in through the door. "Good you're both here. Sit." She pointed towards the couch, so we both sat down.

"Cris what is this about?"

"I'm glad you asked Cor. But before I say anything you both have to make me a promise that you WON'T ruin this for me."

"Cristina." I narrowed my eyes at her and Shawn nudged me on the shoulder.

"Come on Cor." I rolled my eyes.

"We promise." Shawn and I said in unison.

"Good." She takes a deep breath. "Derek is transferring to John Adams." She smiled really wide.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "But you guys just met 3 weeks ago."


"Yeah but we hardly get to spend time together, and this way you guys get to meet him."

I looked over at Shawn and I could tell he was struggling with this. But he got up and faked a smile. "When do we get to meet him?"

"Hunter i'm glad you asked." He smiled when she said that, but a real smile this time. "He starts school next week on Monday. So that means neither of you two better pull anything funny or I will hunt you down and kill you."

Just as she said this Eric walked through the front door. "Hey guys." He walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey Eric." Cristina said. Eric stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Did you just call me Eric?" He stared at Cristina with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, because that's your name." She said matter of factly.

"Yeah but when you first see me you've only ever called me husband, future husband, dream boat, or man that makes my heart go zoom."

She walked closer to him and his eyes widened. "Eric, I am seeing someone now. Which means this little thing we've had going for the past 9 years is over."

Eric got a big smile on his face. "YES!!!!!" He grabbed her by the shoulders and hugged her. Once he let go he ran over to me and threw me over his shoulder. "I'M FREE!!!!!"

"ERIC PUT ME DOWN!" He dropped me on the floor and I screamed. "YOU IDIOT!"

"BUT ALAS I AM A FREE IDIOT!" He points at me and smiles.

Right before he leaves he shoves Shawn onto the couch while giggling and does a little victory dance all the way to the kitchen.

Cristina drops her jaw for about 5 seconds and then smiles. "Wow, what a show."

We all start laughing so hard that Cristina started crying, which made us laugh even more. After about 10 minutes of laughing we all sat down on the couch and calmed ourselves down.

"I think that the past 9 years of flirting and him not reciprocating was worth it for that one moment."

"Yeah it really was." I said. I looked over at her, and her face was still red from laughing. She was smiling and her cute little dimples were showing. She looked over and saw me staring.

"Hunter, whatcha looking at?" I snapped out of it.

"Nothing I was just thinking we should go see a movie."

"Sounds cool to me. Cor, you coming?"

"Sure. But i'll meet you guys there. I gotta take care of something."

"Okay then." She stood up and held her hand out wanting me to grab it. "Hunter."

"Carrillo." I stood up and grabbed her hand. "Shall we?"

"We shall."

We walked out together and the whole way to the movie theaters we were still holding hands. We both didn't even notice until we got there. When we finally let go so we could pay my hand felt weird. The touch of her hand was lingering on mine.

I missed her hand being with mine.

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