《Set Apart》Chapter 20~


"The soda came out of your nose?!"

"Yup, in front of her entire family."

I was out with Derek right now and we've been sitting at this ice cream place for hours just talking and sharing stories. He just told me this story about how he was trying to impress his ex girlfriends family when they went out to dinner and he shot soda out of his nose.

"I've done some pretty embarrassing shit in my day Derek but I think you win that one."

"Yes." He put his fist in the air and I laughed. Once we calmed down he looked at me with a bit more of a serious expression. "So tell me more about you."

I scooted my chair closer and put my arms on the table. "Well what do you wanna know?"

He mimicked me and put his arms on the table. "Siblings?"

"My 11 year old little sister. She's three and a half years younger than me."

"So you're 14?"

"Yup. You?"

"I'm 15."

"Any siblings?"

"Nope. I'm an only child." He took a sip of his water bottle he bought earlier. "What school do you go to?"

"I go to John Adams High. And considering I haven't seen you around, i'm assuming you go to a different high school."

"Actually i'm homeschooled."

"Ooh what's that like."

"A little lonely, especially with no siblings to hang out with. But I like it better than public school with all of the rowdy kids and petty drama. Plus, I find it very peaceful, it gives me time to focus on my hobbies."

"Which are—"

"I like to paint."

"Wow, that sounds so cool. Maybe someday I can see a few of your paintings."


"Maybe." He smirked. "So tell me about your friends."

"There is Shawn, Cory, and Cory's girlfriend Topanga. But Shawn, Cory, and I have been best friends since we were 5."

"Damn that's a long time."

"Yeah well i'm a great person to be around." I flipped my hair and he laughed. "What about your friends?"

"Well I just moved here about 2 weeks ago from Ohio so you're the first friend I have here."

"Oh no wonder I haven't seen you around. Why did you move?"

"My mom got a new job here. But I don't really miss my hometown. It was too small and I felt trapped."

"You don't even miss your friends."

"All the kids at my school were jerks so I didn't have many friends anyway. At least not good ones like you have."

"Well i'm sure the guys will like you once they get to know you, and you've got me so that's three good people you know already."

"Yeah well I guess I got lucky." He put his hand in mine. I had to stop myself from giggling but I smiled and looked at him directly in the eyes.

"Damn you're smooth." I joked.

He chuckled. "Well I gotta say, I really gotta try with you."

"Good, I like keeping you on your toes."

"Shawn are you sure you wanna do this?" Cory asked me.

"Yeah Cor. You were right earlier. I've gotta be honest with her. She likes honesty. What's the worst that can happen right?"

After talking with Cory for a while, I decided I should tell her. I don't expect anything to come of it, but maybe if I tell her I can get over this and things could go back to normal.


"Nothing. Nothing bad. Because it just wouldn't be fair to us that something bad could happen right now."

We both heard the door open and turned our heads. We saw Cristina smiling and giggling as the walked in. Cory got up from the couch and pointed at her.

"What was that?" She didn't say anything she just giggled again. "What was that? Why did you do that? No none of that."

"Guess what I did today boys."

"Nothing! Ya did nothing!" Cory said dramatically.

"Nooooooo." She kept smiling and it was making me nervous for some reason.

"What did you do?" I faked a smile and tried to act happy for her. But I had a feeling something bad was about to happen.

"I went out, simply to go get coffee out of boredom annnnnnnnnd..."

"OUT WITH IT WOMAN!" Cory shouted.

"I MET A REALLY CUTE GUY AND WE WENT ON A DATE!" My heart dropped and Cory and I went silent.

"That's great." I tried to act as excited as I could but I honestly felt like throwing up.

"Well you guys don't seem happy for me."

"Who is this boy?" Cory said raising his eyebrow and stepping closer to her.

"His name is Derek. He was the barista at the coffee shop."

"And how come i've never heard of this 'Derek'?" Cory was pissed.

"He just moved into town 2 weeks ago from Ohio—But c'mon stop acting like my big brothers over here. BE HAPPY FOR ME!!" She grabbed our hands and jumped around trying to get us excited. I stood up but neither of us jumped. "Guys come onnnnnnn." She groaned. "I'm happy for you guys when you get dates." She crossed her arms.

I looked at her and I sighed. No matter how much this hurts, she's right. "You know what Cris? You're right?"

Cory widened his eyes at me and he stared at me so hard i'm surprised he didn't pop a vein. "wHAT?!"

I stand up and face Cory. "She's right. We should be excited for her and this David dude."

"Derek." She corrected.

"Same thing." She laughed. "But if he hurts you we'll kill him."

"Oh I don't doubt it." She put her arm around my shoulders and messed up my hair. She loosened her grip and headed to the kitchen. "I'm gonna grab a water be right back."

I sat down and Cory turned to me. "Shawn?"

"She's happy."

"So are you gonna—"

I cut him off. "She's happy. That's all that matters. Being honest won't matter if it ruins what we have."

"So that's it?"

"That's it. Cor, please let it be it." I pleaded with him, I knew he didn't want to let this go.

Before he could respond she walked back into the room and I smiled.

"So movie?"

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