《Vexed ♡ S. ROGERS》2.Motherly Glares


Fontainebleau Forest, Paris

As the team sat in the jet, everyone seemed on edge. No one talked to each other and everyone had a straight face. The mission couldn't be more serious and they didn't know if they were prepared enough.

"Listen I know we're all thinking it so I'm just going to put it out there and say it," Steve stated, everyone's eyes on him. "We don't know what we're up against. We don't know how much power Vex has so we all need to be careful."

"I'm always careful," Tony said, raising the one hand that wasn't covered by his suit. He was in the middle of getting ready and he just felt that he had to say something.

Everyone on the team snorted and he scoffed, slightly hurt. "I am careful," he defended himself.

"You're an idiot," Natasha dead panned. Clint chuckled from beside her but kept his eyes straight.

"But I'm a careful idiot," Tony shot back, smirking when he saw Natasha narrow her eyes at him.

Bruce watched the team interact, amused by their actions. He didn't have to be prepared but he was also on edge. Which was strange because he was usually calm.

Thor on the other hand, had absolutely no worries. The God of Thunder wasn't scared of the supposed threat that they had been ordered to deal with. To him, she was just another human.

A puny, tiny human.

"I like France," Bruce said, looking at all of the scenery that surrounded him. He was beside Natasha, staring out of the large window that let them see.

"I heard Australia was lovely this time of year," Thor grinned hard. The other team members looked at him in confusion and he shrugged.

"When have you ever been to Australia?" Clint asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I've visited multiple times," Thor replied, adjusting his armor. "I have a life outside of my job. I have friends."

Natasha snorted and rolled her eyes, focusing her attention back to the task at hand. The agent wasn't scared either; but she was slightly tense. She didn't like when she knew nothing of her targets. Natasha hated not knowing what to expect.


Clint really didn't give a shit.

He was just ready to shoot some arrows and get some rest. Clint hadn't slept in days and it was really taking a toll on him. Coffee can only do so much.

Steve looked at his team, watching their facial expressions. He was mostly concerned about their safety. Steve didn't really care about his safety as long as his team was involved. That was his job, he was the captain.

"We're here," Clint announced, pulling everyone out of there thoughts. The team-minus Clint and Natasha- began to scramble around the jet as they finished getting ready.

Tony was the first to jump off of the jet and Thor soon followed. Natasha rolled her eyes as she closed the hatch. She and Clint landed the jet and waited for Steve to give them orders.

"Natasha you stay close to Clint and steer clear of Bruce. No offense Banner," Steve said, giving Bruce a sympathetic look.

Bruce waved him off and smiled slightly. "I wouldn't go near the other guy either," he told him.

"Bruce, you actually can stay on the plane. You look like you haven't got any type of sleep," Steve said, changing his mind.

Clint smacked his lips and stomped his foot dramatically. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked up when Steve gave him a look.

"I'm so tired," he pouted.

Steve rolled his eyes and shook his head. He pointed outside of the jet and Clint reluctantly followed after Natasha. Clint hit Natasha in the arm when he saw her laughing and she chuckled to herself.

Sending Bruce one last wave, Steve walked out of the jet and onto the fallen leaves and twigs. There was no one in the forest thankfully and Steve looked up at the trees. He made a face and groaned internally. From what he had saw, Vex had the upper hand when it came to trees.

"Should I climb the trees?" He thought out loud. Steve was about to climb the large tree when he saw Natasha being thrown out of one. "I think I'll pass."

He looked up at the trees once again and narrowed his eyes. Seeing the trees rustle, Steve threw his shield in that direction and heard a small cry.


"You know, that really hurt," a light feminine voice whined.

Steve raised an eyebrow and watched as a figure quickly dropped from the tall trees, unharmed. He quickly held his arm up, waiting for his shield to come back.

The figure grabbed it midair with one hand and sent Steve a glare. It wasn't an evil glare, it was more of a motherly glare.

"You could have hurt me really bad," she said, holding the shield with both hands now.

Steve looked the woman up and down and looked quite shocked. For a famed supervillain that even SHIELD couldn't catch, Vex looked anything but deadly.

She had a soft, kind face and two large dimples appeared on her cheeks when she frowned and smiled. Vex had medium length light brown hair that fell past her shoulders in gentle waves and contrasted well with her striking blue eyes.

"Staring is rude," Vex pointed out, playing with Steve's shield.

"Well you're not my mom," Steve shot back quickly. Vex raised an amused eyebrow and Steve looked pretty sheepish. It was a childish thing to say.

He cleared his throat and held his hand out. "You're going to have to come with me ma'am, we-"

"Ma'am, isn't that the cutest thing," Vex smiled. "You know men these days don't usually say things like that. Especially in America."

Steve shook his head, trying to ignore the heat creeping up his neck. "Can you give me my shield back and come with me?"

"I like your shield, I'm keeping it," Vex denied, looking at the shield with interest.

"Please don't make this harder than it needs to be ma'am," Steve begged, tilting his head to the side.

Thor and Tony stood by, ready to attack. Clint was off to the side, trying to help an unconscious Natasha.

"Very sorry sir but I think you're the one who has made it harder than it needs to be," Vex frowned, her French accent soft.

Tony rolled his eyes. Vex did not look intimidating. She was wearing a skirt and heeled boots for crying out loud. Who in the hell wore heeled boots and skirts to fight.

"Not to be rude ma'am but you don't look that intimidating," Steve said, voicing Tony's thoughts.

Vex seemed angered by his words and narrowed her eyes at him. "All right then, I do not like to use violence but..."

Vex's striking blue eyes turned to a light purple color and the same purple hue began to form around her painted fingernails. Tony raised his hand up but Vex was faster and she knocked him down using Steve's shield.

She easily avoided Thor's hammer and sent a blast in his direction, causing him to fly a few feet. Her gaze landed on Steve, who was trying to retrieve his shield.

Vex ran over to him and snatched the shield, causing Steve to jolt forward. Their faces were inches apart and while Vex smiled, Steve swallowed hard.

"I'm not going to hurt you, but you guys are going to hurt each other," she grinned, placing her hand on the side of Steve's face.

His eyes glowed purple slightly and Vex smiled. She went over to Thor and touched his arm, narrowly avoided his fist. Vex made her way over to Tony and frowned when she saw that he was protected by the suit.

Tony began to laugh uncontrollably and she glared at him. Vex placed a hand on his suit and it began to make a noise.

"Sir, your power level seems to be decreasing extremely fast," JARVIS rushed.

"Well-" before Tony could finish, the suit had powered down and Vex smirked.

Backing away from him, Vex looked at the chaos she had created. Steve and Thor were fighting each other while Tony laid on the ground, unable to do anything. Clint was back on the jet with Natasha-who had yet to come back into consciousness- and Bruce had no idea what was going on.

Vex squealed and jumped, grinning widely at the mess she had made. Giving them one last look, Vex picked up Steve's shield and ran off leaving behind a trail of purple magic.

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