《Vexed ♡ S. ROGERS》1.Purple Bastards


New Forest, England

"Do you have eyes on the target yet agent?"

"No, sir. But I'm pretty damn sure the target has eyes on us," the agent replied warily, pressing his earpiece to his ear.

He looked to one of his fellow agents and got a nod. The agent sent a nod back and looked up at the trees. He narrowed his eyes, trying to find some sort of disturbance and signed when he didn't find anything. The agent didn't have any supervision or any other magical powers, he was just human.

Something she wasn't.

The forest was stripped free from any humans. Which was odd considering there was a popular castle nearby and everyone took walks on the path close by. There were a few small animals but other than that, the forest was extremely quiet.

Seeing something move out of the corner of his eye, the agent slowly turned in that direction and raised his gun-ready to shoot. Cocking his gun to the side, the agent waited for the trees to move again so he could take his shot.

"Jackson!" The agent jumped slightly when he heard the sound of his name being shouted into his ear.

"I think we've got her Deputy Director Fury," Jackson told him.

"You think you have her?" Fury questioned, narrowing his eye as he stared through the many screens laid out in front of him. "Well, I think I'll fire you when you get your ass back to headquarters."

"Noted sir," was all Jackson said, before he continued walking through the forest.

A small giggle was heard and the two agents looked at each other in confusion. The trees rumbled slightly and they quickly raised their guns.

"What's going on?" A voice asked.

Fury looked away from the monitors for a quick second to look at who was talking. Steve Rogers stood next to Fury as he looked at the monitors in confusion. He still was new to the whole technology thing and looked completely lost.


"Our agents are trying to capture a threat," Fury answered, distracted by the current situation. "An extremely big threat that's been at large for three years."

"Well he must not be that big of a threat considering you sent two agents in alone," Steve said, shrugging.

"She is an enormous threat and I tried to get in contact with you all but you bastards were out," Fury snapped, correcting Steve.

"Oh, my fault!" Tony cut in, walking into the room with Dr. Banner next to him. "I took the team out for shawarma, again."

"It was pretty good," Bruce admitted sheepishly as he played with a tool he held in his hand.

Fury rolled his eye and turned his attention back to the monitors. "What information do you have on her?" Steve asked, getting a closer look.

Sighing, Fury pressed a couple of buttons and a digital file opened up. He looked over to Steve and placed his hands behind his back. "Lex has been wrecking havoc all around the world for over eight years. I didn't really give a shit until she hit us where it hurts, in America," he stated.

"We know absolutely nothing about her and every time we get close to finding out about her, our agents magically act as if they're stupid," Fury hissed, shaking his head.

Tony smirked as he popped a blueberry into his mouth. "She irks you. You, Mr. Know-it-all, has finally found someone who he can't intimidate."

Fury glared at Tony and went back to watching the monitors. "I need her in one of these damn cells by tonight or god so help me I'll-dammit," he growled.

In the time it took him to speak, his agents had dropped to the ground. There was a trail of light purple colored magic and Tony squinted.


"Oh, I know her!" He yelled. "I met her in Rome one time...she gave me this really nasty scar." Tony pulled up his shirt and revealed a long scar going down his side.

"How'd that happen?" Steve questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I may or may not have tried to steal something from her house and that's what I got in return," Tony replied nonchalantly.

"That doesn't sound evil to me," Steve said, shaking his head. He looked over to Fury and sent him a look. "How is she a threat?"

"She's killed multiple people, and by multiple people I mean our own men and government agents-"

"I wish I could do that," Tony pouted sarcastically. "But I can't because I'm one of the good guys!"

Steve rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Well, your plan sucked," Tony stated, cutting Steve off before he had the chance to even speak.

"I understand that," Fury seethed, gritting his teeth. He was fighting back the urge to punch Tony in the face and so far...he wasn't doing too good.

"Don't worry, we'll get her," Steve said, placing a hand on Fury's shoulder.

"Again?" Bruce whined. "We're doing this again? Do I have time to sleep?"

"No, we have to leave tonight if we want to catch her," Steve denied, shaking his head. Bruce frowned but didn't say anything else.

"So what do you say?" Tony questioned challengingly, looking over at Fury. "Thirty bucks says we'll catch her."

"Fine, she's in England. I don't know exactly where but the last time we tracked her she was in Paris," Fury muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Now go suit up before I change my damn mind."

Tony patted his shoulder and ran off to go put on his suit. Bruce followed slowly after, trailing behind. Steve gave Fury a curt nod and walked off briskly, headed off to inform the rest of the team.

"I can't stand those bastards," Fury mumbled, rubbing a hand over his face. Next to him, Maria Hill rolled her eyes, knowing that Fury's words were lies. She didn't say anything though and continued with her work.

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