《Vexed ♡ S. ROGERS》3.Avenging


It had been about a week since the Avengers had encountered Vex. Tony had reluctantly given Fury his thirty dollars and didn't talk to anyone.

Steve kept to himself also and Thor was confused. He didn't have any memory of what had happened and he only remembered being seconds close from killing Steve.

Natasha still hadn't woken up and it was declared she was in a coma. Clint was by her side all the time and refused to go to sleep. Bruce was also worried about Natasha but he tried not to show it. However, as the days passed, it was getting harder for Bruce to hide his emotions.

"You still think she's not a threat?" Fury asked, raising an eyebrow.

Steve sent Fury a look, showing that he wasn't in the mood. Fury put his hands up in mock surrender and leaned up against one of the railings.

"Look, I know you don't work for me anymore but I think you should try again," he said.

Steve looked at him as if he was crazy and glared at the man. "Are you insane? Natasha is lying in an infirmary...in a coma because of that woman! And you want me to take my team back out there?" He questioned, raising his voice.

Tony joined the group, along with Thor, and stared at the men in confusion. "What's going on?" Tony asked.

"Fury wants us to go after Vex again," Steve muttered, turning his attention to Tony.

Tony's face turned from confusion to anger. His pissed off expression couldn't come close to Steve's but it was still deadly. He scoffed and turned to look at Fury. The dark-skinned man held a plain expression on his face which made Tony even more irritated.

"Why in the hell would we do that?" Tony questioned, sending Fury a look.


"I am up for the challenge," Thor stated. He wasn't too fond of the woman and wanted to get revenge.

"I'm sure Barton would t-"

"Do not try to change my mind!" Steve hissed, cutting Fury off. "My team is not going to go after Vex again! I am not putting them in danger!"

Fury tried to speak again. "Well now you know what you're up against-"

"No we don't!" Bruce yelled, making his presence known. "Natasha is in a right now! And that's not even a quarter of what that girl can do!"

"Banner, you should calm-" Thor placed a hand on Bruce's shoulder in a futile attempt to comfort his fellow teammate.

"I don't need to calm down!" Bruce shot back. "Fury's trying to save his own ass so he's trying to send us out there!"

By then, Fury was also irritated. He decided to stick up for himself and glared at the male Avengers. "Look, I sent you in because I had faith in you. I thought that if anyone could take down Vex, it would be you guys," he said.

Before anyone could say anything, he continued. "You defeated an alien army for Christ's sake," he added. "To that, Vex is a piece of cake."

Everyone seemed to calm down slightly once he said that. Well, everyone but Steve. He still wasn't convinced.

"Apparently she isn't a 'piece of cake' considering she kicked our ass without breaking a sweat," he countered.

"You were unprepared," Fury stated calmly, his hands placed behind his back. "You thought that your target would be easy so your plan didn't work out. Now you know."

"Know what? That she's crazy?" Steve questioned, giving him an incredulous look. "She took my damn shield."

"Either you go after Vex again and stop her," Fury began, "or you can just give up and let her run free...destroying everything in her path."


He walked away after that, not saying a word. The Avengers shared a look but said nothing. They didn't need to speak because their eyes told everything. Their eyes spilled like an overflowing cup with emotion.

They had silently made the decision. But in the end, it was ultimately up to the Captain; he had to make the last call. Everyone turned to him and waited for his answer.

"Why in the hell not," Steve finally said, sighing. "I need my shield back anyways."

Thor grinned widely and swung his hammer madly. "Yes! We will get our revenge on Lady Vex and avenge Lady Natasha!" He yelled, his blue eyes shining with excitement.

"Natasha is not dead Thor," Tony muttered, rolling his eyes. "She is in a coma."

Thor frowned but nodded, all of his excitement gone. He stood and listened while Steve went over the plan.

"Where is Mr. Barton?" Thor asked, looking around in confusion.

"He's in the infirmary with Natasha," Bruce answered, taking his glasses off of his face. He rubbed his tired eyes and let out a small sigh. "Barton hasn't left the infirmary since they put Natasha in there."

"It's fine, Clint doesn't need to come," Steve said, shaking his head and bringing everyone back to the task at hand.

As they continued to go over the intricate plan, they heard the sound of the door opening. Everyone turned around and their eyes landed on a very shitty-looking Clint Barton.

His eyes were bloodshot red, his bags were so large that you could probably see them from a mile away. His clothes were still bloody from Natasha's wound and he looked as if he hadn't showered in weeks rather than days.

"Clint, you don't have to come-"

"I want to come," Clint cut Steve off, his voice gruff. "I want to go and I want to find her and I want to kill her."

Everyone went silent as they looked between each other. "You go get some sl-"

"I don't need to sleep!" Clint yelled harshly, glaring at everyone. "I want to find her and-"

"You might not have to look that hard."

Everyone stopped at the sound of the new, light voice. They turned to the source of the sound and saw Vex standing by the door. She had her hair straightened and was wearing dark blue jeans with black heeled knee-high boots.

Instinctively, she hugged herself closer to her body, the warmth from her black sweater making her feel safe.

"How in the hell did you get in here?" Tony asked, speaking up for the first time.

"It was kind of easy," Vex said. "Actually it was really easy. I just walked into here."

Tony scoffed, offended by the brunette's choice of words. Since he had built everything himself, he thought that his work was invincible and no one could beat it-or sneak past it. In this case, it was JARVIS.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here Vex," Steve stated, his voice firm.

"What happened to ma'am?" Vex questioned, her bright red painted lips quirking up into a slight smile.

"What do you want?" Clint asked, his tired voice showing itself. "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't kill you right now?"

Vex sent him a "really" look. Clint did not look like a threat in his current state and actually looked amusing. Thor sent her a hard glare, motioning for her to answer the question.

"You can't kill me because I'm the only one who can help Natasha."

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