

The day got over quickly. Being the new girl was the worst thing ever.

During PE I had to wear the only dress that was available and let me tell you those were no where near my size.

But I still had to wear it, and it was so uncomfortable.

The shorts were too short and it ended right below my butt. And the T-shirt was too tight near my chest area.

I was so insecure about my body and wearing this dress in front of so many people including "Xavier" made me feel even more insecure.

I even complained to our PE teacher but it was of no use. You see he's a guy and guys like him are total perverts.

So I dropped the topic.

During our laps I could feel someone looking at me. And there was no doubt about it that it was none other Xavier.

He was actually glaring at my whole outfit especially the shorts.

Do I really have that of a bad body? I wondered.

Some guys tried to talk to me but thanks to lord I had Lily with me. She scared them off and I am so glad she did.

I was really bad at talking to guys.

And Lily told me that half the guys of this school were assholes. She also told me to stay away from them.

I just shrugged at that. Nothing new for me.

At my old school boys were the same. 'They just want to get in your pants' Chloe used to say.

God I really miss her. I need to call her like asap.

Finally PE was over that means school was over. I have to say today was a really good day.

I made new friends and also because I met Xavier and I don't know why but I feel something for him, like there's more to him and I want to get to know him more.


I get changed and head towards the parking lot. I could already see Xavier waiting near a black Mercedes.

That's a nice car.

He was on his phone. As I headed near him he looked up and gave me a big smile.

God he's hot! Keep yourself together Jackie.

"Hey princess, ready to go?" he asked but I could feel that he was trying hold his anger.

What? Did I do something wrong?

"Um yes" I said a little hesitantly.

We got in the car and I tried to make myself comfortable.

"You good?" he asked looking at me through the corner of his eyes.

"Yuppp" I said and he chuckled.

We made out of the parking lot and started heading towards my house.

After a good 10 minutes Xavier said " So, I think you should change your PE clothes. They are not at all of your size."

"I know but they didn't have any other size" I frowned.

Why was he saying this? It was my clothes not his.

"Bullshit. They should have. You should have checked harder."

I frowned at him but still nodded.

I didn't like where this conversation was going.

"And also you should stop talking to those guys princess. They all just want to get inside of your pants." he said rather rudely.

"It's my life. I can talk to whoever I want so you can't order me around Xavier" I said. I was highly offended. How could he say something like that?

He parked in front of my house.

"Well if you want to be a slut and spread your legs for everyone then go ahead" he spit.

He was furious right now but me? I was heartbroken.

He called me a slut.

That hurt so damn much I can't even explain. Tears were building up in my eyes and when he saw that his eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry princess I didn't mean that. Ple-" I interrupted him " Save it Xavier" I said lowly and dashed out of the car and ran inside my home.

I heard him calling for me but I didn't turn around.


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