

Two weeks later.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Stop it.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Oh god stop that bloody noise.

"Get your ass up Jackie or else we will be late for school" PJ said barging into my room.

"Get out of my room PJ" I groaned. "Okay as you wish."

That was weird he left without doing anything. I slept for five more minutes and the door creaked open.

"I'm getting up PJ, five more minutes pleaseee" I whined.

Suddenly a bucket full of ice cold water was poured down at me.

"Aaahh! What the hell? I will kill you PJ"

I ran after him to catch him but him being quicker than me he dashed into his room and locked his door.

"I'm gonna get your back, I swear."

He just laughed on the other side.

I groaned and pulled myself towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower and picked out my outfit.

I went for the look of Ariana Grande and put on a little makeup.

After being satisfied by the way I look I pinned my hair up in a ponytail and let a few strands of my hair flow out.

I grabbed my phone and bag and headed downstairs. As we were getting late I grabbed an apple and went to PJ's car.

He was already waiting for me inside.

"I hate you so much PJ" I said throwing daggers at him.

"I love you too sis" he chuckled.

When we were on our way to school I thought about my very first day and what happened with Xavier.

I was still not talking to him. He tried to talk to me but whenever I saw him I used to turn around and start walking in the opposite direction.

And over these past two weeks I became really good friends with Lily and Bethany.


Turns out Bethany liked Zayn since elementary school. They both practically grew up together but Zayn was always busy flirting with other girls.

I made it very clear to Bethany that I didn't liked Zayn at all.

When we reached school I got out of the car and got a hold of PJ's shirt as always. He was the bestest brother in the world. I mean cousin. But he's more of a brother to me so yeah.

As we were late because of me I rushed to my first class that was Calculus.

The professor wasn't here yet but then I groaned when I saw the only seat left was the one beside Xavier.

I pulled myself towards him and sat down. I was getting so self conscious of myself with him sitting so close to me.

That word still haunted me. Slut.

I shook off those thoughts out of my head and looked forward.

The class went on and I could feel him looking at me.

"Your dress is too short" he said all of a sudden.

I was taken back by him. But him saying that only boiled my blood.

"Well first it's none of your business and second what are you gonna do about it? Will you call me a slut again?" I asked harshly.

He winced at that and I could see guilt pooling in his eyes.

But I didn't care. That day he hurt my feelings a lot.

"I'm sorry princess" he said.

"Well I don't accept your apology and just to be clear I'm not a princess. I have a name so you better start calling me by my name" I scoffed.

"I will explain everything to you princess. Just please stop ignoring me. You have no idea how guilty I felt after you got out of my car that day. I hated myself for being an ass to you. I'm so fucking sorry princess. Please forgive me. Please" he said and he meant it.

I could see the sincerity in his eyes,

"Just give me one last chance. Please princess" he begged.

"Okay. But don't expect me to fall for your stupid little games this time."

He frowned but then nodded.

And the class went on.


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