《Into The Unkown》Chapter 34


A few weeks went by since the letter from Carlisle telling them that Bella is now a vampire. Olivia has been watching them as Aro asked her to do. Sometimes there would be images of a little girl, but Olivia couldn't decipher what it means as the girl looks human.

She showed the visions to Aro who told her to keep watch because the little girl could mean anything. Olivia and Demetri hardly spend their nights away from each other. They are always next to one another in their room. They would sometime talk other times not.

"Miss Olivia, Master Aro wants to see you in the great hall," The human receptionist says and Olivia nods. She stood up and walked past the human towards where Aro would be. Her heels tapped against the ground as she walked.

"You wanted to see me, Master Aro," Olivia says as she walked into the great hall. Aro, Marcus and Caius all sat around a table in the corner of the room. The table has a pile of books on it. "Yes, Olivia," Aro smiled at Olivia who smiled back.

"It seems that your sister and her new family created an immortal child," Caius says and Olivia looked at them confused. "An immortal child?" Olivia questions and Caius nods. "Yes, they turned a child into a vampire," Caius says and Olivia looked at them shocked.

"Who would do that to a child?" Olivia questions. "The child you've been seeing in your visions. SHe's the one they turned it would seem. Miss Denali saw it with her own eyes," Aro says and gestured towards a woman who was being held by Demetri and Felix.

"That would make sense why I've been seeing her," Olivia says and Aro nods. "I think we need to gather our loyal friends and get a few trusted vampires on our side," Olivia says and Aro smiled at her.


"Why?" Caius asks and Olivia looked towards him. "It would seem that the Cullens are going to gather witnesses, meaning they are forming an army," Aro answered when he took hold of Olivia's hand.

Days went by and a few vampires showed up at the Volturi castle, to show that they are on the Volturi's side. Some of the lower guards were sent out to find a few more vampires to join, while Olivia was told to stay at the castle to keep watch on the vampires that arrive.

The three masters along with Jane, Alec, Felix and Demetri went to track some vampires who haven't answered the Volturi's call. Olivia has been avoiding eye contact with the new vampires arriving, as to avoid getting new powers.

In a few weeks, they would be going to Forks to meet with the Cullens and see the child they created. Recently Olivia had a vision of how the battle would take place, and both sides would lose a number of people but the Volturi would be defeated and Olivia would lose Demetri.

SHe didn't want that. This vision was the only one she never showed Aro, she kept it in the back of her mind, away from Aro's reach if he should want to read her mind.

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