《Into The Unkown》Chapter 33


The doors opened and Olivia looked up. There were guests on both sides of the aisle. At the end stood Demetri with Felix a few steps behind him. Marcus stood a step higher than Demetri. Olivia smiled as she walked down the aisle with Aro next to her. Her dress trailed behind her as she walked.

They got to the end and Aro handed Olivia over to Demetri. Olivia and Demetri stood in front of Marcus holding hands.

"We are gathered here today to bless this couple into matrimony," Marcus spoke up. Olivia and Demetri smiled at one another. "The two has prepared their own vows. Demetri Volturi, we'll start with you," Marcus says and looked at Demetri. Demetri smiled and then looked into Olivia's eyes.

"I always thought it would be difficult to find someone who will love me when I'm always scattered in a thousand pieces. It's like trying to complete a puzzle when you don't even know if you have all the right pieces, but then you showed me that every piece doesn't have to be in place to create something beautiful. That love can exist in the most imperfect lost and broken people. And I can promise you that love will be just as beautiful if you're in a thousand pieces or just one. We've already started our eternity together. Let's keep it that way. I love you, Olivia," Demetri says and Olivia smiled at Demetri, who slipped her ring onto her finger.

"Olivia, your vows," Marcus says and Olivia nods.

"I know that the last year has been hard. I got turned before our planned date and I lost all memory of you. But in the weeks I was learning how to be a vampire, I always had a feeling that something was missing. Like a puzzle piece that fell somewhere but I could seem to reach it. I talked to Alexander the one day and he mentioned your name and wondered who you were and he told me, but I was still so afraid to even send you a message about my memory loss, I didn't know what you would do. But before the battle with the Newborns, I got the memory of me seeing you for the second time. Right here in the very hall. I then knew that I would choose you, no matter how many lifetimes pass, years could have gone by and I would have still found my way to you and I'd choose you. I love you, Demetri Volturi. Always," Olivia says and a few of the female guest awh'ed at them. Olivia then slipped Demetri's ring onto his finger.


"You may now kiss the bride," Marcus says smiling at Demetri and Olivia. Demetri leaned down and kissed Olivia. The guest cheered. Olivia and Demetri pulled away and looked towards the crowd.

They celebrated with a feast. Heidi had brought in a few humans for them. Olivia had changed out of her white dress not wanting to ruin it.

+Few days Later+

Demetri and Felix stood their usual guard by the door of the throne room. Olivia stood behind Aro, Marcus and Caius. They assigned her as their personal guard, as she could easily protect them with her copy cat powers. The doors opened and the human receptionist walked in. She held a silver train with a letter on it.

She walked towards Aro and held the tray out to him. Aro took the letter and opened it. "It's from Carlisle, which is spelt with an 'S', sweet Bianca," Aro turned his gaze towards the human. "What does it say?" Caius asks Aro. "It seems that they have a new addition to their coven," Aro says looking at his brothers.

Aro waved his hand and Demetri and Felix grabbed Bianca and dragged her out of the throne room. Olivia walked until she was behind Aro's chair. "At least our dispute with the Cullens are over," Marcus says and Aro turned to look at him. "Over?" Aro questioned and Marcus hummed. "Goodness no. Our dispute goes far beyond the life of a human. They have something I want," Aro says and his brothers looked at him. They might have Olivia who had the powers they wanted but if they send her on a mission they would need the others with the powers.

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