《Into The Unkown》Chapter 35


+The Battle field+

They walked on the snow-covered ground. Approaching the Cullens and their witnesses. Olivia walked next to Demetri. Her hair hanging loose over her shoulders except for a few pieces that were being held back by a clip.

They came to a stand a few meters away from the Cullens and their witness. Wolf howls echoed through the air as the Quillett pack joined. "Aro lets talk about this like civil being," Carlise says stepping forward.

"Wise word for the battalion you have assembled against us," Aro answers and Carlisle looked over his shoulder towards Bella and Edward who had the child with them. "The child is not immortal. You can see the blood in the redness of her cheeks," Carlisle says gesturing towards the child.

Olivia's eyes travelled over everyone. Her eyes locked with Bella's and she could feel herself getting a new power. A shield.

"Artificial," Caius hissed at them which cause Aro to hold up his hand. "Edward," Aro says turning his gaze on Edward. "As the child clings to your newborn mate, I suspect you have something to do with this," Aro says and Edward stepped forward.

Edward finally reached them and Aro took a hold of his hand and read through his thoughts. Olivia watched Edward's thoughts and saw a very human Bella pregnant with the child. "I would like to meet her," Aro says gesturing to the child. Bella and the girl stepped forward, with Jacob in his wolf form next to them. Bella stopped and looked towards Emmett who untangled himself from Rosalie and followed Bella.

They came to a stop in front of the Volturi and Renesme stood in front of Aro who bent down to her size. "Hello, Aro," Renesme says, not an ounce of fear in her voice. Olivia wanted to laughed or smile but this wasn't the time for that.


Renesme lifted her hand towards Aro's cheek and Olivia watched as the memory went through Aro's mind. It was a human Bella, who looked pale and thin. She was covered in blood. Renesme took her hand away and Aro looked at Bella, surprised.

Bella, Renesme, Emmett and Jacob all walked away from the Volturi as Aro looked towards everyone that stood behind him.

"Half-mortal, half immortal, carried by this newborn while she was still human," Aro says and Caius scoffed in disbelief. "Do you think my thoughts deceive me, brother?" Aro asked Caius but Caius didn't answer he had two other guards bring Irina forward.

"Is that the child you saw?" Caius asked gesturing towards where Renesme was. "This child is bigger," Irina answered and Olivia could see in her mind what she was going to do. "I was wrong, the Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake," Irina said and Caius nods. He then killed her. Olivia saw two other women on the other side running towards them but a few of the Cullen's witnesses stopped them.

Aro then stared to talk about how humans are becoming a problem with the new technology they were creating. He went on about how Renseme poses a threat because they don't know for how long she will age rapidly and if she would have control over herself.

Olivia suddenly saw movement in the threes as two figures approached them. Walking straight towards the Volturi. Aro let out a gasp. "Alice," Edward breathed out as Alice just looked towards them and continued to walk towards where Aro stood.

Felix and Demetri intervened and took hold of Alice and Jasper's arms, holding them in place. Aro gestured for Alice to come forward and Alice held out her hand towards Aro who took a hold of it.


Olivia knew what vision Alice was showing Aro so she didn't bother with looking at it. She just looked at everyone who was wondering what Alice was showing Aro, well all except Edward, who was smiling slightly.

"Now you know, that's your future. Unless you decided on another course," Alice said and moved her hand away from Aro's. Alice looked over her shoulder after she showed Aro the vision.

Olivia stopped listening to what they were talking about and looked at the tree line, where she heard a rapid heartbeat, just like Renseme's. Alice found someone, to prove that Renesme isn't a threat.

Alice started to tell Aro and the rest of the Volturi that they found someone like Renesme. A man and a woman stepped out and walked towards where Alice was standing. The man informed them that he is half human half vampire, like Renesme. He was exactly like Renesme, she just had to grow fro seven more years before she stopped ageing.

Olivia smiled as Aro said that there won't be a fight. She watched as the vampires on their side left. Aro stayed and looked towards the Cullens and their witnesses.

"Such a prize," Aro said before they left.

That was the last time for many years to come that Olivia laid eyes on her sister Bella and her niece.

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