《Into The Unkown》Chapter 25



"She's been around the corner for more than half an hour, so I think she has enough control," Jasper says to them. "Are you going to come out?" Edward asks looking towards where Olivia was hiding. Olivia took a deep breath even though she doesn't need it. She slowly stepped out from behind the wall and walked down the steppes and went to stand next to Edward.

"Hello, Bella" Olivia greeted looking at her sister.

Bella stared at Olivia, not saying a word. She didn't even smile at Olivia. "Bella," Olivia says softly and stepped towards Bella. "So you changed her but can't change me?" Bella suddenly snapped glaring towards Edward who frowned at her. "You think I wanted this?" Olivia questions Bella. "I wanted to live a normal life. I wanted to go to college but now I'm stuck at seventeen years old for an eternity," Olivia snapped at Bella glaring at her.

Bella was not happy that Olivia is a vampire that was certain. "I'd like to see Charlie," Olivia says looking towards Carlisle ignoring Bella completely. "We can arrange that, but first we need a story," Carlisle says and walked towards Olivia and started to lead her out of the room while Bella and Edward talks.

Olivia and Carlisle walked to his office and Carlisle closed the door behind Olivia. "So what should we tell Charlie?" Olivia asks as Carlisle sat down behind his desk. "We could tell him that you stumble out of the forest behind the house and we found you and I examined you," Carlisle says and Olivia nods.

"That doesn't sound so bad. Seeing as I don't really remember what happened so that story would work," Olivia says and they sat in silence for a few seconds. "Who is the Volturi?" Olivia asks and Carlisle snapped his head towards Olivia. "I heard you guys mentioning them," Olivia says lifting her shoulders up as if she didn't care.


+Later that day+

Olivia sta in Carlisle's car in front of her house. "Come on," Carlisle says and they got out of the car. Olivia fiddled with her fingers as she got out of the car.

She was dressed in an outfit that Alice picked out for her. She slowly walked towards the front door with Carlisle behind her. She knocked on the door. "Coming," Charlie's voice came from somewhere in the house.

A few seconds later the door opened. Charlie stood there looking at Olivia in shock. "Hi, Dad," Olivia says softly and Charlie brought her in for a hug as he kissed her head. Ignoring the coldness of her skin.

"Livy" Charlie muttered as he hugged her and Olivia could hear and feel him crying softly. "What happened?" Charlie asks pulling away from Olivia and examined her before Charlie led Olivia and Carlisle into the house.

"My family and I spotted her walking through the woods a few days ago. She was in shock and by the time we got her in the house she passed out," Carlisle says to Charlie as they sat down on the couch.

"I remember talking to you on the phone and you telling me to wait for you and then I was attacked. I don't remember much. I have a few memories but there are things that I don't remember. Like I don't know what I was doing while I was away just that I was in Italy for school," Olivia says as she sat next to Charlie on the couch.

"I'm just glad that you are home safe," Charlie says and Olivia nods. "Thank you for taking care of her," Charlie says to Carlisle who smiled at Charlie. "Anyone would have done it," Carlisle says and Charlie nods before he showed Carlisle to the door while Olivia waited in the living room for Charlie.


Charlie entered the living room and walked straight toward Olivia. "What happened?" Charlie asks again sitting opposite Olivia. "You got off the phone with me after your flight and I told you to wait by the airport but when I got there you were gone. I found your phone and bags on the ground," Charlie says and Olivia looked at him.

"I remember you telling me to stay at the airport and after that, I was messaging someone, I don't know who and when I looked up I saw a person in front of me and then I was in the forest. I walked through it and saw the Cullen House and then Carlisle helped me," Olivia says to Charlie who nods.

"Are you hungry?" Charlie asks but Olivia shook her head. "No, Esme gave me something to eat before we came here," Olivia answers and Charlie nods. Olivia sat next to Charlie on the couch as they waited for Bella to come back.

Bella entered the house and walks into the living room. She stopped in her tracks when she Olivia sitting next to Charlie. "Livy," Bella mumbled acting surprised when she was Olivia. Bella gave Olivia a hug before she went to her room. Mumbling an excuse to why she needs to go to her room.

"I'll contact the school tomorrow to see if you will be able to go back and maybe you can still graduate with Bella," Charlie says and Olivia nods. "Hopefully they will allow it," Olivia says and Charlie nods.

"I think they will. Why don't you go get some rest?" Charlie suggested and Olivia nods. She kissed Charlie on the cheek and went to her room. She entered her room and looked around. She could see the dust gathering on her desk. There were a few finger traces on the desk as if someone dragged their fingers over the dust.

Her room looked the same, except for the dust that was gathering everywhere. She walked towards her bed and saw her bags standing by the end of them. They were not unpacked. Olivia lifted them onto the bed and opened the first one. It was mostly clothing but there were a few gifts in the bag.

She frowned as she saw a folded piece of paper at the bottom of the bag. She picked it up and unfolded it. The paper was a yellowish colour and the handwriting on it was elegant.


I wish that you could have stayed here with me. I will visit soon and then we can spend some time together. I'll miss you.

Love you, Darling


Olivia frowned as she read the letter. Who was Demetri? What does he mean she must stay? Why does he love her?

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