《Into The Unkown》Chapter 24


+Weeks Later+

Olivia sat in the living room next to Emmett and Carlisle as they watched the news about the disappearances happening in Seattle. It has been weeks since Olivia turned and Carlisle want to see if Olivia can be around humans, so when Bella and Edward get back from visiting Renee, Edward is going to bring Bella over after school on Monday.

Olivia has regained a little of her memories over the past few weeks. She remembers the time she spent with Alexander and Lucy. She remembered that Lucy is a vampire and that once Alexander is ready Lucy will turn him. Tonight they were going to see if they can catch Victoria, while Bella and Edward are away. Alice being the fashionista she is, already chose their outfits they would be wearing.

Not that Olivia minded Alice picking out her outfits to wear, seeing as the small vampire had a good sense of what people will wear. "Olivia, are you ready for tonight?" Carlisle asks Olivia who looked towards him with her gold eyes. "I am. I am still a newborn so I will be faster than her, maybe I can catch her in time," Olivia says and Carlisle smiled at Olivia. "When can I talk to Charlie?" Olivia suddenly asks Carlisle who turned to look at her.

"As soon as I see that you can control yourself around Bella," Carlisle says and Olivia nods and looked down at her hands. It was days like these when Olivia wished that she could still cry, but sadly being a vampire, she can't.

They all stood in the middle of the woods. Silent as they listened for any movement. "Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asks Alice. "Yes, she will be here," Alice answered and they stood still listening to their surroundings. "On your left," Olivia says and the seven of them ran after Victoria.


They chased her all along the border between the Cullens' lands and the Quileute lands. Victoria took the jump and landed on the other side. "She'll get away," Rosalie says as they ran on their side after Victoria. "No she won't," Jasper says and they saw the wolves coming out and running after Victoria.

One of the wolves almost bit Victoria, but she jumped back to the Cullens' side on the last minute. The chase continued until Victoria jumped onto the Quileute lands and Emmett was about to follow her when Paul stopped him, causing Victoria to getaway. "What the hell were you thinking?" Rosalie's voice could be heard from her and Emmett room. The others stood in the living room listening to Rosalie and Emmett fighting.

If Emmett had crossed the border then the wolves would have had the right to kill him for trespassing on their lands. Olivia was glad that Emmett was stopped by Paul, even if Victoria got away, Emmett is safe.

The rest of the weekend past slowly as Olivia spent most of it reading and sometimes playing games with Emmett and Jasper. And she spent some time with Rosalie and Alice as well. Olivia stood in her room that the Cullens gave her. There was a bookcase against one wall. There is a bed in the room, but Olivia requested one, seeing as she would sometimes just lay down on the bed and close her eyes pretending to be asleep.

Monday afternoon came, but Edward came to the house without Bella. Edward told them that she went with Jacob, to talk to him. So now Olivia has to wait.

*Later that night*

Olivia sat in her room when she heard the voices from downstairs. "Who is it?" Carlisle asks and Olivia walked towards the stairs. She stood behind the wall, as she could smell Bella in the room. "Someone, we know?" Carlisle spoke again.


"It is a stranger," Edward answers. Olivia looked around the corner and saw Edward and Carlisle standing opposite one another while Bella sits next to Alice in the couch and Esme and Rosalie stood on the other side of the room. Emmett and Jasper enter through the front door. "I didn't recognize his scent," Edwards says and Olivia leaned against the wall. Emmett and Jasper enter the room, both of them looked at her but she shook her head. "A nomad passing through?" Esme spoke up. "A nomad wouldn't leave Bella's father alive," Rosalie says.

"The scent disappears about five miles south of Bella's house," Jasper says and the others look towards them. "Someone's orchestrating this," Carlisle says and Olivia knew that his words were true. "Victoria?" Bella asks looking up at Carlisle. Alice shook her head. "I would have seen her decide."

"It has to be the Volturi," Edward says and Olivia frowned, the name sounded familiar, but where did she hear it. "I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions," Alice says and Olivia recognized another name. Aro. Who is he?

"So we keep looking," Emmett suggested. "We'll also take shifts guarding Bella at her house," Carlisle says looking at his family members. "Another protection detail?" Rosalie questions looking at Carlisle. Rosalie spotted Olivia's hair around the corner and Olivia looked towards the blonde and smiled.

"No, she's right. You can't protect me, watch for my dad and search for the intruder," Bella says shaking her head. "And for Victoria," Rosalie says staring at Bella. "And keep yourselves fed," Bella says looking towards Edward. "I'm not leaving you here defenseless," Edward says to Bella.

"Well I'm not gonna let you starve," Bella says and Olivia could feel Edward's irritation with Bella's decision. "And I wouldn't be unprotected. I have --" Bella says trailing off and it was in this moment that Olivia wanted to read Bella's thought, just to catch a glimpse at what her idea was.

"What?" Edward asks Bella. "I have Jake," Bella says and Olivia started to giggle once she felt Edward's jealousy. "Who was that?" Bella questions looking at all the Cullens who were silent. "Well, you see, we were going to tell you at some point but we needed to make sure she has control," Emmett says and the others snapped their heads towards him. "What?" He asks confused and Olivia smiled.

"She's been around the corner for more than half an hour, so I think she has enough control," Jasper says to them. "Are you going to come out?" Edward asks looking towards where Olivia was hiding. Olivia took a deep breath even though she doesn't need it. She slowly stepped out from behind the wall and walked down the steppes and went to stand next to Edward.

"Hello, Bella" Olivia greeted looking at her sister.

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