《Into The Unkown》Chapter 23


Later that night when Edward walked in he stopped in his tracks when he saw Olivia sitting next to Jasper on the couch. They were both playing a game, not looking at their surroundings. "Edward," Carlisle says coming to a stand next to his son. "How is she taking it?" Edward asks leaning against the door staring at Olivia.

"She's adapting. We discovered that she has a power," Carlisle says and Edward nods. "I haven't told Bella yet, I want Olivia to get control first before I tell Bella anything," Edwards says and Carlisle nods. "I think that is for the best," Carlisle says.

"Olivia," Carlisle says and Olivia turned to look towards them just as Jasper let out a victory shout. Olivia turned back towards the TV and saw that Jasper won the car game. "No," Olivia says defeated and set her remote down before walking towards Carlisle and Edward. She looked at Edward and her still red eyes locked with his golden ones.

What is she doing? Olivia stared at Edward shocked. She could still feel his emotions. "I'm trying to see if I can get your powers and keep Jasper and Alice's," Olivia says and Edward stared at her. Edward suddenly started to think about Bella and Olivia could see his memories and she could feel the love he felt for Bella.

"It seems that you still have Jasper's powers as well as mine. Not sure if you still have Alice's powers," Edward says and Olivia nods. "Now, how the bloody hell do I control them?" Olivia asks looking between them. "Well, Jasper and I can't really control ours. Jasper can still feel every person's emotions, that's why he struggles in school so much with his control. And me, I just listen for the interesting peoples' thoughts," Edward says and Olivia nods.


* a Few hours later*

Olivia stood a few steps away from Carlisle and Esme who stood by the treaty line. Three wolves approached and then Sam Uley and Jacob walked out from behind them. "What can we do for you?" Sam asks as he folded his arms. Jacob stood next to Sam not making a sound. Olivia looked at all of them. There was a grey wolf who was snarling at Carlisle and Esme. Olivia looked at him and realized that it is Paul Lahote and the other two are Embry Call and Jared Cameron.

"We came to report that there was a human turned in Seattle a few days ago," Carlisle says and Sam looked at him. "What does Seattle's new vampire have to do with us?" Sam asks Carlisle. "We brought her here to teach her control," Esme answers and Olivia could see and hear the wolves growling. "Why did you do that?" Jacob asks and Carlisle looks over his shoulder towards Olivia who stood in the shadows.

"Alice had a vision of her being turned as soon as she arrived in Seattle. We ran but we were too late and we want to teach her control so that she can go back to her father and sister," Carlisle says looking back towards Jacob and Sam. "Is she here?" Sam asks and Esme nods. "Who is it?" Jacob asks Carlisle and Esme.

"You can come out now," Carlisle says and Esme held her hand out towards Olivia, who hesitantly stepped forward. She took Esme's hand and Esme tugged her into the moonlight. Olivia looked up and stared at Jacob. "No, Livy," Jacob says as he took a step back. "Hi, Jake," Olivia mumbled but she knows that Jacob heard her.


"Yes, I am Olivia Swan," Olivia says once she read Sam's mind. "Everyone thinks that you are missing or dead," Sam says but Olivia didn't answer as she stared at Jacob who hasn't said anything yet, but his thoughts were saying a lot. "No, Jake, Bella doesn't know and she won't know until I can control it" Olivia answers and Jake just looked at her surprised.

"Has she killed someone yet?" Sam asks and Olivia snapped her head towards him. "No, we are keeping her away from human contact," Carlisle says and Sam nods. "It needs to stay that way. The moment she kills someone, we will come for you. None of you turned her so you didn't break the treaty," Sam says and Esme smiles as she hugs Olivia.

"Who turned you?" Jacob asks and Olivia looks towards him. "Victoria, the read head," Olivia says and Jacob nods. "Come on, Carlisle needs to talk with them alone for a few minutes," Esme says and starts to lead Olivia back to the house.

"There is something you need to know about Olivia's transformation," Carlisle says once he was sure Olivia and Esme were out of hearing distance. "What?" Jacob asks Carlisle."Victoria turned her, hoping that Bella would be in the house after Olivia turned. Victoria's intentions were for Olivia to kill Bella" Carlisle says and Sam and Jacob look at Carlisle.

"So has Bella been at the house with Olivia there?" Jacob asks and Carlisle shook his head. "No, Edward is keeping her away from the house at all times. He made up some story for Bella to believe," Carlisle says and they nod. "When did she change?" Jacob asks and Carlisle looks at him.

"She landed in Seattle late, five days ago and she was waiting for Charlie and then Victoria attacked her. We brought her back her while she was changing," Carlisle says and Jacob nods. "Keep her under control and we won't have any problems," Sam says and they turned to leave. "One more thing before you go," Carlisle says causing them to stop in their steps.

"Yes?" Jacob asks looking at Carlisle. "Olivia lost some of her memory during the transition. We are not sure which ones she lost, but we know for certain that she can't remember her mate and as soon as he finds that out, there will be a problem," Carlisle says and Sam and Jacob nods.

"Is there a way to get the memories back?" Jacob asks Carlisle. "We are working on it, but we are not sure yet," Carlisle answers and Jacob nods before the pack finally left.

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