《Into The Unkown》Chapter 22


Olivia got off the plane in Seattle. She walked to baggage claim and got her bags. She looked around for either Charlie or Bella but saw neither of them. The sun was already down and the moon was out. Olivia took out her phone as she walked towards the door of the airport. "Olivia," Charlie says into the phone and Olivia could hear her working with papers and his keys jingling.

"I'm at the airport, but I don't see you or Bella," Olivia says as she came to a stop outside and looked around the dark street for any sign of them. "I am so sorry Livy. I completely forgot. Stay where you are I'm leaving the station now," Charlie says and Olivia let out a sigh. "All right, but please hurry," Olivia says as she looks down at her shoes.

"I'll be there as fast as I can," Charlie says and hanged up. Olivia took her bags and went to one of the benches by the airport. She sat down and took out her phone. She started to talk to Demetri. They were messaging back and forth. Olivia heard footstep coming towards her. She looked up from her phone and saw a boy, maybe two or three years older than her, standing in front of her. He had blood-red eyes and Olivia instantly knew he was a vampire.

Before she could react he grabbed a hold of her, causing her phone to fall to the ground, shattering. "Riley," A female voice spoke from behind the boy. The female walked closer and Olivia saw that she had red hair. The woman looked at Olivia before smiling. "You're Bella's sister," Victoria says smirking before she took Olivia from Riley's grasp. She smirked at Olivia before she bit Olivia on her wrist. She dropped her in an abandoned alleyway.

Olivia screamed as she felt pain over her whole body. Suddenly two cold hands touched her and Olivia could make out long blonde hair. "The venom already spread, we can't save, we have to let her turn," A familiar voice says, but Olivia couldn't remember where she heard it before.


*3 Days Later*

Olivia opened her eyes. Looking around she could see every dust spectacle falling. Olivia glanced around and saw someone standing by the door. She was in an unknown room. "Olivia," the person says stepping closer to Olivia. Olivia looked at the person, trying to remember her. "Who are you?" Olivia asks confused. "Where's Bella and Charlie?"

"What is the last thing you remember?" The woman asks stepping closer to Olivia. "Umm, I was at the airport, Charlie was on his way to get me. I don't remember where I was. I remember getting on the plane weeks ago to go somewhere," Olivia says and the woman nods. "Who do you remember?" The woman asks. "Bella, Charlie, Alexander, my brother and his girlfriend, Lucy, Matthew, my biological father and my friends," Olivia says.

"Wait here, I'll go get Carlisle. I'm Esme Cullen," The woman says, Esme says and Olivia nods. She left and not even a minute later she came back in with a blond man. "Olivia," The man approached her. "You're Carlisle," Olivia says staring at the man, she remembers him, he works in the hospital.

"I am, now it seems that you might have temporary memory loss, but we want to help you regain your memories," Carlisle says and Olivia nods. "Will I be able to go home?" Olivia asks as she looked back into the mirror at her red eyes. "We can't allow that. These past few weeks people have been going missing in Seattle and Charlie thinks that you are one of them, he found your bags and broken phone outside the airport and he will continue to think you are missing until we can teach you control," Carlisle says.

"What am I?" Olivia asks turning to look at Carlisle. "A vampire. Just like my family and me. We will teach you a way that you won't hurt people," Carlisle says and Olivia nods. "When can we start?" Olivia asks as she felt a burning sensation in her throat. "Now," Carlisle says as two people walked into the room. Olivia recognized them as Rosalie and Emmett, from school.


"We'll teach her," Rosalie says and Olivia looked at hr confused. Carlisle nods. "Come on," Rosalie says holding out her hand towards Olivia. Olivia walked towards Rosalie, her bare feet touching the tiles. They didn't feel cold, not like tiles should. Olivia slipped her hand into Rosalie's.

Rosalie and Emmett took Olivia hunting. They showed her the ropes of being a vampire and how to hunt. Olivia laughed as she walked back towards the house with Rosalie and Emmett. Some of her memories came back, but she still feels as if she's missing something or someone.

They sat in the living room of the Cullen house. "SO do you remember anything?" Rosalie asks and Olivia nods. "A few months ago, while you guys were gone Bella and I encountered a pack of huge wolves in the woods. They chased after a dark-skinned vampire with dreadlocks," Olivia says and Rosalie nods.

"That was Laurent, he was after Bella but it seems the Quileute pack in La Push saved you," Emmett says. "Quileute pack? Like werewolves?" Olivia asks and Emmett nods. "Yeah. You remember the part of the woods we told you not to cross over?" Rosalie asks and Olivia nods. "Yeah, there was this smell that was awful," Olivia says and Rosalie laughs at her facial expression.

"Yes, that would be the wolves. We have a treaty with them saying that we can't go onto their lands or change someone into a vampire here, and they aren't allowed on our lands," Carlisle says entering the living room. "But what did you tell them about me?" Olivia asks and Carlisle and Esme looked towards Olivia while the others looked away.

"We need to tell Sam Uley, the Alpha of the pack, that you changed in Seattle. We are meeting him tonight at the border and we want you to be there with us," Carlisle says and Olivia nods.

Olivia and Emmett decided to play video games and Olivia accidentally broke the remote controller in her victory dance. "I am so sorry," Olivia says staring at the broke controller. "Livy, it's fine. We have a few extras. Emmett usually breaks them," Rosalie says and Olivia smiled. "Really?' Olivia asks and Rosalie nods.

Olivia looked towards the door and saw Alice and Jasper entering. She remembers them from school. She locked eyes with Alice and suddenly she saw something.

There were seven of them standing in the middle of the woods. Alice stood in the middle and just behind her stood Carlisle, Esme, Olivia, Rosalie and Emmett. "Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asks Alice. "Yes, she will be here," Alice answered and they stood still listening to their surroundings. "On your let," Olivia says and they all took off running in that direction. Running after Victoria.

Olivia snapped her eyes away from Alice. Everyone stared at Olivia shocked. "Did she just copy Alice's powers?" Emmett asks staring at Olivia. "It seems that she did," Carlisle answers. "Did you hear about something like this before?" Esme asks and Carlisle shook her head. "No, this is the first case I've seen," Carlisle says and Olivia looked around the room and she looked at Jasper and suddenly she felt every emotion in the room.

"Can you all just stop?" Olivia asks causing them to look at her again. "Stop what?" Rosalie questions. "With emotions. It's irritating and confusing," Olivia answers and Carlisle looked at her. "Did you by any chance look at Jasper?" Carlisle asks and Olivia nods. "I did," She answers.

"It seems that every time you make eye contact with someone, you can get their powers, but we are not sure to what extent just yet," Carlisle says and Olivia nods. "We'll find out because there is still Edward, so when he gets here, we can see if he keeps Jasper's powers while she has Edward's powers," Esme says and Carlisle nods.

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