《Into The Unkown》Chapter 18


The plane landed and Olivia collected her bags. She looked around and saw two familiar figure. Jane and Felix. She smiled and walked towards them. "Olivia," Jane greeted her, Felix just sent a nod her way. "Jane, Felix," Olivia says smiling at them. Felix took Olivia's bags and they walked towards a car that the Volturi owned.

"First we are going to a hotel. Heidi picked out a dress for you to wear when you meet the Masters. Demetri is out at the moment, but he should be back when you are finished meeting the Master," Jane says and Olivia nods. "Master Aro asks that when you stay in the palace that you don't wander around. The other guards don't do well around humans."

"All right," Olivia nods, understanding Jane's point. They got to the hotel and Jane and Olivia walked in while Felix stayed in the car. "You will meet some of the personal guards when we get to the palace, those will be the ones that you can trust. Master Aro wants you to meet the wives. They stay in one of the towers away from harm," Jane says as she and Olivia entered a room. Olivia looked around and saw a bag hanging on the door by the bedroom.

"Now, your dress is in the bag. You can take a bath or shower and I will be back in an hour to come and get you," Jane says and Olivia nods. "Thank you, Jane," Olivia says and the smaller girl gave Olivia a rare smile and left the room.

Olivia took a relaxing shower. She wrapped the towel around her and walked towards the vanity that stood in the room. There was a make-up box on the vanity and Olivia started to do her hair first. Her hair was in a half up and half loose hairstyle.


Olivia smiled and started on her makeup. Once she was done she walked towards the bag that held the dress and put the dress on. She then took the heels that stood by the vanity and put them on.

"You're ready," Jane says entering the hotel room. Olivia turned to look at her. "Yes, this dress is beautiful, but why formal?" Olivia asks as she turned to look herself in the mirror one more time. "Yes, Heidi does have good taste when it comes to clothes," Jane says and Olivia nods.

"Come on, or we will be late," Jane says and Olivia nods.

+At Volterra Castle+

Jane and Felix led Olivia into the castle. They walked into an elevator and Olivia stood behind them as they descended. They got out and walked down a hallway. There was a human receptionist that greeted them but Olivia suspects that she won't stay human long or she will end up as dinner.

They approached double doors and Jane and Felix led Olivia in. Olivia looked around the white marble room. There were guards lining the walls. There was a dark-haired boy by the end of three steps that led to three thrones. In the middle sat Aro, he was smiling at Olivia and on his right side sat another man, he looked sad and tired, he had long dull brown hair. On Aro's left side sat a man with platinum blonde hair and he was just staring at Olivia with no emotions on his face.

"Ah, Olivia," Aro says standing up and walking towards Olivia, smiling. He held out his hand as he neared her and Olivia gave him her hand. He placed the other one of it and stayed silent for a few minutes. Aro smiled and led Olivia closer to the thrones still holding her hand.


"Brothers," Aro says and he walked to his throne alone, leaving Olivia at the bottom of the stairs. "This is Olivia. Demetri's mate," Aro says looking sideways to both his brothers. "Yes," A voice came and Olivia looked towards the man with the dull brown hair. "I can sense the bond as he grows closer."

"If she is his mate, why is she still human?" the blonde man asks looking at Aro. "Her father, Matthew Sorrentino, requested that she stays human until she is at least twenty," Aro says and the blonde man nods. "Olivia dear, these are my brother, Marcus and Caius," Aro says pointing to each brother as he mentioned them.

"He's here," Marcus suddenly says and Aro smiles. "Come here, my dear," Aro says and held out his hand for Olivia to walk up the steps. She walked towards him and Aro let her sit in his throne as he stood next to it. The doors opened and Olivia's gazed was drawn to the man that entered.

He looked exactly like he did all those years ago. Demetri walked forward but stopped in his tracks when he spotted Olivia sitting there. His red eyes locked with her eyes and he looked shocked. "Demetri, why don't you show Miss Olivia to her room?" Caius asks whit a small smirk as he and his brothers watch their best tracker.

"Where will she be staying, Master?" Demetri asks not looking away from Olivia who was staring at him. "I think your room will suffice. That way you can keep an eye on her to make sure that none of the others will harm her," Aro says and his brothers nod in agreement. All three of them smiling. Demetri nods and held out his arm for Olivia. Who stood up and walk towards him.

She slipped her hand into the nook of his arm and she froze as she felt sparks trailing up her arm. Demetri led Olivia out of the room and into the hall. Neither of them talked as they walked to Demetri's room. Once inside Demetri closed the door behind Olivia and Olivia looked around the room.

"I thought vampires don't sleep," Olivia says as she looked at the bed that stood at the other end of the rooms. "We don't," Demetri answers and Olivia felt him behind her. If he could breathe she would know that he was extremely close to her. She turned around to face him and saw that they were toe to toe. Demetri looked slightly down at her.

Neither of them said anything as they looked at one another. Demetri suddenly leaned down and kissed Olivia on the lips.

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