《Into The Unkown》Chapter 17


Olivia and Bella entered the house. Charlie and Harry Clearwater sat in the kitchen. "Dad, they are not bears," Bella rushed out as they stormed into the kitchen. "Bella, wait. What are you going on about?" Charlie asks confused as he stared at Bella and Olivia. "In the woods. They're not bears," Bella says and Charlie looked at the two of them shocked.

"What were you two doing in the woods?" Charlie exclaimed as he looked at them. 'We went for a walk and we saw these huge wolves. They were -- after something," Olivia says and Charlie looked at them. "Well, Harry how do you feel about hunting?" Charlie asks looking towards his friend. Harry looked conflicted as he glanced between Charlie and the girls.

"I'll get the boys ready," Harry says and Charlie nods standing up. "Well, I'll go by the station. You two stay out of the woods," Charlie says the first part to Harry who nods, he then shots Olivia and Bella looks telling them that he was serious. Olivia and Bella nodded understanding that he was serious.

+Later that night+

Olivia sat in her room when she heard Jacobs voice in Bella's room. She walked towards Bella's room and slowly opened the door. "How much of a monster don't you already know?" Jacob asks looking down at Bella's wrist where Olivia knew teeth marks were.

"Oh. So you come to her but not me? We've been friends for years and the moment you two start hanging out you forget all about me," Olivia says causing Jacob and Bella to look at her, shocked. "Liv--" Jacob start walking towards her. "Forget it. I'm done, you want to get hurt, so be it," Olivia says backing away and walking to her room. Bella was just stringing Jacob along and Olivia knew it but Jacob can't seem to see it.


Olivia sat on her bed when she saw an email showing up on her computer. She frowned and walks towards it.


Attached you will find a ticket to Volterra, Italy. Please come visit. Aro says that the other brothers would very much like to meet you and then you can finally meet Demetri in person. We've already sent a faux email to Charlie that it is part of a school trip to Italy. The plane leaves in two days.

See you soon


Olivia smiles. Well, it seems she will be able to get away for a while.

+Next Morning+

Olivia entered the kitchen and saw Charlie sitting at the kitchen table. "Livy," Charlie says looking up at Olivia. "Hi," Olivia greeted and kissed his cheek before she made herself some coffee and joined Charlie at the table. "So I received an email from the school, saying that you have a full sponsorship to go to Italy tomorrow. Well, the plane leaves tomorrow," Charlie says looking at Olivia.

"Really?" Olivia asks acting as if she was shocked. "Do you want to go?" Charlie asks staring at Olivia. Olivia looks at Charlie, unsure what her answer should be. "Well, I would love to go, but you are the parent so it is up to you," Olivia says and Charlie nods, he seems happy with her answer.

"I think you should go. It is a great opportunity," Charlie says and Olivia smiles. "Thank you," Olivia says standing up to kiss his cheek. "It seems that I have some shopping to do," Olivia says and Charlie hums.

+Next day+

Charlie and Olivia sat in Olivia's Jeep driving to the airport in Seattle. Charlie was driving. "Message or call me at least once a day while you are in Italy, please," Charlie says and Olivia nods. "I will. I'll send photos as well, and I will keep in contact with Mom as well," Olivia says looking at Charlie who smiles at her.


"Did you tell Alexander that you are going to Italy?" Charlie asks and Olivia's eyes widen. "Oh, no. I completely forgot to tell him," Olivia says as she hits her forehead with her palm. Olivia took her phone out and dialled Alexander's number.

"Olivia," Alexander says answering the phone and Olivia grinned. "Hey, Alex," Olivia greeted. "What can I do for you, baby sis?" Alexander asks and Olivia groaned at the nickname Alexander gave her. "Well, I should have told you yesterday but it slipped my mind. I'm on my way to the airport to board a plane that is going to Italy," Olivia says and Alexander hums on the other end.

"I know. Aro informed me, he suspected that you might forget," Alexander says and Olivia laughs. "Oh," Olivia says and Alexander laughs at the other end. "Yes. Now update me when you are in Italy, please. Oh and Lucy says Hello," Alexander says and Olivia nods. "I will. Tell Lucy Hello for me" Olivia says and Alexander nods. They said goodbye and hanged up.

Arriving at the airport Charlie help Olivia carry her bags toward the check-in point. "Now call me as soon as you land," Charlie says kissing Olivia on the head. "I will," Olivia says smiling at Charlie. She took her bags and went through security.

Olivia was dressed in comfortable clothes seeing as the flight is 13h and 10min from Port Angeles to Volterra, Italy.

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