《Into The Unkown》Chapter 16


Olivia walked next to Jessica and Bella as Jessica rambled on and on about the Zombie movie they had just watched. Bella suddenly stood still and looked towards a group of bikers that cat called them. "Hey, are we going?" Jessica asks once she noticed Bella looking at them.

"I think I know those guys," Bella says and Olivia raised her eyebrow at her sister. "That's great," Jessica says sarcastically. "I'll be right back," Bella says and walks towards the bikers. "Bella!" Olivia yelled after her sister who was approaching the bikers while talking to someone.

"What the hell is wrong with your sister?" Jessica asks looking towards Olivia. "I really wish I knew," Olivia says as they watch Bella get on the back of one of the bikes. "Oh she has a death wish," Olivia muttered. "Seriously, Olivia. Your sister is out of her mind," Jessica says and Olivia just nods in agreement.

Bella came back to them and Olivia ignored her. "What the hell is wrong with you? I almost called the cops and ended up on some reality TV show," Jessica says to Bella. Bella ignored her and looked over her shoulder towards the biker. "That was such a rush," Bella says and Olivia looked at her.

"Great, you're an adrenaline junky, maybe you should go cliff jumping," Jessica says and Olivia hits Jessica on the shoulder. "Don't give her ideas, she will do it," Olivia says and Jessica just shot her a look of irritation.

Olivia looked towards Bella and she had a look in her eyes that Olivia recognized. This isn't the last time that Bella would do something like this.

+Next day+

Olivia stood next to Jake in his garage, He was working on his car and Olivia was handing him the tools. "So how's Bella doing?" Jake asks and Olivia looked at him. "Well, last night she got on the back of some random person motorcycle," Olivia says and Jake just looks at her. They heard a car stop in the driveway and they went out to look. It was Bella.


Jake dropped what he was holding and rushed towards Bella. "Bella," Jake says smiling. "Where the hell have you been Loca?" Jake asks picking Bella up in a hug and spinning before he puts her down. Olivia stood by the door watching their interaction.

"I- uh - brought you something," Bella says pointing over her shoulder towards her truck where there was something covered in a tarp. Bella opened the back of the truck and lifted the tarp and Olivia spotted the two dirt bikes that their neighbour threw out. "Oh, wow, scrap metal," Jake says smiling at Bella. "You shouldn't have."

"I saved them from the junkyard. I think that they probably cost more to fix than they are worth but then I remember I have a mechanical friend," Bella says to Jake. "Ah, me being the mechanic type friend," Jake says and Bella nods. "Since when are you into motorcycles?" Jake asks Bella and Olivia slowly moved back towards the main house. Bella was going to take all of Jake's attention and Olivia knew that Jake would only want to hang out with Bella. She didn't need to lose him too, so it will only be better if she steps away from them before she gets hurt.

Olivia walked into the main house and saw Billy sitting in his wheelchair in the kitchen. "Hey, Livy, I thought you were hanging out with Jake," Billy says smiling at the Strawberry blonde. "I was but it seems Bella is more import," Olivia says looking down and Billy smiled sadly at her.

"Don't worry, he will always have time for you," Billy says and Olivia shook her head. "Not with Bella around," Olivia says and grabbed her bag. "I'll see you around, Uncle Billy," Olivia says and walks away.

Days went by and Bella was spending more and more time with Jake. Olivia tried to arrange a time for her and Jake to hang out but he always cancels an hour before the arranged time and later Olivia found out that Jake has been with Bella.


Olivia stood in front of her mirror as she looked at her hiking clothes. She decided that it would clear her mind to take a hike through the woods.

Olivia smiled as she walked in the woods. She loved the outside, nature. For some reason, it always calmed her. Olivia entered a clearing and saw that it was completely dry. The grass was a yellow-brown colour and there was was no flower in sight. Olivia frowned and looked around.

A twig snapped behind Olivia and Olivia turned around. She saw a dark-skinned man with dreads looking at her. She saw movement to her right. She turned her head and saw Bella stepping out from behind the trees and into the clearing. She fell down on her knees touching the grass. She then held onto her stomach as she stood up and looked towards Olivia, or more like someone behind Olivia.

Olivia felt two cold hands on her shoulders. She stood still and looked at Bella, who was staring at her with wide eyes. "My, you are a beauty," the man says as he smelled Olivia's hair.

"Laurent," Bella says looking at the man and then towards Olivia. "Bella," Olivia says staring at her sister with wide eyes. How did Bella know the man?

"I went to visit the Cullens and I was surprised to see their house is empty," The man says as he trailed his hands to Olivia's neck. "Don't hurt her," Bella suddenly says walking forward. "Do you know her?" Laurent questions Bella who nods. Bella suddenly glanced to her side as if someone was standing there.

"I'm surprised that the Cullens left you here unprotected," Laurent says to Bella. "They visit frequently. I'll tell them you stopped by," Bella says keeping her eyes on Olivia. "But I probably shouldn't," Bella looks at Laurent. "Edward is really protective."

"If he is so protective why isn't he here to protect you?" Laurent asks as his hands started to tighten around Olivia's neck he then felt the necklace she wore. His one hand lifted the chain and he looked down at it. He let out a gasp as he pushed Olivia away from him causing her to fall on the ground.

"It seems that your friend is more protected than you are," Laurent says looking from Olivia to Bella. He then sped forward standing in front of Bella. They talked but Olivia was too far away to hear what they were saying. Laurent then looks towards the tree line.

A pitch-black wolf stepped out of the tree line, snarling at Laurent. After him followed four other wolves. Two grey ones and two brown ones. One a darker brown than the other. The wolves snarled at Laurent before the black one rushed forward. Laurent took the wolf and threw it backwards. The other wolves rushed forward and the black one followed. One of the wolves stopped and looked at Bella before he rushed forward.

The same wolf that looked at Bella stopped next to Olivia and stared at her before he rushed after the others. Olivia rushed towards Bella and the two of them ran home.

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