《Into The Unkown》Chapter 15



Olivia stood in the door of Bella's room. Bella sat on a chair facing the window. She hardly ate but even if she did she only eats enough to survive. It has been a few weeks since the Cullens left and Bella is in some sort of catatonic state. Olivia and Charlie are worried about her. They didn't know what to do with her.

"Does she seem better?" Charlie whispers from behind Olivia. Olivia just shook her head. "I'm getting concerned. I understand that he was her first boyfriend but to act like this is unusual," Charlie says. "We just need to give her time," Olivia says and Charlie nods. the two walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"So who's Demetri?" Charlie suddenly asks and Olivia choked on her coffee. "Why?" Olivia asks turning to look at him. Charlie then hands her a wrapped box with a letter. On the letter it says.

To: Olivia Roslyn Sorrentino Swan

From: Demetri Volturi

Olivia smiled as she took the box. "Um, it is someone I met in New York. We've been trying to keep in contact but with his work and me being in school it gets complicated," Olivia says and Charlie nods. "So he's older than you?" Charlie asks and Olivia nods.

"He is, but he said that he wants to be friends. He won't force me or hurt me," Olivia says and Charlie nods. "What does he do for a living?" Charlie asks and Olivia thought what she should say. "He's a personal bodyguard to three brothers in Italy," Olivia says and Charlie nods.

"All right," Charlie says and Olivia is surprised that he doesn't ask any more questions. Olivia looked down at the box and letter. She walked into the living room and sat on the couch. She opened the letter first.


'My Love

I miss you terribly but I have a feeling that we will see each other soon. In the box is your birthday present. I know that it is late, but I wasn't sure what to get you so I had two of the female guards here, Jane and Heidi help me get something.

I hope you like it.

Love D.V'

Olivia smiled and folded the letter and opened the box. Inside she saw a necklace with a 'V' on it.

Olivia lifted it up and looked at it. She smiled and put it around her neck. There was a beautiful dress in the box. Olivia smiled and lifted it up. Jane and Heidi, who Olivia doesn't know, must have picked out the dress.

Olivia walked up to her room and put the box with the dress on her bed, she kept the necklace around her neck.


A month passed and Bella didn't improve. At school, she would sit at the Cullens' table picking at her food. Olivia was worried about her but Bella wouldn't talk to her. Every night Bella would wake up screaming which causes Charlie and Olivia to wake up. Charlie took to sleeping downstairs on the couch to get some rest and Olivia started listening to music as she slept, but that wasn't much help.

The only time she would really get rest was when she dreamed of Demetri. She would tell him about what's going on and he would comfort her and it would help. Olivia hasn't taken the necklace from her neck except when she showers.


Another month went by and Olivia was starting to get ready to visit Alexander and Lucy in New York. Charlie agreed, that it will be a good idea for Olivia to get away for a few weeks. Olivia decided that she would drive down to New York.


It would take her 45 hours excluding traffic, but she was willing to stop and rest at motels and Charlie agreed to it if Olivia calls him every three hours.

+45 Hours Later+

Olivia arrived at Alexander's apartment and knocked on the door. "Livy!" Alexander exclaimed as he opened the door and smiled at her. Olivia smiled back and hugged him.

"SO I will be staying for a few days, but after Christmas, I need to get back on the road," Olivia says and Alexander nods. Olivia walked in and saw Lucy. "Lucy!" Olivia rushed forward and hugged her. "Livy," Lucy says smiling at Olivia and hugged her back.

The three of them talked for a few hours before Alexander's phone rang. "I need to take this if you two will excuse me," Alexander says and walks away. Olivia and Lucy sat on the couch talking. Lucy suddenly saw Olivia's necklace.

"Oh, you have their crest," Lucy says and Olivia glanced down at it. "Crest?" Olivia asks and Lucy nods. "Yes, the necklace is the Volturi Crest. I suspect that Demetri sent it to you as a form of protection," Lucy says and Olivia nods. "It's pretty," Olivia says smiling and Lucy laughs at her.

The few days Olivia spent with Alexander and Lucy went by quickly and soon Olivia was back in Forks. Bella had luckily made a little improvement and Olivia was glad. She wasn't back to the normal Bella just yet, but Olivia has hopes that she will be soon.

Soon the winter season turned warmer and Bella started to act normal. She still had the nightmares but she told Charlie that she is going shopping with Jessica and Olivia. Against Olivia's wishes as she found out about the shopping trip the day it happened.

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