《Into The Unkown》Chapter 11


Olivia woke up the next morning and sat on her bed. She and Alexander spent the whole night talked and playing games to get their minds off of the funeral and the death of their father. "Olivia are you up?" Alexander asks from the door. "Yes, I'll be right out," Olivia says as she stood up from the bed and got dressed in her outfit that she set apart last night.

She took her bags and dragged them outside towards the living room. Alexander sat on the couch typing on his phones. "How's Lucy?" Olivia asks setting her bags next to the couch. "She's good. She is sad that she won't be able to see you off," Alexander says and Olivia nods.

"I really wish I didn't have to go," Olivia says and Alexander nods. "Well we better get you to the airport," Alexander says grabbing Olivia's bags and they started to make their way to the door. Olivia suddenly spotted the bear on the couch and ran back to get it.

"Almost forgot it," Olivia says smiling as she followed Alexander out. He locked the door and they made their way towards the underground parking. Alexander puts Olivia's bags in the back before he got into the car.

They got to the airport and Alexander helped Olivia take her bags to the check-in point. "I will call you as soon as I land," Olivia says as she took out her ticket and passport. "Please do. Lucy would like to know," Alexander says and Olivia smiled at him. "I'll miss you," Olivia says and Alexander smiled at her. "I'll miss you too," Alexander answered and pulled Olivia in for a hug.

He kissed the top of her head before pulling away. Olivia took her bags and walked through the check-in point and waved at Alexander as she passed security. She boarded the aeroplane and found her seat. She pulled out a book as soon as the plain started to ascend.


When she arrived in Port Angelus she was tired, but luckily she would be able to get some rest as soon as she got home. She went to baggage claim and spotted her bags. She picked the up and started to look for Charlie. Luckily the airport wasn't busy and there were only a few people around.

She spotted Charlie standing at the door looking for her. She walked towards him, pulling her bags behind her. "Dad," Olivia smiled at Charlie who instantly smiled back at her. She hugged him and Charlie kissed the top of her head.

"How are you?" Charlie asks as he took one of the bags and they started to make their way towards the police car. They put the cars in the back and got into the car. "I've been better. I think Alexander is taking it the hardest seeing as he grew up with him. Which reminds me I need to call him," Olivia says as she started to look through her backpack for her phone.

Charlie nodded. Olivia started to dial the number of Alexander. He picked up on the first ring. "Olivia, how was the flight?" Alexander asks and Olivia smiled at his quick question. "It was fine. I'm a little tired but when I get home, I will be able to rest for a while," Olivia says and Alexander hummed at the other end.

"Lucy says hello," Alexander says. "Tell her Hello back, but I suspect she already heard," Olivia says and Alexander let out a chuckle. "Well I will call you again when I get the chance, or tell you when the guard will be leaving with your car," Alexander says.

"All right," Olivia says. "Love you," She says again smiling. "Love you too, sis," Alexander says and hanged up. Olivia and Charlie talked on their way back to Forks. "So, Bella and Edward, how did that go?" Olivia asks and Charlie looked at her with an irritated look.


"Well, she ran off after she broke up with him. Broke her leg falling down a staircase and then through a window and in the end, she went back to him. They went to the homecoming dance last night," Charlie says and Olivia nods. Olivia is not sad that she missed the homecoming.

Her mind was on the man who Matthew and Alexander, as well as Lucy, calls her protector, she wondered when she would finally meet him face to face.

They arrived at the house and Olivia took notice of a silver car standing outside, more specifically, Edwards Car. She puts the block on her mind as Lucy taught her to do. It was the only way to keep Edward from reading her mind.

"Wonderful," Charlie muttered when he saw the car and Olivia laughed. "It will be fine," Olivia says as they got out. Bella and Edward came out of the house and Olivia saw Edward frown when he looked at her. He leaned towards Bella to tell her something and Bella also looked at Olivia. He probably told her that he can't read Olivia's thoughts.

Grabbing her bags they made their way up the stairs. "Bella, Edward," Oliva greeted and Bella smiled at her. Edward kissed Bella on the head before he walked towards the car, not saying a word to Olivia. "Well, he is a joy," Olivia says sarcastically and walked into the house.

She unpacked her clothes and the others she threw into her basket for washing. She dressed in her pyjamas before she got in the bed to get some rest.


Olivia was once again in the place Alice called Volterra. She wandered around until a door grabbed her attention. She walked into the room and noticed someone standing at the window. His back to her but she could see that he noticed that she was there.

"My Love," He says turning around to face her and Olivia's breath caught in her throat as she stared at him.

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