《Into The Unkown》Chapter 12


Olivia sat in her bed, it has been a few days since she finally saw his face and she can't get him out of her mind. He just smiled at her in her dream, but she knew instantly that when they meet in real life everything will change. The didn't talk in the dream, but Olivia was positive that even if they did she wouldn't have gotten a word out.

"Olivia, are you up?" Charlie asks poking his head into her room. Her bed was covered in papers and sketches. "Yeah, I'm up. I was just gathering my supplies to get to school to finish my painting. Mrs Mavis is supposed to be there already," Olivia says and Charlie nods. He looked at the sketch of the face of the man in Olivia's dream.

"Who's this?"Charlie asks picking it up. Olivia looked up from her sitting potion towards the sketch in her father's hands. "Um, I am not sure yet, but I'm thinking of using him as inspiration," Olivia says and Charlie nods. "I'll drop you off at school on my way to work," Charlie says and left. "Thank you!" Olivia shouted after him.

Olivia stood up and got dressed.

She gathered the last few of her things before she walked downstairs. Charlie dropped Olivia at the school and Olivia made her way towards the art room. She entered and smiled at Mrs Mavis. "Olivia, you're back," Mrs Mavis says smiling at Olivia.

"I am, and I am finally going to finish my painting," Olivia says walking towards her table setting her things down before she walked to the storage room and picking up her painting that was cover in a cloth. "So how did everything go?" Mrs Mavis asks as Olivia set the painting on the easel by her table.


"It went better than expected. My dad, Matthew, died a few days ago so I stayed for the funeral. I have an older brother called Alexander," Olivia says as she rearranged her paintbrushes. "Did you meet any new people?" Mrs Mavis asks and Olivia nods. "A few of my dad's work friends, or acquaintances as Alexander would call them," Olivia says and Mrs Mavis nods.

Olivia stood in front of her painting and started to mix the colours she would need. She then started to paint.

+Hours later+

Olivia took a few steps back and admired the painting. It was finished. "Oh, Olivia that looks amazing," Mrs Mavis says standing next to Olivia as they admired the painting. "He is very handsome," Mrs Mavis says and Olivia nods. "He is," She says smiling.

"Where did you meet him?" Mrs Mavis asks and Olivia smiles. "In a dream," She answers still smiling. "Well, I can already tell you that you did amazing. And Monday we can show it to the class," Mrs Mavis says to Olivia who smiled.

Maybe one day they would meet in person and Olivia has the feeling that it is somewhere in the near future. She hopes that is soon.

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