《Into The Unkown》Chapter 10


Olivia sat in between Alexander and Lucy dressed in a black knee-length dress that Lucy bought. Her hair was loose over her shoulders as she sat on the chair listening to the priest talking. It has been two days since Matthew's death and Olivia was taking it hard. She grew close to him in the time she spent with him. Alexander was trying to keep his composure. Olivia could see that he wanted to cry but he didn't want to seem weak in front of the people that were taking the photos. Luckily the police were creating a barrier to keep them from coming closer.

They lowered the coffin into the grave and Olivia walked closer and dropped a white rose on top of it. Alexander walked up next to her and puts his arm around her shoulder as he also dropped a white rose on top of the coffin. Some men started to fill the grave with dirt as Olivia and Alexander watched.

They walked towards their car and the people started taking photos of the two of them. They ignored them and continued on. The arrived at the apartment and Olivia went straight to the couch where she left the teddy bear from her protector. It was the second one he gave her but this one came with a note.


How I wish I could introduce myself to you properly, but by my image to the human eye, I look older than you and I want to keep you save. As I always have. Aro informed me that you have been thinking about me when he read your thoughts. One day when we meet I want to see the painting you are working on.

As I sit here by your bedside you seem peaceful. I want you to open your eyes and look at me, but that would mean I need to control myself better and I can't not yet. I suspect you still have the first bear I gave you, but here is another one, just in case the other one is looking bad after all these years.


Felix told me that he saved you from becoming a vampire and I am really grateful that he did because once you become of age and you want to become one, I want to be the one to change you.

Your brother is keeping a watchful eye on me from the door window, I think he is afraid that I might hurt you, but as I promised, I will never hurt you, my only regret is that I wasn't there in time to save you.

I will look after you, I promise.

Until we meet again, My La Tua Cantante.

il Mio amore.

- DV

Olivia read the letter. It is the third time she's read it in the past few days. It gave her a calm feeling, she's not sure why. She was curious about what those words mean, but she wanted to wait until she meets this man, so he can tell her what it means.

In the next two days, she will be getting ready to go back to Forks but before that, she and Alexander need to sit down with Matthew's lawyer to see what his will and testament says. "It is already confirmed that Alexander will take over the business and Olivia is sure he will be able to do it.

"Livy, are you all right?" Alexander asks and sat next to her. "I've been better. I just wish I had more time with him, like you. I wanted to know him better but it seems fate is against that," Olivia says and she started to tear up and Alexander brought her in for a hug.

"Just before he passed, I told me to tell you that he loves you. We might not be able to see him, but he is always with us, in here," Alexander says pointing towards Olivia's heart. Olivia smiled as she hugged Alexander back. "When are you and Lucy tying the knot?" Olivia suddenly asks and Alexander looked down at her in shock.


"How?" Alexander asks and Olivia smiled at him. "They way you act around each other, and don't think I didn't notice that she wears contact to hide her eyes," Olivia says and Alexander nods. "She is a vampire and the tying of the knot will happen when I finally ask her," Alexander says and Olivia nodded.

"Please tell me when you do, I would really like to be invited to the wedding," Olivia says and Alexander nods. "Tomorrow we meet with dad's lawyer and the day after you leave to go back to Forks," Alexander says and Olivia nodded. "Yes, sadly I have this thing called school and exams. And on top of that Charlie wants me home because after the whole Bella running away story, he is a little worried," Olivia says and Alexander nods.

+Next day+

Olivia and Alexander sat next o one another in the lawyer's office. He was searching for the will and testament of Matthew Sorrentino. "Ah, here it is," He says as he took out papers that were stapled together.

"The Will and Testament of Matthew Sorrentino. Well as we know the business goes to Alexander William Sorrentino," The Lawyer says looking towards Alexander who nodded in conformation. "It seems that Olivia Roslyn Sorrentino/Swan has a bank account that has money transferred in every month. She can access it on her seventeenth birthday. There is also a car in her name," The man says and Alexander nodded in conformation.

"Yes, my father opened the bank account for her and every month he pays money into it and I will continue to do so now that I run the business. Her car is, a light blue 1980 CJ-5, Jeep and one of the men will drive it down to Forks Washington for her," Alexander says and the man nodded.

"It seems that the two of you each have a vacation home on an island," The lawyer says and Olivia looked at him shocked. She didn't expect that. "Yes, I know the locations of them and I will tell Olivia of them," Alexander says and the lawyer nodded.

"There is nothing else, only the details about the business that I will give to Alexander Sorrentino, to review," The man says and the nodded, they each got papers to read and sign. It was to give them the things that were left for them As they sat in the car Olivia turned to Alexander.

"What did he mean that there are vacation homes on an island?" Olivia asks raising her eyebrow and Alexander chuckled. "Well, dad bought the two of us each an island. On our sixteenth birthdays. Yours was bought a few months ago and they are busy building the house. Myne is called il Lupo, it means the wolf, and yours is called, il piccolo fiore, it means The Little Flower. Dad used to call you that when we were in the company of people and he didn't want them to know about you, they always thought he was referring to the island," Alexander says and Olivia nodded.

"I'm just a little surprised that I have an island. I suspected the car but not the island or the bank account," Olivia says and Alexander nods. "Dad wanted to make sure that one day if you needed to escape you could go to the island, the car he got you is an old model but he fixed it up for you. It is a blue jeep. And the bank account is to make sure you that you are never in need of anything," Alexander says and Olivia smiled.

They sat in the car outside the apartment building. Sitting in comfortable silence they enjoyed their last day together, for now at least.

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